The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 764 - The Colorful Fireworks

At Shawn's end,

Shawn was a good businessman, he needed a little time to tactfully handle the cunning clients. Milo Wen was an efficient assistant to guide him and handle such situations. After Aarvi and Aaron left the country, the change in the president was announced.

People and media had lots of questions, some even stated that there is a divide in the family when Connor was spotted at the airport. There were a thousand speculations, none bothering to answer that. If they answer one, the media will ask more so they avoided everything.

Some waited to see Rivas Indystries facing a severe blow after Aaron left. They didn't expect Shawn, who was known as DJ Prince, to do better than Aaron. However, despite the changeover, there was no change in the market value and shortly after a few months, he bagged a major project. Everyone stopped doubting his capabilities. 

However, when it came to personal life, Shawn had to hear from his family. Zelda knew Shea was staying in Aarvi's penthouse whereas the rest knew Shea and Shawn were living together. Karsen and Jordan had a good talk with Shawn regarding their no-name relationship. They didn't hide their displeasure at such a relationship. They just wished for them to have clarity about their own relationship. 

Megan couldn't scold Shea, she didn't scold Shawn either. She wished him to get who he loves and what he deserves. She asked not to pursue someone too long if she doesn't share his views.

Shawn knew what worried his family. Aaron let him do what he seems fit, Aarvi was still worried about them. Dax wished he doesn't have to go through a heartbreak. Despite all that stress, Shawn didn't pressure Shea. Though they didn't bring up about officially dating each other, they were no different from the couple involved romantically.

If she studied overnight, he would be around her, doing his work. If he was lazy on Sunday mornings, she would accompany him on the bed talking about all the nonsense and laughing together. 

He would drop her and sometimes pick her from the hospital, she would cook for him, even take care of the penthouse. Shopping, movies, long drives, outings… There was not a single thing they didn't do. Everything was blended so perfectly, but at the end of the day, he didn't know what they actually were.

He was indeed too invested in their relationship without knowing if she was going to stay or leave. Dax warned him after a year saying it was too long yet no one showed displeasure in front of Shea.

Shea was busy with her work when Shawn and Dax were going to country S to visit Aarvi, of course, Aaron too. Though Shawn was excited to meet Aarvi after a year, by the end of the day, he saw no message or a call from Shea. He knew it was high time.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Shea wasn't oblivious. She just loved everything when she was with Shawn. Even fighting and arguing with him was a beautiful memory she couldn't forget.

They got along so well that she considered proposing to him. It wasn't because she didn't know what to call him if others asked, it wasn't because Nikun and Mehak were questioning her again and again. She genuinely wanted these fun, sweet days to last forever.

But the fear of losing, fear of heartbreak stopped her again and again. What if everything changes later? What if he likes it casual? Why didn't he bring it up yet? Numerous questions bugged her.

Shea planned to go with Shawn and Dax to meet the couple. But some emergency stopped her from leaving the country. She didn't tell Shawn her grandfather was serious so that he could go and enjoy his holidays. Though she was busy all day, she missed him when eating, when going to bed or just sitting for a minute. 

To make her state more terrible her grandmother announced that she set a blind date with a guy. Shea didn't even have the choice to deny and heard her grandmother saying they will arrange a wedding immediately so that her grandfather could attend.

When Shea denied and stated she likes somebody, her grandmother just locked her in her bedroom and said she will be out only when the groom comes to pick her for the date. If she really had somebody, then she should call him home to meet them.

Her brothers failed to bring her out of the room. She tried to reach Shawn over the call for the whole day but the number was unreachable as the three friends went out on an outing. 

She didn't know what Shawn would think but she held the last straw she had. She reached Megan and cried out everything that's going on in her place. She added at last, "I will marry Shawn or nobody else."

Of course, Megan didn't accept her so easily. She didn't want Shea to use her son as an escape from an arranged marriage. Though she never showed displeasure to Shea during the whole year, Megan had started to avoid Shea. Thus she was stern while asking, "Why do you want to marry my son?"

Shea fell silent for a few seconds to breathe. She tried to make sense without blabbering, "With Shawn, I feel like me, I don't have to pretend what I am not. I get happy even if he bullies me, teases me, nags me, scolds me, or smacks me. I like to tell him everything without feeling I am obliged to do so. There are no rules and regulations, dos and don'ts between us. The home feels incomplete without him..."

Megan asked when Shea paused to take a breath, "Why didn't you tell all these to Shawn?"

Shea sensed as Megan was angry. Anyway, who wouldn't be angry at her behavior? "I was afraid… I feel cheesy, stupid, crazy…" She couldn't believe all those words were out of her mouth. She always believed she could live alone till she started living with Shawn.

Megan didn't reveal any emotions. She plainly said, "I will see what I can do, Shea." Then she hung up the call.

Shea buried herself in the bed without knowing where this was taking her. She felt like her grandparents should have pressured her when she was in Mocon with Shawn. That would have pushed her to speak with Shawn directly.

The fear stayed behind.

After two days, Shea heard the door unlock before lunchtime. However, she buried herself under the sheets, expecting her mother to ask her to get ready for the blind date.

"Looks like the bride isn't willing to marry my son."

Shea's eyes glowed under the sheets and she sat up identifying the voice, "Aunt Megan…" She got off the bed, hugged Megan. Meanwhile, her mother was speechless.

The Morris family had no reason to turn down the Rivas family or Shawn. Even if they wanted to nitpick, they got nothing to point out. Shea was the happiest there, ready to leave the Morris family as soon as possible.

But there was still a big hurdle after convincing the Morris family. Jordan and Megan told Shea that everything will depend on Shawn's decision after she speaks with Shawn.

So the fear was back.

Shawn returned, he was polite but a little distant, she didn't know the reason. Shawn wanted to have a serious chat with her and she was also thinking about how to break the bomb. Both waited for him to adjust to the jet lag.

Shawn was getting ready for his office when she chose to speak. She initially thought she could propose to him. But he might get mad after hearing his family met her family, without his consent. So a good conversation felt better.

"Shawn, grandfather was admitted to the hospital. He had a brain stroke."

Shawn stopped his actions and understood she was busy hence she didn't contact him, "Why didn't you call me, Shea? How is he doing right now?"

Shea continued with a hint of hesitance, "He is discharged. Since he is old, he lost some of his memories. It might take time to recover or he might never recover those memories.."

Staying with her every day, Shawn learned a lot of things about medical conditions. So he could understand the complexity of the situation. He sat next to her and hugged her, "It's alright. Grandfather will be fine."

He suddenly had a realization. Turning her to face him, "Did your grandmother pressurize you for the marriage?"

Shea became more nervous. Her breath hitched, she nodded vigorously and tried to speak, but failed. She felt her throat dry thinking of every negative result.

Unaware, what was going on in her mind. He thought she was scared of being forced. His thumb gently caressed her cheek as he probed without a second thought, "Let's get married." If she still couldn't make her mind, he will have no choice but to end their nameless relationship.

"Huh!?" Shea felt like she was hearing things. She pinched herself until her skin turned red and her eyes teared up. Then she urged him, "Could you please repeat it for me again?" She made a super pleading face.

Shawn smacked her due to her act. He wasn't joking there. He picked her dramatic tone to ask, "Ms. Morris, could you leave your fear behind and marry me?" Her family wasn't going to let her off so easily. So why not?

Shea felt like the colorful fireworks going on inside her body.. She leaped on him screaming in excitement.

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