The Tyrant, Mischievous Mrs. Lin and her Triplets.

Chapter 374 374; Huang, You Are Spoiling That Baby, Put Her Down On The Bed

He noticed that she was struggling, so he nudged her shoulders stopping her from thinking too much.

He was exhausted, she assisted him as they went into the house and let him Kay down in the same room An Tang and Aiguo lived in.

" He could smell the strong dragon scent in the room, "who could have stayed here.." he mumbled to himself while she went into the kitchen and got some herbs.

She returned back and began crashing them into powder as they were dry.

She glanced around frowning, "why does this place look so dirty?" She mumbled as her eyes roamed around.

Lin Juan watched her as his eyes also roamed around lazily, he closed his eyes to calm down his erratic emotions that were rampant and overflowing.

He hadn't expected to meet her here of all the places but why didn't she recognize him? Did something happen to her?

She unwrapped the cloth bandage and began applying the medicine, the herbs stung when they got in touch with the fresh wounds, he wanted to stop her but halted midway a d decided to endure it even though they wouldn't help him in any way.

Lin Wei teleported back into the Tang clan, she plopped down onto her knees feeling queasy.

Her stomach churned as retched blood, trickled down her lips, she understood her father must have taken a huge fit to send her back to the Tang clan.

Jade and Bai Chang rushed in her direction as they could sense her scent nearby.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Mistress... Mistress.. what happened?" Jade yelled out loudly as she approached her panicking.

"Help me out.." she stood up while swaying, Jade and Bai Chang hurriedly held her hands supportively.

Her voice was hoarse and cold, her face was frigid and void of all emotions, you couldn't tell anything from her countenance.

They assisted her into the visitors' manor and took her into the room Jade as been occupying.

"Mistress, what happened? Where is your father?" She bent down eying her worriedly, how could she leave her father behind which meant she had teleported back but did she have such extensive power to teleport in such a long distance?

"Nothing, pack up, we will leave immediately." She laid down while closing her eyes, tears escaped through the sides of her eyes, and went down wetting the pillow.

Bai Chang shook his head seeing Jade wanted to ask again, something must have happened and she wasn't ready to talk about it.

Bai Chang went back to her room to get ready while Jade began gathering everything ready, it was evening already but Lin Wei wanted to head out sooner, she has to go back and search for her father.

Concubine Sia, Ten, Eleven, and Temmo got the news that Lin Wei has returned.

They all rushed down to their manor hurriedly, they wanted to know how things turned out, they were gone for quite some days.

They saw Bai Chang packing up, "Bai Chang, we heard that Lin Wei has returned?" Eleven was the first one to inquire worriedly.

"Mmhh." Bai Chang just hummed and went on with his things.

"What about our Master?" They were worried about him.

"Just go and pack, we will be moving soon..." He dismissed them, he himself didn't know what had happened.

Concubine Sia held Bai Chang's arm nervously, "what about my son?" Her hands trembled from the uncertainty.

"Don't worry, I think she got a way." He nudged her hands away, t was never respectful to hold a man's hand publicly.

Temmo, Eleven, and Ten returned to their manor and began packing.

"I'm done, miss.." Jade sat beside her while caressing her hair gently.

"All right." She sat upright and wiped her tears, she walked into the bathroom and cleansed her face before wiping it dry.

She exited the manor whereas Jade tagged behind her.

They walked down into the manor the seventh prince was lying in and fed him his blood.

"He will be fine in a few days, whether you stay here or move... it's your choice.. but my father has fulfilled his wish." She exited the manor without looking back, this was what her father had promised and he has fulfilled it, they didn't have any tangles from now onwards.

"Miss, miss.. can't you stay here for the few days until he wakes up!" Concubine Sia was skeptical about her son waking up, she held Lin Wei's left arm tightly.

Lin Wei shoved her away forcefully and fell a meter away but suddenly got caught by the first prince who was walking in.

"I don't know you... I've done my part so don't get my nerve." He harshly warned her, she didn't have any chills.

"Where's Lin Juan?" The first prince assisted the concubine to balance his footing while he inquired curiously.

"What do you need him for?" She didn't turn out, she just gave them her back.

"I .. I.." That question was so cold and distant.

"Since you don't need him for anything, we will part here, farewell..." She turned around and bowed her head before walking away.

Temmo, Eleven, Ten, Bai Chang, and Jade tagged behind her nervously, not only was her aura pure but it had gotten denser and suffocating, it was intimidating.

"But but what if he doesn't wake up?" Concubine Sia rushed behind her while she voiced out her worries.

"His fate isn't in my hands, whether he survives it dies what does that have to do with me? Even if he dies, do you think I care?" She snorted coldly before accelerating her pace.

Those who didn't know her will think she was heartless, but the truth was, she was.. very coldblooded and didn't give a damn about other people's lives apart from the close ones.

In the Camp, Luo Cheng and Luo Chen went out of the camp and headed towards the Capital to see Scorpion so that they can ask him for help.

In the Valley, the little girl woke up and yawned lazily, Lin Huang who was meditating, snapped his eyes open and carried her in his arms.

"Jia Jia.. did you sleep well?" He pecked her forehead sweetly, her cheeks were so meaty and soft.

"He-he-he.." the baby giggled as swung her hands and legs cheerfully, who wouldn't like such a cute baby, Lin Huang couldn't stop falling in love with her cute smile, she was so adorable that he wanted to pamper her.

Zhou Hua was done roasting the fishes now he was preparing some porridge.

"Huang, you are spoiling that baby, put her down on the bed." Zhou Hua's loud voice sounded in the courtyard.

He felt that lovely scene was an eyesore, Luo Feng who was cleaning the floor sneakily glanced at him and then loudly snickered.

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