The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 68 - Fake Boobs

Sean casually walked on the footpath trying to discern how his brother's men will handle or 'am I just overthinking?'

Just then he noticed a few men in the early twenties following him. They were wearing modest clothes and looked like they were from middle to low-class families under the dim lights of the streets.

"My brother is such a simpleton, he just knows local thugs. Ugh." He assumed to himself and was ready to reveal his real appearance but a solid punch reached his stomach and somebody shoved a cloth that silenced his tone as soon as he opened his mouth to scream.

He wanted to show his face but a black cap enclosed his head covering till his neck. The sharp, throbbing pain at his abdomen took hold of him constricting his movement. He wanted to stop everything they were doing but somebody caught his hands. 

Hazy, confused, and weak on his knees he felt he would collapse without understanding how a punch could make him weak? He felt his entire body was giving up when they threw him and his head hit the walls of the car trunk giving him another piercing pain down his spine.

While losing consciousness, he realized there might be Zolpidem or another drug to induce confusion, weakness, and make him unconscious. He desperately tried to move and talk but his body refused to listen to him.

Slowly he drifted off to unconscious state wishing they shouldn't be any business rival or ransom or thugs kidnapping him for money. He knew they couldn't rape him due to his gender but what if they are gay? He also prayed he didn't become a target of human trafficking for the extraction of his organs or tissues.

He regretted plotting such a ridiculous plan. 

Probably it was a sample of the karma of him and his brother. Sean and Leon are similar to each other and share alike interests. They had tortured women for their sexual desires and fantasies without knowing how it would feel if they were in those women's places.

Will they feel the pain in other shoes?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Nope. They just care about themselves.


Mike who initially instructed the driver of the taxi to drive slowly, urged him to drive faster to follow the van which was speeding on the road. The driver followed his instruction without a word.

They drove out of the city in forty minutes then the driver's voice turned slightly hoarse carrying displeasure, "Mister, I can't drive further out of the city. This is a city taxi."

Mike flustered when the taxi halted aside, "I... I will double your charge. Please drive..."

"No, triple it else I will not come." The driver demanded rudely. Seeing the hurriedness he used the chance to earn more. The greediness of humans is not uncommon.

Mike was alternating his gaze between the driver and the van. He didn't memorize any of his friend's contact numbers to call for help. Even if he knew, none had Leon's number to contact him. So he couldn't lose Sean's track.

"Alright alright... Drive now... fast..." He grunted loudly to pressure the driver.

The driver drove and as he kept making more demands, "If the distance increases more than ten, you have to pay more..."

Mike blurted out in fury, "Avaricious" but he forgot he was no less greedy for wealth.

The driver turned around and spat, "If you can't, I will stop." His threat didn't go in vain, panicking Mike more.

If Sean returns safely because of him, he was sure Leon would give anything he wishes so a few thousand didn't matter at the movement. "Fine Fine, I will give you half a million. Now drive."

For a taxi driver, half a million is too much and he would never say no for it. Without knowing the trouble he was getting into, he accelerated at the highest speed he could drive, used all his driving skills to cover the distance between the kidnapped vehicle and the taxi.


Are the kidnappers, fools that they miss to notice a taxi behind them from the city for more than an hour?

They didn't stop on the road as the taxi might halt and take reverse. They were in no mood to chase to catch them so they used a different method to lock them down.

They quickly ambushed in the cross dark road behind bushes confusing them to drive ahead. Just as they passed, they went behind them and blocked the taxi.

Mike thought he could tell them Sean was the one they kidnapped and alighted. The two big blurry men alighted from the van, they were tall and looked cruel with an annoyed and sinister expression on their face.

Mike was overconfident that they will listen to them so he started speaking. "Hey, I am..."

'Thump.' The heavy fist with a tremendous force straight landed right on his face causing him to pass out in a blink of an eye.

The taxi driver wanted nothing at that movement. He regretted following Mike's order by thinking Mike was catching his girlfriend in action cheating on him. He didn't foresee the possible threat and danger behind it.

He changed the gear to reverse and slammed on the accelerator before another man could reach his side. He knew his life is more important than the money or saving Mike so he escaped from them.

Mike was lying on the ground when those men saw his swollen face. The men who Sean had to protect knew who is Mike but not the one who kidnapped. So Sean's bodyguards were outside the club waiting for Sean thinking the latter was in there.

Throwing Mike to the trunk of the car next to Sean, those men didn't bother anymore and drove away to the villa and garage of Leon Harmon where Leon usually does all illegal work in the underground of the villa.

--- After half an hour ---

Those men spoke to themselves after tying up unconscious Sean and Mike. A man spoke, "Didn't the boss say we have to kidnap a girl? He is a man and those are fake boobs. they are silica." He pulled globes out of Sean's chest and showed it to other men.

They usually do the work ordered by Leon without caring about the purpose behind it. Now one assumed to himself, "This bastard must be fooling the third young master. No doubt, our boss wanted us to kill him. How dare he try to trick the Harmon family?"

Picking a heavy rod, he flung it on the waist of Sean Harmon whose face was still covered. The throbbing pain woke up Sean Harmon to see only darkness.

He was standing with his hands being tied up, his legs were tied together without giving any chance to move around. He wanted to cough up but the cloth in the mouth avoided it by making him hard to breathe. 

He was desperate to speak to inform them that he is Sean Harmon however other than feeling the excruciating pain, letting tears fall, he had no other choice. 

Sean was still dizzy when he heard pull of the gun slide to recoil for operating it with a sinister voice that could freeze a weak heartened to death, "I am killing him."

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