The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Chapter 178

< Tutorial 31st Floor (5) >

He who introduced himself as the Olphol group devil reactivated the magic circle.

The destination he came from.

[Just kill him.]

I asked the holy play the reason.


[Just cause.]

This guy probably needed more probation.

Althought it didn’t seem right to put him in the inventory right away.

Instead, I decided to lock him in the inventory for a good one or two months.

In time, the devil completed the activation and gestured to me.

“Come and stand on the circle. Newbie.”

What reason was there to hesitate when they wanted to summon me to their base.

I walked to the circle and stood on it.

[It might be a trap, hero. What are you going to do it isn’t a teleportation circle.]

It’s a teleportation circle.

[How can you be sure?]

I’ve rode it before. Twice.

[Normally you can’t confirm the type of the circle by riding it twice. What are you going to do if it doesn’t head to their base and somewhere dangerous.]

It’s fine. If it is, then I can cancel the teleportation. If I do, it’ll send me back to this place.

[ that possible?]

It was.

I tried it the first time I rode the magic circle with Serezia.

Because of that, the sickness that overcame Serezia from activating the circle three times in a row was tremendous.

Back then, Serezia acted as though there was nothing wrong with the magic circle.

Not knowing it was me that caused the issues with the circle.

The demon spoke before he activated the circle.

“Newbie, I’m saying this for your own good, but listen closely. Do not be rash in front of Olfon. It’s not as though there were demons who tried their hand at the Demon King’s seat, and it wasn’t a small number that was brought forth before Olphon. There will be dire consequences if you show arrogance believing in your magics.”

“What kind of consequences?”

“Well. Who knows, but where you’ll be headed is down instead of up.”

What the fuck does that mean.

Is it some sort of ambiguous expression.

“Newbie, your goal is probably to challenge for the seat of Demon King.”

“If you want, you could put it that way.”

“The one you will meet now has already been on the Demon King throne.”

My questions weren’t fully answered yet, but the demon started the magic circle.

The space in front of my eyes warped.

The space shook here and there and at a certain point, it started to rip with a certain starting point in the air.

Like a paper ripping, the space ripped.

Past the ripped space, I saw another space.

From the crazy amount of mana flowing out, I knew it was the place Olphon was at.

[It’s not a teleport circle?]

“...It’s possible.”

“What is.”

The demon responded to my embarrassed soliloquy to the holy sword’s words.

“No. It’s nothing.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Hero. Hero? That’s not a teleport circle? It’s a dimension gate? Didn’t you say you knew from just seeing the magic circle? Wow, world. I wouldn’t know in my dreams. That the all-knowing hero would make a mistake like this. Hah, if you live for a few centuries things like this happen after all. Fu. Fu. Fu. Fu.]

Leave it at that.


I promised to find a silence enchantment scroll after I clear this floor.

And passed through the gate with the demon beside me.

Once I passed the gap in space, the ripped space healed itself.

It looks like a great high-level magic.

How long would it take me to learn that.

My thirst for magic is continuing to become larger.

It was then, a voice from a distance in front of me could be heard.

It was the words of the demon sitting at the head of the table in this banquet-like hall.

Numerous demons were filling the space.

Unusually, there was no different in height of the seats the demons were sitting on.

89 demons exactly.

Each one had a strength that would be hard to find elsewhere.

But from the presence of the demon at the head of the table made everyone else seem small.

“Welcome, newbie.”

It was monotonous and soft.

The voice wasn’t loud either.

Rather, it was quiet.

But the strength carried by the voice, the mana gave it that presence.

The demon talking to me was sitting at the same level as me, but his presence felt as though it was above my head and also behind me.

“You have a cute magic sword.”

“Didn’t your mother tell you that it’s not good manners to listen in on other people’s conversations?”

The mood in the banquet hall completely changed at my words.

It went past intimidating and became outright bloody.

That’s no good for banquets.

It felt as though I made a mistake in ruining the mood.

“You know nothing about me.”

‘Was there a reason I had to?’

The mood started to attack my body outright.

The sense of the mood ready to cut.

If it was a normal human, they would’ve actually been cut to pieces and died.

“I was born in the third class, in the depths of despair. I have no mother and father. I was born alone, existed alone, and prove myself.”

Prove oneself by existing alone.

Would that be enough to prove oneself as a sentient being.

Self-respect is just self-respect.

There was something more important.

The demon in front of my eyes was born with an advantage from birth.

“So that means you’re immune to mom-jokes. That’s good for you, mate.”


The mood exploded.

The demons exuded intimidating force at the same time, and from that clash came an explosion.

I thought to myself as my hair was flying back in the wind from the explosion.

It wasn’t something I should be saying when I blew up the 30th floor from experimenting, but to cause an explosion by not being able to control that.

What idiots.

The demons were screaming and denouncing something about me.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand the words.

Whether it was colloquial that demons here used, or ancient words of the demon race, but it didn’t translate well.

But thankfully I could guess at what it meant.

