The Tyrant, Mischievous Mrs. Lin and her Triplets.

Chapter 165 165; How Dare You Treat My Son Like This

"Aaaarrggggghhh?" He groaned in pain as he writhed on the ground.

It became bloody as blood oozed out from his private part, she didn't want him to die yet, she got one pellet of medicinal pill and fed him.

The wound stopped aching and bleeding as she sat down lazily. King Wang was astonished so did Wang Feng, what could be this magical.

"I just assisted you in getting rid of this burdening thing, it's deemed useless if it brings only disaster." She snorted coldly.

" Tell us what happened to her? Why was she deemed as a traitor?" King Wang hurriedly asked him. He didn't want his son to be tortured infront of him.

" I don't know."

"I really don't know!"

He hurriedly spoke out as he sat up up on the floor after the pain had faded away but tears streamed down his cheeks, he had lost all the arrogance he had earlier.

"It's your concubine, the woman you spent several nights with and you don't know? You telling me you don't know? What sort of a husband are you?" Lin Wei questioned him coldly as she approached him and broke his fingers.

"Arrhhh! I really don't know! I'm innocent."He groaned in pain as he spoke out those words through his gritted teeth.

"If you give me a wrong answer every time I ask you a question, I will break every single bone in your body until you give me the answers I need. " She warned him.

" I really don't know!"

"I really don't know what had happened!"

It's the Empress who had reported the case, I don't know anything! I really don't know!" He cried bitterly.

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" I want to see that Empress immediately." She commanded as she sat down twirling her hair jade pin which was glowing bloody red.

King Wang sent the guards to bring the Empress over into the hall fast.

Looking at the glowing red Jade pin, she still couldn't understand how it can feed on blood, since when did things become so strange.

"My little Jade pin!"

"My little Jade pin."

" Why are you behaving so mysterious."

She began calling it as she swirled it around,

"Yes Mistress." It suddenly replied.

"Aaaahhh!" Lin Wei threw it away after hearing it making a sound, who wouldn't be frightened when something like that happening.

She jerked up roughly as she back-stepped, keeping distance from the hair pin.

King Wang was also scared silly hearing a Jade pin talking so loud and clear.

"Master! You are so rough, how can you throw me away like that." Suddenly a small girl materialized and the Jade pin disappeared.

She walked towards Lin Wei who was standing there in stupor.

"Master! Why are acting so stupid! How can you throw away your belongings like that." She approached her as she spoke.

"Eee.hhe..ehe don't come closer!" Lin Wei warned her lightly. The little girl halted on her steps.

She inspected the little girl infront of her, her fiery red eyes that emitted charm and at the same time ruthlessness.

She looked beautiful with a soft milky skin, wearing a dark red robe, she felt curious.

"Little girl, are you a Jade pin or a human being?" She lazily inquired after getting used to the fact that there were many more supernatural things.

"I'm both my Mistress." She replied softly.

"How can you be both?" She was surprised.

"You will understand it one day my Mistress." She politely responded.

" Oohhh... Just be a hair pin, this is too much of a shock." She gently patted her chest as she exhaled loudly.

" Alright Mistress..." She turned back into a hair pin.

Lin Wei picked it up and pinned it in between her hair bun, as she sat down slouchly.

Raising her head she saw the frightened pale looking King Wang and the Prince who had fainted.

"Uhhh... Hehehe.... Don't mind me, don't mind me." She gently spoke out relaxing the tensed up atmosphere as she stroked her hair lazily.

King Wang exhaled loudly as he sat down on his chair, who wouldn't be afraid of such nonpareil existence.

Wang Yike walked in to find the hall eerily quiet which surprised him, he approached the front hall as he walked through the aisle and finally got closer.

He could see blood on the floor, a man lying lifelessly on the floor. He turned around and could see Lin Wei playing with her Jade pin, turning raising his head could see his worried father.

"Father, Miss." He pulled them out of the own world, as they appeared occupied.

"Yes son, did you find anything? Any news?" He inquired but you could hear the worried tone.

"They say the Empress reported her for being a traitor and she was convicted to lifetime imprisonment." He politely responded.

" Okay." He nodded his head as he looked into space solemnly.

Wang Yike frowned, he turned to check out who was lying down on the floor to only find it's the fifth prince.

He couldn't tell if he was dead or he was laying down on floor lifeless. Suddenly the Empress was escorted into the hall.

She knelt down as she greeted.

"Long live your majesty!" She softly pronounced.

" You may rise." He released her as she stood up and turned to face Prince Wang Yike but in between them laid a person.

Inspecting carefully it was her son, "my son! My son!" She screeched loudly as she bent over to check on him.

"Eeisshh you harem is too noisy." Lin Wei spoke out sarcastically.

King Wang paled as he didn't know what to reply.

"What did you do to my son? What did you do?" She cried as she inspected her son.

Feeling his pulse it was still stable but what about this blood here on the floor.

"We should be the ones questioning you, and not the other way round. " Lin Wei responded coldly as she stood up.

" What happened to Princess Jun Wu Shu who was your son's concubine! " She questioned her coldly.

" I don't know what you are talking about! " She panicked alittle but then calmed shortly.

" Oohhh.. you don't know?" She approached the laying prince, getting her knife from her thigh, she stabbed forcefully onto Wang Feng's thigh.

It just took a matter of seconds before they could hear a shrieking scream.


Prince Wang Feng's body jerked as he snapped his eyes open.

It was painful as his body writhed, she pulled her knife back as she cleaned it with the Empress's clothes.

"How dare you treat my son like this! Your majesty, how can you allow them to treat your son like this." The Empress cried as she hugged her son.

Lin Wei stretched her hand and caught the Empress's hand as she broke the bones.

They could hear the breaking sounds of the bones as it sent chills down their spine.

"Aaaarrggggghhh!" The pain was unbearable.

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