The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 761 - An Insignificant Lady

The next day, the couple flew to country S with Roach. For everyone who knew Aarvi assumed her battle was over, excluding two. Zain and Aaron knew there was one and she was stalling time to reach that person. They had questions but chose to leave behind and see when she would take action.

As soon as the couple landed in country S, they purely had plans to go to the villa, Aarvi bought for them. The locality was silent and close to Aaron's medical center. However, they were taken away by a team of black suit men.

After an hour, they reached the Evans estate. The estate was huge due to security purposes. As they entered inside, Aarvi's lips twitched, realizing that Evans had created their city inside. They had a spa, arcade, different sports zones, helipads, air traffic control room, huge car garage, a ballroom to host private parties, buggy vehicles, a private 5D theatre, beautiful gardens. Aarvi lost count of what she saw. Everything was built at ground level as if it was just any other regency in the country.

After looking at those, she expected they would live in ostentatious mansions but it was minimalist, modern, and peaceful. Nevertheless, it was expensive and spread out widely in two stories.

Aarvi noticed, six members standing by the door to welcome them. Jaxon was with a young lady, his fiancee. Allie was back home and Martin was loitering behind her. Her eyes fell on the other couple. She identified an elder man, Felix Evans, the business tycoon. 

Her jaws almost dropped looking at the lady, "Lillian Joulie!?" She was an infamous celebrity people remember even after so many years of her absence from industries. Many people think she isn't alive anymore.

Aaron hummed, confirming her doubt. She suddenly turned to Aaron and her surprise morphed to curiosity, "Ronron, I never asked, how do you know them? Why do they give such importance to you?" 

Aaron briefed simply, "It was a coincidence."

Aarvi: "..."

Coincidence could bring people so close? Aarvi was amused. They met the family, and everyone welcomed them warmly. Though Aarvi couldn't get close so easily, she didn't give them the cold shoulder. And they weren't pretentious, they were just like any other normal family. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After the usual meet and greet, they sat in the living room when Felix caught Aarvi and Aaron speaking in action, "What are you guys signalling at each other?" He teased them.

Aarvi was silently crying because Shea had said too much about Aaron's 'Cupcake.' She wanted to hole to hide. Before Aaron said anything, she changed the topic, "I was asking how you all got to know Ronron… Aaron."

Lillian chuckled hearing her correct herself and bit her tongue, "Aarvi, we already know you were calling him Ronron... It's cute."

Aarvi: "..."

She really needs to find Shea and torture her. No, she should kick Nikun for selling them to Shea.

Felix chuckled at the question, "We met your husband when he was still a student."

Allie continued, "Yes, I was paragliding and the wind got intense out of blue. I couldn't control it and fell into the forest."

Aaron continued when Allie looked at him, "There was a village on the mountains where I was on medical camp. I was on a break when I saw her fall. Seeing her fall, Martin panicked and started to glide down."

Martin cleared his throat in embarrassment. 

Jaxon chuckled, "He was a little fool. As soon as he glided, he was caught in the wind too."

"It's not about me." Martin snorted and looked away causing everyone to laugh.

Aaron continued his part, "Since I saw it, I spoke to the villagers and got to know it was forest, there will be none to help. However, the senior doctor couldn't descend the mountain and my classmates weren't ready to enter the forest."

Aarvi nodded and turned to Allie who leaned on her mom and continued, "I thought I would die. The parachute was stuck to the branches so I didn't hit the ground. My leg was injured and lost lots of blood. That's when your husband in white coat ran over there with some villagers. I passed out after seeing them. Your husband treated me, shifted me to the hospital, donated his blood, and saved me."

Aarvi understood the Evans family wanted to thank Aaron. Instead, they liked Aaron and got along. She slowly turned to Martin, "What about him?"

"Aarvi Evans, you just want to bully me, don't you?" Martin growled which made the Evans family burst into laughter.

Aaron continued to embarrass Martin for yelling at his wife, "Luckily he wasn't hurt, he was hanging down the trees and shouting, screaming for help. A villager who was with me found him and helped him down."

"Ohh…" Aarvi added and all went for another laughter, irritating Martin more.

Aaron added again, "He was the one who carried Allie to the hospital. Then shifted her to the city for further treatment." Though he never thought they would meet him again, they visited him and Jaxon often dropped by. Unexpectedly both got along so Jaxon occasionally stayed with Aaron.

"That's so sweet."

"Sweet!?" The two friends exclaimed in unison.

"There is nothing sweet about carrying a pig."

"This annoying dumb-headed made me carry his bags for the whole year after I got well."

Then two started. Aarvi laughed at their banter and saw Felix and Lilian, Jaxon, and his fiancee too knew those two liked each other but had a weird relationship. Whereas Jaxon and his fiancee were a sweet and silent couple.

"We wanted your husband to join our medical center. He turned us down to go back for you." Felix said. They were hoping to see her but got to know she met with a brutal accident. Then Aaron requested if they could give their name to her, just a name on paper. Anyway, the family was ready to accept her as a daughter.

"If the research center wasn't in a different city, I would have asked you two stay with us. Feel at home and come here often. Any kind of problem, we are just a call away." Lillian said giving no room for turning down.

Aarvi accepted as it was mainly directed at her, "Sure, Madam Evans."

Allie again complained, "Come on, you can call Aunt and Uncle. Me by name."

Aarvi awkwardly laughed while Aaron enjoyed her expression, "Alright, I will slowly get used to it."

"Slow? I am leaving tonight. We might meet after a few months or a year."

Aarvi was inarticulate for a second. Then she slowly breathed and responded, "Yes, stubborn Allie Evans."

Allie: "..."

Everyone laughed looking at her nonstop chatter fall in to speechless.

After a little more talk, they dispersed here and there. Aaron was speaking with Felix when Aarvi was with Jaxon on the front lawn.

"How is the acquisition of Mercator logistics going on?" 

"The plan is going smoothly. The acquisition will take time until the police case closes. The other companies are lagging behind us. So we have the upper hand."

"That's great then."

"What about you? Are you planning to set up a branch here?"

Aarvi sighed and revealed promptly, "I initially planned to do so but the market is at peak right now. I might face black slash. So I will wait for the opportunity while studying the market."

"That's a smart move. We need patience at the wrong market time." Jaxon added and turned his laptop to her, "I am not sure if I will be able to fulfill your request though."

Aarvi smiled looking at the recommendation email. She shook her head, "This is more than enough. Thank you, Brother Jaxon. I owe this one."

Jaxon shook his head in resignation. It was just an email, She was too formal in his view.

"What's up?" Aaron stood behind Aarvi looking at displeased expression on Jaxon.

"Your Cupcake... Uff, she wants to see you every day." He took the laptop and left the space for the couple.

Jaxon practically revealed she took help from him. She pouted when Aaron came in front of her, "I feel like I owe them too much. My name, this help, now…" She had no choice, else she wouldn't have asked.

"There, there…" He hugged his wife. 

She got the taste of how much things differ from home country to a foreign land.. She was just an insignificant lady at the new place.

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