The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 392 The Night Continues

Because we're about to go to the World of Meta, I had the three of them postpone calling out the Door of Transcendence.

Apart from Reinys who I stayed with to continue our talk, settle the differences and straighten the record, Noelle and Caila returned to their room after excusing themselves to us. Yuko and Zerina also retired to the bed after asking for a kiss. No matter what, seeing someone becoming my new Companion in front of their eyes, it's inevitable to feel a little jealousy.

Nonetheless, once they're satisfied, the two encouraged Reinys to let out everything she's hiding, to let me know the extent of what she's feeling.

Well, I didn't expect that it was that deep. Is encouraging someone to get back up their feet that powerful? I know that at most, one will only be grateful, it seldom turns to something romantic...

Because of that, minutes of talking turned to hours and in the end, I had to send a telepathic message to Irja saying I will be a bit late.

We're in the same fortress so there's no way she wouldn't be aware of what happened just on the floor below, same for Erin and Avelin.

In any case, it was the first time I got to talk to her in length. Most of the time it would be Reinys being snobbish and refusing to interact with me. Now that we got this chance, the girl surprisingly had a lot of stories to offer.

From her childhood stories, her infatuation to her brother that I didn't get wrong, her hate on Kingdom Politics and her supposed role of being a political chip that will be married off to a nearby Kingdom if the need arose.

Luckily for her, she was admitted to a Wizard Institute in their Kingdom and showed a great promise, writing off everything planned for her.

By the time she graduated, she already had a throng of followers.

But all of that happened when the Dark World hadn't opened a Portal yet.

She was the first party member which Yuko met. Their first meeting happened when she was sent by her father to visit another kingdom as an envoy.

During that time, the Dark Soldiers had just started their invasion and most kingdoms or countries were still underestimating their strength, relaxed and leaving behind those living in the outskirts to fend for themselves.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When her retinue passed by a normal village in the outskirts of that kingdom she was supposed to visit, the Dark Soldiers launched an attack to conquer that village.

Because Reinys and her retinue of around twenty Knights and Wizards were close by, they got unconditionally dragged and became targets of the invading forces

Back then, she was also like the other naïve kingdom and country leaders, believing that if something wouldn't benefit their kingdom, there's no reason for her to involve herself.

Besides that village wasn't part of their kingdom.

However, being dragged into it, she had no choice but to fight for their survival.

It didn't reach the point that she needed saving though. The Knights and Wizards with her were all Adept-class. Moreover, at that time, she was also already an Adept-class and at the beginning of the invasion, there were hardly Rank 2 and Rank 3 Mortals at the enemy's ranks. That kind of village assault would only contain a dozen or fewer Rank 2 Mortals.

Although her entire retinue managed to defend themselves, the villagers were powerless to do the same.

And naturally, the next part of the story was when Yuko arrived to save what's left of the villagers. It was the early parts. She's still not known as the Hero back then. But equipped by the Hero System and her Foresight, she won against them.

Awed by what Yuko showed, Reinys tried recruiting her at first. Being a Princess, she tried flaunting her authority on Yuko to follow her.

Yuko did follow her, however, it's not because she's accepting Reinys' invitation but to make her a party member as well as to warn the capital of that Kingdom about the threat brought by the foreign invaders.

Yuko already told me the story of her first meeting with this princess before but hearing it from Reinys' perspective gave another color to it. A haughty princess recruiting the Hero… Well, that sounds like a normal plot in an anime with an isekai summoning theme.

At first, she didn't accept Yuko's invitation. She's a princess and someone with a bright future after all. However, she tagged along with her, leaving behind her retinue for her to observe someone with a unique system like Yuko.

From observing, she then switched to helping Yuko in her endeavors. Well, she's still indifferent to the plight of the common people at the time but seeing Yuko risking her life at every turn, she gradually got influenced by her especially when the flames of that invasion reached their kingdom.

Before that day where they saved Noelle in that city, Reinys was already fully under Yuko's cause.

After talking for too long, Reinys was naturally parched. After getting her something to drink, she asked me to stay for a little longer wherein we just spent the time in silence while feeling each other's warmth.



When I reached Irja's room after my talk with Reinys, she had just finished her Absorbing Session.

With her somewhat sweaty but alluring figure entering my eyes, the desire of holding this woman in my arms welled up inside me.

I told her that it's her turn tonight but I got held back with other matters. Because of that, once I entered her eyes, there's a huge pout on her lips as if I did her wrong.

"Sorry for making you wait." I instantly apologized. Even if that's not effective, it's a sincere apology.

"Stop that and just come here."

Although she kept her pout, Irja beckoned to me, opening up half the space on her bed.

Following her words, I naturally climbed up to it and pulled her in my arms.

These peaceful nights were almost about to be over. Once we start moving from world to world, spending time like this with any of my Companions will be minimized. Moreover, there will be a lot of them that I will definitely not be able to be at two other places at the same time. Unless they agreed to all stay in one room, right?

Nonetheless, I will make sure to satisfy all of them that being upset will be the last thing they will think of.

Holding the girl in my arms, it took me three attempts to erase the pout on her lips.

To make it up to her, I created numerous Energy Screens to contain the noises that we were about to make inside this room.

"Do we really need to…?" While covering her reddened face upon realizing my intention, Irja softly asked.

"Not necessarily, I didn't ask you to become my Companion just for that, you know? If you don't want it yet, I'm already satisfied being this close to you. I want to hear more of your stories after all."

Lying down next to each other while we're in each other's arms, it's already a situation of pure bliss. Doing that act of love was something we're using to express our love for each other. The pleasure from the act was just a plus.

Nonetheless, I will not be a hypocrite to deny that I like being that intimate with each of them. I might be calm and composed because of my Adaptability but I'm still a man.

"… I want it but Daisuke. You know I'm inexperienced, right?"

"Un. Leave it to me. We'll be together for a long time. You'll build up the experience in no time."

"Haa… How can you be so shameless?"

"I'm only like this when it comes to all of you, you know? I'm not someone who will beat around the bush. Well, if you wish for it I can also be subtle."

Unable to pick for a proper response, Irja could only let out a soft grunt before placing her lips on mine, letting me feel her current emotion. Joyful, embarrassed and excited. Answering that kiss and more, I led her through the ropes until we reached the point where we will finally be connected in the truest sense of the word.

Forgetting everything else and just focusing on each other, we spent the last hours of the night and almost half of the next day, building up her experience and exchanging whispers of our affection to each other.

Her new home is now beside me, I'll take care of all of them, not just as their Ultimate Support but also as their man.



"Old Man, are you nervous?"

"I'm not. I'm excited. If you, young ones, can pass it, why can't I?"

"Erin, your grandfather is nervous. Comfort him." I smirked and pointed at his shaky knees

"It's rare seeing the Old Man nervous. I couldn't remember any instance where he lost his composure. But you can do it, grandpa. You still want to see your great-grandchild, right? You have to pass that and become a Transcendent like us." With a bright smile on her face, Erin tapped her grandfather's back.

Being someone whose UPL is over 200, that simple tap of Erin instantly turned the Old Man green from resisting to grunt in pain.

Lightening the mood like that, time passed and the awaited time for the materialization of the Door of Transcendence arrived.

Honestly, each time I see it, it always reminds me of my Transcendent Mind Trial. I will never forget everything that happened there and with that as a motivation, I will never let anything close to that happen to them.

​ "Alright. It's here, Old Man. We're all here to watch over you, don't worry."

After enhancing him with all of my buffs, Blessings and even maxing out the Ally bonus, we all watched the Old Man flying to the sky to bash open that archaic door.

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