The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 388 Anxious World's Will

"Alright. Tell me how many you want."

As I opened my question, Erin had a dumb look on her face. It was too unexpected that she couldn't process the question quickly.

Using the time she was using to come up with an answer, I picked her up in my arms and brought her to her bed.

By the time she regained her wits, I was already on top of her, looking down at her alluring lean figure, beautifully laid down on the bed.

The scarf she was wearing has long been removed and right now and her ponytailed hair sprawled neatly beneath her. At this moment, she's like Zerina the night before, wearing only a one-piece thin nightdress that was an exact fit for her.

"… How many? I haven't thought of that yet." As if feeling my heated gaze, Erin turned her head sideways, avoiding it.

Due to that, the iconic red tattoos on her left cheek came into full view. I once asked her about its origin before and surprisingly, it's something she asked for Old Man Reol to remember her parents by.

Caressing her left cheek, Erin's body temperature gradually heated up and her breathing noticeably quickened.

From her left cheek, my hand soon moved to her right, lifting it up to let our eyes meet. Soon after that, I lowered my head, naturally taking her lips in a passionate kiss. This marked our first kiss of the night.

"You're so eager. I thought you already had a plan out. Well then, I decided. Let's make a lot of little Erin. I want to see if they will become as cheeky as you."

As if hearing something shocking, Erin's eyes widened before a scowl appeared on her face. However, despite scowling like that, her ears reddened, it was scalding hot from how she tried to not show her embarrassment on her face.

"Y-you monster! One! One is enough for now! And I don't want a little me. I want a little Daisuke. A boy who will become another monster like his father!"

"If you all want little Daisuke then… How can I still have any place in your minds? It will feel like you're all going to get taken away from me."

All those who expressed having a child with me all want a child who will closely resemble me. I'm the only one who wants to see a number of little Jaynas being curious at everything, little Erins that would probably spar against each other or little Avelins that would be the most innocent of the group.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ah. That's a great dream.

Hearing my rebuttal, Erin rolled her eyes, "You're thinking too far ahead! You're teasing me, aren't you?"

"You finally noticed?"

"Ugh. I hate you."

"And I love you too.

Just like this. My night with Erin started on a good note. Diffusing the feeling of being neglected, I let her understand that no matter what, there will be no ranking between them. They're my Companions who will tread the same path as me. Pulling each other up, we'll be together for a long time. In time, the feeling of being together will be as natural as living together as a husband and wife.

I will not be complete if one of them was away and on the same note, they will not be complete without me.

Along with the continuous creaking of her bed, the subtle noises Erin and I made lasts until the first bird flies right inside from the window to rest.

I'm already a Transcendent. Stamina is the last thing I need to watch out for.

Well, as soon as we finished, both of us started our Absorption Session to make up for the lost time, treating that as the rest we both need.

Due to that, the sun was already directly above the fortress when we showed up in that meeting room.

Irja who surely witnessed how I went into four different rooms in the span of three days and knowing what we did inside was looking at me, incredulously.

Upon seeing that, I naturally went to her side and asked her about her experience in this world.

Apparently, the members of the Whiteshade Tribe were somewhat scared of her. And it was because of her Dark Energy. Whenever she would walk outside, the Barbarians in the fortress would immediately hide even before they entered her line of sight.

Well, for her, it's not that surprising. Besides, she didn't really care about the opinions of the Mortal Ranks.

Apart from my Companions and those closely related to me, everything was of no importance to her.

She's here because of me, not because she wanted to oppose her world.

"Later, it's your turn." I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer before saying that in a teasing tone.

Although she didn't push me away, Irja grimaced at my teasing act.

"Big pervert… Girls, why are you letting this guy do what he wants to?"

"Sister Irja, you're misunderstanding him, we both want it. If he once again leaves somewhere we will not be able to reach him, it will be too late to create memories with him. Better now than later."

Zerina, don't jinx it. I will stay with all of you, alright?

"That monster was just fulfilling his promise to me."

Yeah, right. My promise was for two years later. It's too advanced, don't you think so?

"Uhm. We still haven't done it. But I asked Daisuke that next time we will. I can't wait." Avelin winked at me before taking my free side again as she pressed that developed part of hers on my arm.

This girl… How can she be this innocent yet at the same time this lascivious?

"Sister Irja, you don't have to hold back. We're all his Companions. It's natural for us to show our love in that kind of way, right?"

And with Yuko's words, Irja's question was thoroughly defeated that the only thing she could do was to retaliate cutely by clasping my hands tightly, seemingly trying to crush it. However, this act of hers ended up being interpreted by the other four as her show of jealousy.

In this way, the strongest among the five was defeated by the combined forces of the four girls.

Well, seeing them getting along was really a nice change of pace.

Spending this day peacefully, it's like the calm before the storm. Tomorrow, Old Man Reol will finally start his Transcendent Trials.

I still haven't talked to Reinys but I already planned to do so before that. I might've been annoyed at her during those times but it never went to the point of hating her. Besides, she's probably one of the reasons why I strived to be better. To show her that, I will not be the same weak guy that needs saving.

The girl already changed for the better and my current impression of her was already more than just a fellow Party Member. If it turns out my guess is correct I guess it could be the case of hate turning to love, huh? Only that girl knows.

Besides, she's not the only one I'm considering adding as my Companion. There are Lunaria, Elise, Leianne and Danae.

My previous premonition of making a Harem Army was now slowly being realized. Still, they will still be more important than the worlds for me. That's how special my Companions are.

While in that room, we talked about the reports being sent by Raiden, his cleanup was going well but along with that report of his that he wrote himself, a small question popped up, 'Daisuke, how did you make your girls get along with each other? I need tips. What if they kill each other? I had just met them twice but even if I'm looking, they're all looking hostilely against each other.'

Since we're all in the same room, that question provided a good laugh for everyone. And what made it even better was each girl wrote an answer to his question.

In the end, there's not enough space to write my reply so we sent it to him just like that. It's now up to him which of the five girls' advice will he pick as a solution.

And I could already imagine the chaos on that sudden-harem protagonist's side. It's not like I'm doing anything special, I'm just not impartial. Moreover, Yuko approved of that even if she's supposed to be the most special for me.



After that brief entertainment with Raiden's letter, I took my Companions along with the trio and Old Reol outside the Whiteshade Division's fortress.

Landing in the middle of nowhere in the Desolate Plains, I had them back away for a while and to watch me from a distance.

This is a day to call upon the World's Will again. Should I ask him to spar with my Companions for a bit?

Ah. That might make that silent World's Will grumpy again.

Well then, let's stop dilly-dallying and call for him.

After taking a deep breath, I raised my hand up in the sky and closed my eyes.

Feeling the surrounding Brute Energy that was ever-present in this world, my Energy Control tugged at everything it could reach before pulling all of them at the same time.

From where I was standing, the wind whistled as if a terrifying hurricane was about to form.

I was already in the zone when two loud cries coming from above me entered my ears.

"Halt! Stop that!"

Opening my eyes, what entered my view was the tightly compressed Brute Energy on my palm, its yellowish color has already turned golden, spreading across the Desolate Plains.

Up above, the rumbling thunderclouds which carried the World's Will Incarnation appeared, an anxious expression plastered on his face.

I see. I overdid it, huh? Glancing at the tightly compressed Brute Energy, I smirked at the World's Will before clasping my hand tightly. Soon enough my body started absorbing it at a speed that the already drought land of the Desolate Plains cracked open and the anxious World's Will's face turned ashen-pale.

Well, it's a waste not to use it. Let's say that it's the payment for the World's Will's inaction, sounds good?

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