After some time went by, sitting at the head of the table, Olphon opened his mouth again.

Olphon’s face didn’t seem that angry.

The only thing I could fathom was weariness.

“From the report, I thought a great magician appeared. But what really appeared was an idiot with a rare magic sword. Talk, newbie. What fuels your stupidity?”


He must’ve thought I was a battle magician controlling the sword through magic.

Then once he realized the ability was fully from the holy sword, been disappointed.

And the magic and strength he can feel from me wouldn’t be enough to satisfy him.

That’s always the problem with these idiots.

“Out of those that I’ve called here, there were many who truly wished to challenge the Demon King. There actually was one that was able to challenge the Demon King. But what are you. I have no idea what you are thinking by coming here. What is your purpose in coming here. Do you wish to die, or are you just raving with madness.”

What I want.


“For now, it’s taking care of the Demon King.”

“Your jokes are no longer funny. It’s impossible for you to kill the Demon King. It’s true for anyone else for that matter.”

“impossible to kill the Demon King?”


Impossible to kill the Demon King.

Would the Demon King be immortal or a mind-form or that sort of thing.

I asked Olphon who was strangely good at describing things.

“Just like the words, it’s impossible to kill the Demon King.”

What kind of stupid answer is that.

“The current Demon King is the strongest of all time. That is true. I can assure you. Before he ceases to exist, there will be no demon who can trump him and take the throne of Demon King.”

“A stupid answer till the end.”

“Why do you think so?”

Why do I think so?

I’m calling a stupid answer stupid, what else can I call it.

“You all are always like this. You think that’s everything probably because you’re born with unimaginable strength and power.”

“...What does that mean?”

“You have no interest in figuring out how to use that power better, and just ponder how to achieve more power. And.”


“You overtly trust the absolute amount of power.”

The strength of the demons here surpasses mine.

It wouldn’t be comparable even if 89 Lee HoJae’s were here to fight the 89 demons.

89 Lee HoJae’s wouldn’t be enough to surpass that one Olphon.

That sort of glaring difference.


I’m already certain.

I’m the absolutely the strongest one here.

The position isn’t made by my muscles and mana.

It wasn’t from the experience of swordsmanship and shield techniques either.

It also wasn’t the talent and sense I had.

What could you see as the standard for strength when those with the strength by which one wave of the hand fells the sky, and rips the earth.

To standardize it through the absolute quantity of mana was a stupid thing to do.

From my perspective, an objective standard should be victory.

A higher win rate means more strength.

The strong doesn’t win, the victorious is strong.

As I’ve said multiple times, I’m unwaveringly the strongest here, and the probability that I’ll beat the demons there surpass half.

“It seems you’ve really come here to die.”

As I gathered my spirit, Olphon said upon noticing.

He was that nonchalant even though I’m explicitly preparing for battle.

He doesn’t know how to utilize this strength, and have never learned how to see true strength because he’s been drunk on his own strength.

He couldn’t even become the target of my Opponent Designation skill.

Just prey with bulky amounts of strength ready to be hunted.

How long will they disappoint me.

“Let me ask one last thing.”

Demons are hurt by explosions caused by magic.

Obviously, they’re not hurt by explosions caused by their own.

Just like a moment ago.

But they were grievously wounded by the explosion made by the holy sword and me.

Physically and mentally.

It’s probably because of the Holy energy in our mana.

The holy energy exploded in every direction along with the explosion and attacked them.

I had prepared something nice for the explosion.

Before I entered the 31st floor, I made a sphere of aura.

I had slowly rotated and maintained that.

Even this moment.

I added a sphere to that every day.

There were three spheres rotating above my head.

“What is it that you wanted to ask before your death?”

I smirked at Olphon’s still nonchalant voice.

“Are you used to pain?”

I’m fucking used to it.

At the same time as my words ended, the transparent spheres lit up in white flames.

Just before the spheres rotating at high speed started to create friction and explode, I gave up confining it.

[The God of Light is excited!]

And I lunged at the demons.


From the strong explosion behind my back, my body was covered thoroughly in the impact.

I persevered.

I saved my blink.

Instead, I used Talalia’s wings and Fortitude.

The two skills raised by stats relative to the opponent’s strength.

The demons couldn’t gather their senses amidst the continuing explosions.

The strong light and sounds quashed their sight and hearing.

The holy energy mixed with mana pouring down upon them was no different from white phosphorous shells.

I took out the soul sword on my side.

Meanwhile, the magic initiated by demons that came to their sense blocked my path.

Shield, Barrier, Trap, Hallucination, the magic that binds my legs, and attack magics made to intercept filled vision in disarray.

Just like a barrage game.

I’m insanely good at this.

[Hero, can I join in? Please, Please!]

“Take care of the little ones! The ones in the middle are all mine!”

The holy sword went around the magic and towards the demons in the corners.

Before I lose my pretty to the holy sword, I need to make it past these magics.

Rather than taking a step backwards away from the magic flying towards me, I ran forward.

< Tutorial 31st Floor (5) > End

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