The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 660 - Silence

Aarvi tried to call Aaron but the lump in her throat left no word out of her lips. She ran behind him and tried to stop him, "R-Ronron…" She had just reached the elevator and the door completely closed.

The tears were streaming on her cheeks without understanding how it ended up that way. She just wanted to let him know he could fulfill his dreams. He doesn't have to be stuck with her and ignore his dreams. 'I want him to leave?' She never thought of it. 

She desperately wiped her face when her gaze became blurred due to tears while looking at the small screen which displayed the floor number of the elevator. She wanted it to move up and return to her. "Ronron, please come back." She pleaded with more tears rolling out.

She could bear his anger but she didn't like it. She never thought he could bring himself to push her away.. It was hurting. The more she tried to keep her calm, her tears weren't listening to her.

"Aarvi Evans, you can't cry. Be calm and think." She repeated to herself but she couldn't. The more she recalled his expression, it broke her further.

She hated herself for crying when she should have been calm and thought about what she did that made him angered. It was like her mind was on strike and all she could do was cry and repent. 

She ran back inside and searched her mobile. She dialed Aaron's number and kept it near her ear. But his mobile was right on the couch.

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Her eyes fell on the white envelope which was on the center table. She looked at the big bold prints on the envelope. 'Medical Research Centre, Imperial University.' 

She realized her mistake. She did what Jordan did in the past. Her intention was also right as Jordan but they chose the wrong path. Jordan didn't ask Aaron what he wanted and she assumed that he wasn't continuing his studies because he was bounding himself to her due to the troubles she was in. They didn't wait for Aaron to make his life decision. 

She never wanted to control him. She just wants him to think of him so that she could support him… 'Why can't I do anything for him?' Whenever she tried to do something, it was ruined every time, and this time she was entirely in the wrong. She felt like she never did anything right, hence nothing ever worked out.

  When she felt her back hit the wall, she crouched down, "I am sorry, Ronron… I am sorry…."


Aarvi was right. Aaron couldn't believe she never asked him even once and applied to the far-away medical center on behalf of him. They had struggled too much to get back together and she was pushing him away for three years. He thinks hundreds of times if he has to stay even a day far from her and she planned years of distance without consulting him even once.

He had thought they were tuning so well, living life too good to believe. As though somebody cursed them, somebody evil eye took their happiness, he felt like he was going back to zero.

When he had left once, she had suffered way too much. What would happen to them if he leaves again?

Would she get hurt again? He doesn't know. She could protect herself, she could take care of everyone and she could do everything on her own. She was so strong-headed and calm that she probably will live without the need of him. 

He didn't stay with her, afraid of being convinced by her. He didn't want to go back because he couldn't say no to her. Yes, it used to be his dream to have the best education, learn more and be an efficient doctor who could save more people. A part of him still wanted to do it but not at the cost of going so far from her. He really wanted somebody to convince her but he doubted anybody would succeed unless she could make up her mind. 

The elevator reached the basement floor and the doors opened. He stared at the cars but didn't step out. He knew running away won't solve it. They needed to speak and he needed time to accept that he might fail to convince her and he might have to go to a different and far away country. 

He slowly understood why Shawn was hurrying to take over different departments. It was apparent he already knew about this 'Surprise.' He was aware that Shawn and Aarvi respected his job too much and that solid reason was enough for them to support each other.

The door of the elevator closed and he didn't move. He leaned on the wall and closed his eyes. He had seen fear in her eyes. Fear of losing him. Then he couldn't understand why she arranged for him to leave.

'Does she even know what she is doing?' He strongly doubted it.

His cupcake had traveled four hours, just to be with him. "How could she do this?" He started doubting Zelda might have said something to her.

He pressed his finger on the biometric scan and the elevator started going up. Even if they have to part for three years again, he wanted it to be on a good note. Anger, sadness, disappointment, and miscommunication could ruin their relationship. He wanted to save what they had between them. He knew it was going to be tough for both of them, yet he made up his mind to keep both of them strong.

When he reached the penthouse, he saw the door was open. He went inside, his eyes desperately searched for his wife, his Cupcake. He caught the little frame sniffling hard, shrunk at the corner, crying and mumbling to herself.

He sighed. If her actions broke his heart once, her state was giving him more pain. If he hadn't returned, he was cent percent sure, she would have cried till she fainted. Even Laze wasn't there to soothe her. He pushed the door to close as he hurriedly went towards her.

As he went closer he deciphered her words, "...Come back… please come back…" She was yammering.

Aaron realized he didn't take his mobile and she was scared thinking he might not return. When she had the power to dig him out of anywhere, he couldn't believe she was crying for him. Probably that's the difference between how she treats him and handles others.

The door latching to the frame took her attention. She lifted her flushed, tear-stained face and caught his sight. "Ronron…" She hurriedly tried to stand and reach him. 

Aaron ran towards her looking at her right-leg home slipper caught under the left. Before he could reach her, she tripped and fell.

Aaron was momentarily speechless. The woman who left all the men pale in the Harmon mansion including her guards was crying her eyes out and tripped herself.

When he sat down in front of her, he saw her hesitation to reach him out. She didn't cry for the fall and apologized, "I am so sorry Ronron, I didn't mean to control you. I don't want to decide for you either. I was wrong to send your papers without taking your consent. I- I had seen the mail in your draft box so…" She shook her head trying to defend herself. She corrected herself, "I know I was in the wrong. If you don't want to go, it's alright. You don't have to." She lowered her head seeing him aloof without saying anything to her, "I am sorry, Ronron. Scold me if you are angry, please speak." 

Silence never could be a solution between couples.

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