The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 72 - Cease And Tame

In the Rivas hospital

After leaving the villa or the illegal work locus of Leon, the latter brought Sean to the hospital. Even though Sean wasn't beaten black and blue, the last hit by the iron rod had created an internal injury and blood clot inside. It wasn't major yet the minor operation was carried out to treat the internal organ. 

Sean woke up post breakfast time to see Leon sitting in his ward without going home or bothering to change his suit. His raspy voice sounded in the room to get Leon's attention from the laptop. "Bro..."

Leon was instant to react to his voice. He closed his laptop and went to the bedside. Caressing Sean's head, his weak voice sounded full of concern, "How are you champ? You really scared me when you passed out in the car."

Sean smirked, scratching his head, "I thought I was fine, I just felt dizzy and I don't know what happened after that."

Leon helped him to sit and drink water as he briefed, "We quickly brought you here and after a scan, we got to know your abdomen is injured so you had a minor operation. You will need a week's rest."

Sean hummed. Whatever he wanted would come to his sight so he didn't care if he has to rest or play around.

Just like how a father would take care of his little son. Leon treated Sean the same way from helping him to the bathroom to change his clothes and feeding breakfast to medicines prescribed.

Leon carefully took the Beauty in Black's topic, "Inform your girlfriend, don't you want her to visit you?"

Sean chuckled hearing it, He hadn't forgotten the previous day's events, "Bro, you wanted to kill her right? What's wrong with me marrying her? She is beautiful, she works hard and she is sensible too. Fooling her is easy, I thought if I have her, I can have as many women as I want. She is too innocent."


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Leon wanted to laugh at it.

Leon didn't hide his true opinion on marriage, "You will marry Sara Dawson. The Dawson family and their business befit us. Other women are only meant to be a toy for you."

Sean realized what Aarvi and Aeon said about Leon was cent percent right. He couldn't understand why he didn't know. "My Beauty in Black is ten times better than that makeup cake face of Sara Dawson. She acts pure but she is arrogant."

"Sean!" Leon returned to the couch as he spoke, "You will get many beauties but not the affluent family daughter... If you insist, call her here for me to meet."

Sean panicked, "No No... I don't want to marry her now. I just compared two ladies. Even though marrying Aarvi is good, she is a headache."

Leon hid his cunning smile hearing him blurt out, "Aarvi what?"

Sean didn't care to hide from Leon any more but... Aarvi what? He failed to remember, "I don't know."

"Excuse me?" Leon wasn't sure whether he should scold Sean for being irresponsible with girls around him or laugh at his naiveness.

Sean slowly revealed everything, "Actually bro, I know nothing about her. I don't know where she lives, where she works, or her full name."

Leon was unperturbed because when his team couldn't trace her, he knew well there was something fishy but at least he expected to hear fake information.

Sean continued about Aarvi, "She has a bad past so she didn't allow me to touch her either. She is the one who asked me to work if I want to date her. She is older than me and she had asked me to hide everything about her from you."

Leon lopsided smirk escaped from his lips and he remarked casually, "And you call her innocent."

Sean still didn't doubt Aarvi, "She fears rich people. I had to plead with her to trust and date me. She was scared you might break us apart. She had told me you will not allow us to be together."

Leon understood why Sean always hid things from him but he couldn't understand how Sean's attraction was nearing the end. "Do you still call her innocuous?"

Sean wanted to nod but paused looking at Leon's judgemental look. 'Why bro is asking the same question again and again? I will prove to him that I am right.' He thought to himself and took his mobile which Leon's men had given him.

"Bro, I will call her and tell her I am admitted to hospital. Wait and see how she will start crying and run over here." He confidently unlocked his mobile and started searching in his contact list.

Leon relaxed on the couch as he planned to track her number to locate her position. He just had to wait for the call to go through, his team was ready to trace her location in no time. 

It wasn't only now, in the past weeks they had tried to trace each call but one phone number call always hung up in less than a minute without giving them time to trace other than knowing she is from Mocon.

The number was private and the contact details can't be fetched from the confidential data. He had tried to bribe to get the information but somebody powerful is stopping them.

Leon saw Sean frantically search again and again so he inquired, "What's wrong?"

Sean answered in confusion, "I can't find her contact in the phonebook or call log." Leon's team also didn't have the number so the first path is blocked.

"Messenger? Social Media?" Leon asked.

Sean responded as he opened the messenger, "She isn't on any social media." He scrolled in the messenger and raised his head, "Bro, I never deleted our chat but I can't find."

Leon thought about the possibilities while Sean randomly guessed using his incompetent brain, "Bro, Mike had my mobile for more than an hour. I am sure he did something." A minute Aarvi holding his mobile didn't count and he doesn't remember it either.

Leon frowned hearing that. He also let his brain work on Sean's worthless guess as he mulled over it. 'Was Mike an accomplice? Is that the reason Mike never reported anything about that Beauty in Black?'

The similar thoughts were going in Sean's head and he voiced out, "Bro, that bastard Mike wanted my Beauty in Black. He always asked me to take him to meet her. How dare he want to try on the woman I want? He purposefully erased so that I couldn't contact her."

For Sean, Aarvi is still an innocent, simple-minded girl who is too fragile and delicate without a single impure thought in her mind. He started thinking Aarvi should contact him soon else his plan to get her and his nightmare of black food dinner would go in vain.

For Leon, Aarvi is a cunning woman who was planning to become Mrs.Harmon and Mike helped her to get that place. He didn't say anything to Sean and asked him to rest. 


After going out of the hospital, Leon spoke to Sean's bodyguards about the previous day events and collected all the mobiles to examine why Sean had replaced everyone's mobile. But he got nothing fruitful in any of the mobile.

He sent a request to the restaurant management for the security footage but got a response as unless cops with a search warrant appear, they can't let the privacy of customers be at risk. If anybody tries to get the footage sneakily, they will get a foreigner girl sitting with Sean.


While Aarvi was enjoying with Aaron flying a kite in the blue sky, the Harmon brothers were working up their brain with one thinking about taming her and another one thinking to cease her life.

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