The Two Hundred and Eighty Pound Fat Girl and Her Five Husbands

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Early in the morning, Lin Zaozao's words left Mu Rong Hai and the others stunned.

Indeed, before contacting Lin Zaozao, the responsibilities on them had nearly suffocated them, where would they have time to reveal their true selves!

"What's wrong? Not talking means I've hit the nail on the head about your worries, right!"

Hearing Lin Zaozao's smug voice, Mu Rong Hai and Ji Fantian couldn't help laughing out loud.

Things are pretty good now. While they still have time, they should spend a few nice days with the little fatty.

Later when things get chaotic outside, they won't have time to relax like now.

"Oh right, Ji Fantian, do these lingzhi mushrooms and ginseng need to be stored in special containers? Can I just leave them as is without them going bad?"

"These white jade ginseng and lingzhi must be stored in white jade boxes. Otherwise they'll definitely spoil within three days.

Little fatty, since we don't have white jade boxes here, you should sell all of them before they go bad!"

"Sell them? I can't bear to. Didn't you say they can save lives?

Then tomorrow I'll go into town to buy a few white jade boxes, one for each of you, so if anything bad happens to you in the future, you'll have them to save your lives."

Hearing Lin Zaozao's words, Ji Fantian and the others' hearts tightened involuntarily.

They knew better than anyone how much the little fatty loved money.

But now, when she saw these precious white jade ginseng and lingzhi, the first thing she thought of wasn't selling them for money, but keeping them for them in case of emergency.

Did this little fatty Lin Zaozao not know that they were destined to not be able to stay with her til the end?

But before Ji Fantian and Mu Rong Hai could finish sighing, Lin Zaozao placed the basket of green fruits Uncle Zhang had given her on the table. Looking at her few beautiful husbands, she gave a sly smile.

"My delicate little husbands~"

"Lin Zaozao, what are you planning?"

Seeing the basket of green fruits, Mu Rong Hai instantly felt something was off.

"It's nothing much. Isn't your wife currently pregnant?"

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Lin Zaozao patted her round protruding belly and continued, "As a pregnant woman, my mind and body are extremely fragile.

So for the sake of the child in my belly, starting today, we'll all eat the same things.

Here! These fruits. We'll keep eating them until they're finished before we start eating meals."

Mu Rong Hai looked at the green mountain fruits on the table. These sour green fruits that grow in the mountains this season.

If they finished all those fruits, their teeth would be ruined.


Mu Rong Hai looked puzzedly at the smug Lin Zaozao and asked doubtfully,

"Little fatty, you mean you'll eat these fruits too?"

"Of course! To be fair, we all have to eat these fruits. If we can't finish them, no one gets to eat meals."

After speaking, Lin Zaozao started dividing up the fruits, one handful per person. After just a short while, the entire basket of fruits was "fairly" divided up in front of each person.

Only her portion was smaller, while Mu Rong Hai and the others had large piles.

Seeing the sour fruits placed in front of her, to "lead by example", Lin Zaozao started wolfing down the fruits.

Although on the way here she had mentally prepared herself by eating one fruit already, eating them now still made her feel like her teeth would dissolve from the sourness.

Damn! It was really too sour.

But before Lin Zaozao could swallow one fruit, the system's ill-intentioned voice transmitted into her ears again.

[Host, how do you know eating these fruits is good for people?]

[Damn, I'm not a complete dumbass. After eating one at Uncle Zhang's place, I found I wasn't panting as much when walking. If you say these fruits aren't good stuff, no ghosts would believe that.]

[Since they are good stuff, why do you still want your husbands to eat them too?]

[Too sour. No matter how good stuff is, I can't finish them myself! Oh right, System, what is Uncle Zhang's identity? I feel Uncle Zhang is a bit extraordinary!]

[Host, it's not time yet. When the timing comes, the host will naturally know Uncle Zhang's identity.]

[Che! It's just an identity! Why are you being all mysterious about it? Forget it if you don't want to say, it's useless to me now anyway. Oh right, System, what benefits does eating these fruits have?]

[They can replenish people's essence, energy and spirit! After special infusing, these fruits are now health restoring foods.]

[They can indeed replenish essence, energy and spirit, but they can also dissolve people's big teeth from the sourness.]

[Host, don't push your luck, that's not what good kids do!]

[Che! Of course I'm not a kid, I'm practically already a mom now.]

