The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 445 Level 3 Earth Energy

As the Pocket Dimension continued to expand, we all left the space and flew out of the building.

It's just one of the Pocket Dimensions. Most likely, we'll be going on a trip to every existing Pocket Dimension on Earth to restore the inherent Source Energy.

When that happened, the World's Will of the Earth might be partially awakened.

In the end, there's still something that must be done before it becomes fully awakened.

As we watched the Pocket Dimension expand continuously, passing through the walls of and any other obstacles on its path, we were once again submerged inside it.

However, compared to before, the scenery didn't change.

Looking around, one reason could explain this occurrence.

The Pocket Dimension was assimilating the land. Making the merged Psyche Energy and the incomplete Psyche-type Energy produced by the Orbs to riddle the land and nourish everyone in it.

That's the case because as soon as the expanding Pocket Dimension engulfed me, the familiar notification sound rang out inside my mind.


[Level ? Psyche Energy has been successfully identified]

[Level ? Psyche Energy has been changed to Level 3 Earth Energy]

[Energy Manipulation has been enhanced]

[Adaptability has progressed]

[Because your Adaptability Level was insufficient, the creation of Level 3 Flux Energy Vessel has failed]

[Because you're already treading a Psyche-type Mortal Pathway, Earth's Mortal Pathway cannot be tread on anymore.]

[Because your five Mortal Pathways were synchronized, you cannot switch out your Psyche-type Mortal Pathway anymore]

[Due to the similarity in Mortal Pathways, your Psyche-type Mortal Pathway will be enhanced by the Level 3 Earth Energy]

Upon reading the series of notifications, I immediately swiped it off my view to check on my girls. Since they're not denizens of the Earth and they had only assimilated Level 1 Source Energies, they suddenly felt a huge restriction on their bodies.

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Being Transcendents, they could only assimilate a Level 2 Energy. They could only assimilate a Level 3 Energy like Earth Energy if their own world's Source Energy got assimilated to Earth.

However, that's impossible due to Earth being a Natural World.

That's why they had no choice but to be subjected to the restriction of being exposed to a Level 3 Energy.

Just like that time when we entered the Ancient Ruins or that time when I entered a Breach Portal Location.

Fortunately, since they're already Transcendent, the restriction placed on them wasn't that strong.

Apart from the initial shock from being subjected to the restriction, the five girls recovered almost immediately.

I just had to find a way to circumvent that restriction to make them still in their perfect condition when the time comes.

"Principal. Is this-- huh?"

I thought of asking the Principal if he could do something about the restriction, however, we were met with a surprising scene.

"That scummy fortune teller is becoming even stronger," Nysia commented as she immediately moved behind me.

Following her, the other four also moved behind me, to shield themselves from the seemingly terrifying force that was being emitted by the sly old man.

Although the Pocket Dimension was still continuing to expand from a distance, an Energy Storm had already formed above him.

And as the Level 3 Earth Energy poured down on him as if he's a flower that was being watered, his Transcendent Aura opened, subjecting everyone in his immediate vicinity to the immense pressure he was exuding.

As soon as I felt that, I remembered the instance when I felt the same terrifying pressure.

It was that day when Remilia caught me in the Dark World.

This Principal, he's a Rank 4 Transcendent that was probably even stronger than Remilia.

"The restoration of the inherent Source Energy of our world also restored his true strength," I explained to the five women.

Ah. 'Restored' was the wrong word for it. Most likely, he continued progressing in his Pathway despite the state of the Source Energy of the Earth where it was contained inside the Pocket Dimensions.

Hearing my answer the five nodded in agreement.

To not be caught up with the Principal's burst of power that he probably couldn't control, we all moved back to a distance.

Ignoring the confused sight of the normal students of the Academy, we flew away from the old building where the Pocket Dimension originated.

Looking down from above, most of the students were already unconscious while those who were still awake were clutching their heads as if they were in deep pain.


When we reached the gates of the Academy, my attention was taken by Yuko's shout. Turning my gaze towards her, all of my Companions who went out with her were all hurrying back.

The Transcendents who came with us and the Heroes who were not summoned in their Otherworld yet flew out of their rooms to see what was happening.

It was all too confusing for them for sure. However, the existence of the Level 3 Earth Energy already gave them an idea of what happened.

