The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 714 - Dethroned

'I will expose your true identity.'

Aarvi sensed the frustration and panic in Leon's tone due to his failed attempts. So she was quick to discern he was expecting her to accept as she planned her kidnap when she didn't. She doubted the room camera had a voice recorder. So… He has a recorder. Aarvi smirked. 'Dumbheaded.' She thought.

She walked out of the room to take care of the pending meeting without a hint of worry, "Go ahead, let the world know I am Evans." She knew Leon meant her real identity.

However, Aaron had everything arranged to prove Aarvi aka Ava Kelly doesn't remember anything after her accident three years ago. Taking her behavior after a coma, even the psychiatrist believed she forgot everything, Aaron also created a bunch of evidence to prove Leon was behind the accident. Leon would still be the one cry in the end. 

With Aaron next to her, she could be careless to her bones.

Leon was dragged out of the room when he wanted to threaten her. Well, he had planned a lot of things to defend. He could only hope they will come to use.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Aarvi paused when she saw Dylan hadn't entered inside the meeting hall. The latter sensed she had something for him. He reached her as though he was passing by her.

"Go, help your brother." She protected Dylan from Leon's ire because she wanted Dylan to continue his act of good brother.

Dylan paused and turned to her. Help? He couldn't understand what she was planning. If he helps Leon and the latter comes out, he would seek her first and do anything to kill her.

Aarvi sensed his movements and halted in her steps. She turned behind. She looked at the cops dragging away Leon, then at Dylan, "Do you think he can win with your help?" She probed giving him the hint.

Dylan's brows slowly raised. She was cruel. She wanted to give hope to Leon every day, just to snatch it away. Leon would think he has his people outside whereas Dylan wasn't really on Leon's side. She was going to break him inch by inch until he had no power to hold himself. 

He was right about his deduction and he had nothing to say to her. He faintly nodded at her and ran behind Leon. He wanted Aeon to be President and Leon to lose everything. Both were happening, he would gladly play along to his doom or a better life.


Aarvi entered the meeting hall to see Aeon had already taken control. What surprised her was the dead silence of the shareholders. Many swallowed hard when they looked at her. 

Elder Harmon worriedly asked while seated on his chair, "Aarvi, are you alright?" He extended his hand to hold her and sensed her reluctance to touch anyone so he withdrew his hand.

Aarvi pursed her lips. Even though she wasn't panicking like in the past, she itched to go home and wash up. At that time, she couldn't handle anybody getting close to her, Aaron was an exception. She nodded at Elder Harmon as she responded, "I am." Then she let him know she had to leave quickly, "I need to drop by the police station to give a statement." She said as she looked at the shareholders, standing beside Elder Harmon.

Her eyes swept over the shareholders twice before she announced, "Aeon Harmon isn't a proxy." She knew Aeon wanted to take the position slowly while handling the internal affairs of the problem. But she didn't want to visit Harmon Industries again and again just to confirm Aeon's position which she promised to Elder Harmon.

"I won't let Leon Harmon be free." She simply meant, 'Aeon Harmon is the President of Harmon Industries from this day and forward.'

Everyone watched her hearing her irrefutable words. It was like they had no right to voice their opinion.

"Does anyone have an objection?" She questioned loud and clear. Her voice didn't hold the same calmness and gentleness she had in her tone before Leon attacked.

The shareholders looked at each other. When she went out, they were trying to digest what happened when Aeon took over the meeting. Even though he wasn't cold and intimidating, he was serious and precise. 

Aeon showed the pictures of Cornbell and his wife in a foreign land. He gave a reason as his friend identified the man and gave him the information about the location. He lied about the location as per Aarvi's instruction. She didn't want to take the chance of any shareholder being in contact with Cornbell. 

The shareholders assumed Aeon came to Harmon Industries to report about it but found his brother arrested. They were surprised to see Aeon and Elder Harmon staying in the meeting instead of trying to save Leon. Well, with Aarvi standing there as their aid, how could they help Leon.

Hearing Aarvi mention Aeon wasn't a proxy of anybody, they understood she was pointing at Aeon should be the President of Harmon Industries. Since Aeon assured them they would solve the situation very quickly, they had no objection.

Aeon stared at her stern side profile. It was clear whatever Leon did had affected her yet there she stood strong and unbreakable. It lifted his spirits. He turned to the shareholder, "The company needs a leader to handle this mess without delay. We will meet after a month. Then you can state any dissatisfaction or changes if any." He sounded confident and controlling. The must qualities to lead a company.

Elder Harmon smiled hearing Aeon. The latter might not have experience but he was sure Aeon could handle it well if he put his mind into it. He just needs to learn when to be sly and when to be kind.

The shareholder finally reacted in acceptance of the arrangements. An old man who was sitting to Elder Harmon's right quickened Aeon, "Then Aeon, quick, start the procedure and don't delay time."

Aeon nodded with a faint smile. "Thank you, everyone." He turned to his assistant and signaled him to get him the papers quickly. Elder Harmon just needs to sign a paper to appoint Aeon and fire Leon.

That's how, before Leon could be found guilty, he was dethroned.

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