After talking to the System, Lin Zaozao finished the fruit in her hand. After swallowing one fruit, she felt like her front teeth would dissolve from the sourness.

Seeing Lin Zaozao baring her teeth in pain, then looking at the fruits in their hands, for a while they couldn't figure out what exactly Lin Zaozao was trying to do.

Since when did this little fatty go to such lengths just to prank people?

She would accept hurting the enemy a thousand times while hurting herself eight hundred times.

"Why are you all just standing there stunned? Hurry up and eat, don't waste them. There's still afternoon and evening, you two should hurry up and eat too."

Seeing Lin Zaozao baring her teeth in pain, the first to eat the fruit was the mute Ye Yi.

He sniffed the green fruit first without washing it, then directly put it in his mouth and started eating.

Seeing Ye Yi's actions, although puzzled in their hearts, Mu Rong Hai and the others still picked up the fruits from the table and started crunching on them.

After taking the first bite, Ji Fantian felt a strangeness inside his body, involuntarily narrowing his eyes.

The fruit infusing method...

Seeing her little husbands gnawing on the fruits, hearing their crunching sounds, Lin Zaozao couldn't stand the sourness in her mouth anymore and decided to flee for self-preservation first.

But before she could take a step, she was grabbed by Mu Rong Hai.

"Little fatty, didn't you say to lead by example, that no one can eat meals until they're finished? Hurry up and eat them now."

Seeing the fruit Mu Rong Hai held out before her, Lin Zaozao felt like her teeth would dissolve from it.

Damn! If only they could become sweet instead, she could eat a whole basketful!

Just as Lin Zaozao was hesitating while holding the green fruit, she saw Xiao Taohua walk out from the kitchen holding dishes of cooked food.

"Xiao Taohua, my darling, my child's father, hurry over here and eat fruits."

Hearing Lin Zaozao's coquettish voice, Xiao Taohua almost tripped and spilled the food in his hands onto the ground.

After steadying himself, putting the dishes on the table, he was pulled aside by Lin Zaozao.

"Xiao Taohua, sweetheart, my darling jujube, hurry over here and eat fruits."

Saying so, Lin Zaozao winked flirtatiously at Xiao Taohua, putting her portion of the fruits plus Xiao Taohua's portion into his arms.

"Xiao Taohua, your health is so poor, eat more fruits to nourish yourself, strive to improve from lasting three seconds to four seconds!"

Xiao Taohua forcibly suppressed the goosebumps on his body, looking at the pile of green fruits in his arms, he felt like the veins on his forehead would burst out.

What was the little fatty doing?

After eating these green fruits people's front teeth would dissolve from the sourness.

But when Xiao Taohua glanced sideways and saw Ji Fantian and the others expressionlessly eating the green fruits, for a time he couldn't figure out what exactly Lin Zaozao was trying to accomplish.

Or rather, what was special about these green fruits?

"Xiao Taohua, don't zone out, hurry up and eat."

Speaking, Lin Zaozao picked up a green fruit and forcefully stuffed it into Xiao Taohua's mouth.

Harboring suspicions, when Xiao Taohua bit into the fruit, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Little fatty, where did you get these fruits?"

The Buddha said, "It cannot be spoken. Excellent, excellent!" My friends, enjoy the fresh fruits. This immortal shall go eat now!"

After speaking, Lin Zaozao turned around and walked towards the dining table. Lin Zaozao glanced at the dishes on the table. Hmm! There was meat and vegetables, it looked pretty good.

But when she happily took a bite, Lin Zaozao's expression immediately collapsed.

Damn it, why is this meal so sour today!

"Xiao Taohua, why is this meal so sour?"

"Little Fatty, aren't you pregnant? Boys like sour and girls like spicy. I want a son, so before you give birth to the child, you have to eat sour food every day."

After hearing Xiao Taohua's explanation, Lin Zaozao looked down at the food in front of her again. For a moment, she felt as if she had dropped a rock on her own foot.

Lin Zaozao looked down at her belly. How could she possibly be pregnant!

What's in there is probably just fat!

"Xiao Taohua, I don't want to eat this sour food. Can you make me something spicy instead?"

"No, Little Fatty. You are an expectant mother. Whether for your own good or the child's, from today onwards, your diet must be light and clear, not too salty or oily, and definitely no spicy food, until you give birth."

Looking at the glint of amusement in Xiao Taohua's eyes, Lin Zaozao instantly felt that she could throw away this free personal cook. If he couldn't make food to her taste, what use did she have for him!

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