While we're watching the Principal undergo the restoration or perfection of his true prowess, I relayed to the girls the events which led to this.

"I see. The Orbs are that special. No wonder Sofiel and the others are missing. I thought they…"

"We thought they sneaked out to steal a march on us!" Erin interjected as she looked at the five with an accusatory glare.

"The Principal kidnapped them. Well, don't be like that, Erin. Do you also feel the restriction?"

Directing that question to the other girls except for Yuko and Yumiko, all of them nodded.

"Yumiko and I felt the rush of power when the Psyche Energy transformed to Earth Energy. But it's not as exaggerated as what's happening to my father."

"Our guess that he's an old fossil from the previous civilization on Earth was probably true. All this time, his Source Energy was incomplete."

If not for the Heroes assimilating the Source Energy from the Mortal Worlds that summoned them, they would probably experience the same thing as what's happening to the Principal.

Well, now, what I am most concerned about is how far will the Pocket Dimension expand? Will it engulf the whole of Japan?

We will only know about that after the current assimilation process ended and the bubble of the Pocket Dimension popped.



Two hours soon passed when the Pocket Dimension started its expansion and assimilation.

During that time, a lot more interesting things happened on Earth.

Everyone that was engulfed by the expansion of the Pocket Dimension now contained a Source Energy in their bodies.

They could now feel and absorb it to nourish their bodies.

That was made apparent when some of the students and the citizens outside the academy, who absorbed the Earth Energy instead of succumbing from the pain of its sudden existence, suddenly exhibited a Skill.

One thing naturally came to my mind, the Awakening of their Ability.

Since there's now a Mortal Pathway that the Earthlings could tread on, their sudden exhibition of awakened Ability just meant that they instantly reached the 2nd Realm of the Mortal Pathway in two hours.

I guess they could be said to be the geniuses of the generation or they could be said to be the early adapters.

Thinking back, my System told me the Mortal Pathway of the Earth. Although it's somewhat similar to the Meta Pathway, the realm titles were different and perhaps, the benefits that the Earthling would be receiving were slightly better.

1st Realm: Enhanced

2nd Realm: Awakened

3rd Realm: Transformed

4th Realm: Evolved

5th Realm: Perfected

Of course, comparing it to the Meta Pathway, it's just a fancy way of calling the Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and Legend ranks.

Because those people immediately made use of the Source Energy, they probably got the most benefit compared to those who lost their consciousness or got shocked from the sudden change that happened in their surroundings.

At the moment, news stations all around the world were already reporting the incident, most specifically the spectacle made by the Principal and the Awakened Abilities that was exhibited by the early adapters.

When the Pocket Dimension finished expanding and popped like a bubble, it actually engulfed the whole of Japan, North and South Korea as well as the eastern part of both China and Russia.

If one would look at it from the satellite outside the atmosphere of the Earth, a huge glowing circle could be seen with the Academy as the epicenter.

Well, it's probably glowing because of the existence of the Source Energy but given time, it would turn invisible to our naked eyes.

At the moment the Level 3 Earth Energy was now existing in every place inside that circle and that resulted in the whole world's attention.

Furthermore, because of its existence, the Breached Portal locations that were also engulfed by the assimilation suddenly showed up, rendering their Concealment Formations null.

Every Possessed Earthling below Transcendent that was outside the Breached Portal locations were all purified when they got engulfed with the Level 3 Earth Energy. The original owner of the body regained control.

Due to that, the Dark Cult existing inside the circle was now exposed to the public. Moreover, they're now like rats trapped inside their houses. Only Transcendents could go out of it but even if they leave, they would be subjected to a heavier restriction because they're only possessing an Earthling's body.

At the moment, the Transcendent Heroes as well as the group we brought from the World of Elements were all gathered by the Principal who was already back to the same sly old man after the perfection of his Source Energy.

"I am aware a lot of you are currently confused and are looking for an explanation. However, we don't have the luxury to do that at the moment."

Compared to before, the Principal didn't need to wave his arms anymore. With just a thought, a screen which showed the map of Japan was conjured in front of him. On the map, the location of the Breached Portals that appeared after the assimilation were all marked. "First, reclaim the lands from the hands of these… parasites."

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