The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 712 - An Anticipatory Bail

"Leon Harmon, I dare you to forget who I am." She glowered, putting the hall into deafening silence. "I, Aarvi Evans, will do everything to destroy you."

Aarvi's initial plan was to play behind the scenes during Leon's legal procedures. She had let Nikun handle everything as a face of Leon's destruction. People would have asked Nikun who was standing behind him. Nikun would have faced pressure but her identity would have been a secret.

Nevertheless, She made a lot of changes in her whole plan when she got to know Leon dared to put his hands in the kidnap and made Aaron worried all night.

In the night, Aaron had tried to lie to her but she caught his lie. Hence he had no choice but to tell her everything. If she had planned her own kidnap, why would Aaron be so worried that even a faint smile was difficult to bloom on his face?

After knowing Aaron wasn't stopping her but increasing the security for her, she requested if they could behave unknown and trick them to kidnap somebody in her place. The one who took her place was a lady cop.

In the morning, the cops were tapping Leon's mobile after Aaron complained in the night. That's how they found prime evidence to arrest Leon due to Aarvi's sensitive identity.

Not just Aarvi, none had expected Leon could be brave or retarded enough to attack her in front of all, much less the cops were standing right there.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Now everyone would know she hired Nikun Morris and she will tear down Leon to no return. Instead of keeping a secret, she meant her words to destroy Leon when he dared to lay a finger on her. She didn't care how the world or people were going to take her actions and judge her. 

The cops reacted with the three but Leon was taken down by them, no, taken down by Aarvi. The shareholders were shocked to hear Leon tried to kidnap Aarvi. They wanted to think it might be because she had the power of attorney of Elder Harmon. 

As if it wasn't enough for them to digest, Leon's attack came like a huge blow, shuddering their heart in their chest. Aarvi wasn't just anybody, people were in a queue to gain her favor by cringing or flattering for Skylar and to reach Rivas. Their poor hearts continued to suffer. It didn't take two seconds for them to freeze like a rock forgetting to breathe while watching and hearing Aarvi. 

Destroying Leon? What about the company? None cared. The fear which should have been in Leon was in their eyes. They didn't dare to take a breath, afraid of making any noise. 

Elder Harmon had noticed everything so closely. He was trembling with the thought of Leon hurting Aarvi. He instinctively swung his cane and stopped when Aarvi was able to fight back and took the lead. Even though he should have been sad or panicked, he had a smile. She always made him crave granddaughters, a lot of them.

At the door, Dylan and Aeon reached to hear her words crystal clear, giving the death sentence. They hadn't seen her angered and murderous. Without knowing what Leon attended that tore her unimaginable patience and serenity.

Whereas Leon woke up to reality when the pain was excruciating. More than anybody he knew the aftereffects and troubles he might get in by attacking her publicly, much less the cops. Even if he proves as if he had no hand in the kidnap, he would be buried into the ground just for holding her hair.

Alex or Elder Harmon, they didn't dare to hold her. The cops didn't have a lady officer so they hurriedly tried to get her away from Leon. If a little more pressure on her pointed heels, Leon wouldn't take his last breath right there.

"President Evans, let us take control. Please come back." The captain requested while Alex made sure they didn't try to pull her away.

"Young Madam…" He spoke in a low tone. He knew she would have control over herself, but the haunting experience could trigger a person wrongly.

Aarvi breathed slowly. She knew what she was doing, yet she craved to piece her heels into his neck. She left him and went aside. She breathed deep twice to calm down and instructed, "Emma, I want the footage."

Emma, the chubby cute secretary, was staring at Aarvi, the whole time. If Leon could do that in public, she didn't want to imagine what he might have done to Aarvi three years ago. 

When she heard her name, she trembled even though the voice was back to softer and her gaze calm. Even though she admired Aarvi, a bit of fear stayed when her anger was at its peak.

It took her a few seconds to fathom Aarvi's words, she nodded vigorously and ran out. Dylan realized Emma was the aid of Aarvi. He didn't stop her.

The cops always stood at a distance and gave respect to Leon. So they would have taken him out respectfully if he had cooperated without attacking Aarvi. Now, the two held his arms and Leon groaned in pain having no control over his arm. 

Alex clenched his teeth, probably he should have stood between Leon and Aarvi. He couldn't break another arm due to the cops around. So he roughly relocated his arm making Leon groan painfully.

Alex dusted his hands lazily stating to the cop who turned to him in speechless, "No need of hospital now." The cops thought Leon could use his arms as a reason to avoid the police station. So they didn't comment.

Leon held his arm and glared at Aarvi's black. His face didn't have fear. There was anger and intense hatred directed towards her. He announced, gritting his teeth, "I have an anticipatory bail." He was preparing for her attack.

He certainly knew she wouldn't kill him. If she doesn't kill him after pulling him off his position, then she wouldn't dare to leave him outside freely. So the only option she had was locking him up or handing him to the law. She wouldn't do something illegal, he had noticed it. So the option was law. So he had taken the anticipatory bail. A bail that issued even before the person is arrested.

Many looked at each other thinking if Leon would be left out, The police captain broke their thoughts and Leon's little hope, "This is a non-bailable warrant. President Harmon, did you forget who the lady is?" He scoffed, reminding him of Aarvi's words.

Leon's eyes widened at the words. It only increased his hatred towards Aarvi. He gnashed his teeth harder and glared at Aarvi's back. He had felt her tremble in the spot. If Alex hadn't attacked, he would have held her throat and escaped with her as a hostage. 

It was just his split-second plan, it would have been impossible as he had no weapons, and Aarvi would have unquestionably protected herself with her frail hands and strong legs.

A glint of surprise flashed in his eyes when he saw Aarvi vigorously rubbing her palms with the tissue without facing anybody. He had noticed Elder Harmon or Alex didn't dare to touch her when their hands had reached to hold her. He even recalled Aarvi scolding Aeon for holding her and Aeon apologizing to her for the same. He discerned that Aarvi couldn't handle anybody's touch other than her close circle. 

The captain instructed the other officers, "Take him out."

Leon didn't move when the officers tugged him.. He demanded, hiding his sinister smile, "I need to speak with her privately."

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