The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 99 - Orchids

The only thing Shadow team is scared of is Aarvi, she was too quick and artful in ambushing. They had once searched the whole area, security cameras failing to locate her so their thoughts were replaced with Aarvi tricking Nico Burton.

Their gaze landed on Nico who was clueless amidst the crowd of people crossing and moving on the busy street at the office peak hour.

They wanted to make sure she was safe but she had assigned tasks to be behind each military man so they followed her orders while Nico dialed his men to ask where Aarvi was, "Where did she go?"

Since they were in public, Nico's men didn't address as they used to, "Sir, she just disappeared in a blink of an eye."

Another man on the line also responded, "She didn't cross the road either or enter the building."

Another man who was very close to Nico's spot also added, "She was right in front of me, a few passed between us and she disappeared."

Nico could hear the disbelief in their tone to the extent they were already thinking of supernatural power. Nico had yet to respond when he heard flicking of the fingers next to his ear and voice in the earpiece, "Sir, she is right behind you."

Nico's cold indifference still didn't change. He was positive that she didn't know and if she knew, he was sure she can't do anything to him.

He turned around to see her sipping coffee with a very calm vibe, her formal jacket was on her forearm, her ponytail was now freed cascading long hair down to her waist with added messy style to it. She looked totally off style from the look she had two minutes back.

Aarvi wore her sunglasses back due to sun rays falling on her face and asked, "Did I perhaps catch the eye of Captain Nick aka Captain Tuner?" Yeah, she got the full report on the Burton family and Nico early in the morning from her Apple Pie.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Not one, but whoever heard her over the call, froze and started looking at each other. Nico's fist clenched tight then unclenched, and it repeated several times. If captain Nick is used in the military mission, 'Tuner' was used in the secret mission in or outside the country. Getting that nickname is similar to having the other sensitive information in hand.

He almost asked, 'How do you know?' But assumed Aaron might have told her.

Aarvi saw his wonder and irritation replacing it with a mock which she didn't care about. She looked around and pointed at three men at a pretty good distance and one who was standing as though he was waiting for a traffic signal to turn green for pedestrians. "White t-shirt... Olive green jacket... Black leather jacket, Cream blazer, and you, acting soldier." Then her eyes landed on Nico's face.

Nico had traced her finger and watched her confident gaze on him. Aarvi's hand moved to Nico's ear and removed his earpiece and spoke holding it near her lips, "If you don't want me to ruin your captain's name in an hour, be here in a minute. Your. Time. Starts. Now."

Then the earpiece reached the ground and died under her sole of the heel into junk. Nico watched her every action as she fluidly carried out one after the other accurately. Without leaving the coffee cup from her left hand, she pulled the tissue wrapped around it to rub her finger on it, then she laid it on the earpiece junk and grabbed it under tissue before walking to the bin a few steps and dropped it.

Nico almost felt like he was watching a silent movie whereas his head was exploding inside and the surrounding vehicles were bombarding with bustling people. He realized she was no ordinary lady and wasn't a girl to get scared by him or his family background or power.

Aarvi stood in front of Nico and saw four men standing in a line in an attention position right behind Nico. The latter was inarticulate seeing them, he really wanted to ask, 'Who the freaking hell is your captain?' He didn't expect them to hear her orders.

They cared to listen to her orders because Nico was standing helplessly against a lady and she knew sensitive information.

Aarvi spoke again with her serene look but her tone was firm, "Cut to the chase, Nico Burton, you really can't afford if you offend me."

Nico's consecutive losses in his life against the same woman yet he failed to fathom her. He had many questions but he didn't ask, he wouldn't let his ego hurt because of a mere woman. 

"You knew Dax Grant is trained in kickboxing."

Aarvi shrugged taking a sip from her hot coffee thinking Aaron would kill her if he gets to know she was drinking coffee again. She was advised to take less caffeine that wasn't good for her heart. She was the least bit worried about the men in front of her.

'Vance is also trained in kickboxing.' Nico wanted to hear that line from her but she stood as if she didn't know anything. Of course, each scene in the fitness club happened right in front of him and he realized Elliot, Blake and Talon were the ones who spoke for Vance while all Dax did was look down on Vance.

"If you already had different projects for two companies, why did you let them fight?" He tried another way.

Aarvi innocently responded, "I was bored."

Nico stared at her realizing Aarvi's conscious mind was too powerful to handle by his presence or power. Her every word was carefully picked and spoke without leaving a loophole for him to get any clue.

Aarvi finished her coffee looking at the stone faces of the military men, dropped the cup to the bin, and thanked, "Thank you for accompanying me for the coffee." Whereas their lips twitched understanding what she actually meant. Simple, they wasted her time standing in silence.

As a friend, Nico Burton was the best one. If he once trusts you, he would never leave your side unless you do something irreparable or immoral. Anyway, she loves her two crazy friends who would join her even if she wants to wreak the world apart. 

Nico or his men, they didn't notice her smirk hiding away in her peaceful expression by a new plan popping in her head for using Nico without his knowledge. He dared to mess with her, 'Shouldn't he pay for it?'

"Nico Burton, never ever dare to follow me or send your minions because if I stand against you, you will have nothing to revolt back but clean the mess which you pull upon yourself. If you think I am boasting, take a step behind me and watch the news in half an hour."

Then she walked away without looking back while all they did was watch her who proudly, confidently left without getting affected by them. Nico Burton was never ever in her plans, if he hadn't injured his back and waist, he would be in his military camp.

"Captain Nick, should we..."

Nico cut off without letting him complete, "She wasn't bragging, she has something that can be used against me... Or my family... Abort the plans, I will personally visit country S and you guys gather information about Ava Kelly and the men she was meeting." If Ms. Evans is Ava Kelly, he was sure he doesn't know a few things from the past and Vance is hiding a few things.

"Roger that." They responded in a low yet determined voice.

Nico didn't realize his plans were altered right after talking to her. If he had kept an eye on her, he would have easily got to know about her but his attention diverted to Ava to compare her with Aarvi.

Making Nico a pawn in her game - Succeeded.


In Rivas Industries,

Aaron had just finished his morning meeting and entered his office towed by Milo who was reporting about the development of a project. Aaron's nose twitched by the faint foul smell in his office, "What is this smell?"

Milo's smell sensory wasn't as sensitive as Aaron so he didn't find anything odd, "The receptionist dropped the gift sent by Ms. Evans." He thought it was the receptionist's perfume smell irritated Aaron.

He quickly took room freshener when Aaron went towards the coffee table on which a pretty big gift box was present. He thought, instead of sending a room full of flowers she sent him the box of eternal roses which he had seen in advertisements numerous times and those were famous between couples in love.

Milo Wen who ran around quickly spraying the room pulled out his mobile to record Aaron's reaction for Aarvi. It was a gift from him for making his boss less demonic.

Ecstatic, Aaron pulled the maroon ribbon to untie it from the black box expecting to see that ribbon color roses inside. His mind imagined the beautiful dark red roses arranged in it as he thought where to keep those lovely flowers.

Milo was equally excited to see different expressions on Aaron's face and admire the flowers.

Aaron lifted the black circular lid of the box to see yellow-colored Bulbophyllum Orientale orchids. Before he could react, the perfume coated on the orchids vanished and their nostrils were attacked with the foul smell of the Orchids.

'Barf' Milo Wen puked nothing in the air and dashed out dropping his mobile to save his life.

Aaron bolted out of the office feeling his stomach lurch terribly. Bulbophyllum Orientale orchids smell like rotting apples and bananas. 'Foxy Aarvi Evans.' He thought.

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