The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 458 The Plan

"Are you back? Does it feel good to remember everything?"

As the flood of memories subsided inside my head, the first that registered in my eyes was the World's Will who went back to taking on my younger form.

He was even wearing the same shirt and pants I did when I first met Yuko.

Nonetheless, upon recalling everything… I could honestly say that this was how he originally was.


He did give me the emotions he didn't want to bear but he kept that one and all other emotions connected to it. Because for him, nothing beats doing something that would amuse him.

Also, that's quite wrong. The truth was that despite creating me and funneling in emotions to me before kicking me out without any memory as to what I am, he kept a large part of it. This World's Will grew too smart for a World's Will.

Nonetheless… As he said, no matter what he does, he's still a World's Will that would be forever tied in this World.

Even if he wouldn't confirm it, I was probably his attempt or his test subject into gaining freedom from the World.

That's why when Yuko and I found that method to create a Physical Body at a Level 3 Physique-type Sage World, this World's Will helped us accomplish it…

I have no idea what his end goal is but because I ended up having my own set of memories because he didn't grant me any, the years I spent with Yuko made me into an entirely different person or Incarnation.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Perhaps I ended up outside his expectations. Who knows?

When I started inhabiting the Mortal Body they created, the Energy composing my whole body seeped into the Physical Body before taking form as my inherent ability. Energy Control.

At that time, I regained the memory that I was indeed created by the World's Will and I ended up thinking that my existence was planned by him. To find a way for him to stop being the World's Will of Earth.

Moreover, I also speculated that the reason he helped Yuko create my body was that he was going to take back his control on me. As his Incarnation and inhabit that body as himself.

However, that didn't happen even after I reached the Divine Stage and we ended up doing that plan.

"Quit it with your games. The day I regained my memories of my past, you intentionally let even my Spirit World catch the trace. They shouldn't have been dragged into this plan.

Illiana. I had her placed in that world to make the Spirit World thrive and for her to become its ruler before I upgrade it to a Sage World like this World but you… Is it also you who let those three find a Sage World to suppress Worldy?"

That trio of Zaraya, they wouldn't be able to reach a Sage World without someone's guidance. If he tampered with the plan by dragging the Spirit World then it's not impossible for this guy to also be the one responsible for that.

Upon hearing my question, the World's Will clapped his small hands while maintaining a confident smile on his face.

"For you to instantly deduce that after regaining your memories… I'm impressed by my creation."

"Will you stop calling me your creation? I am myself. And you're well aware of that. You can't take it back, right? Your control on me. You lost it the day I gained my body. It's also the reason why I became aware of my origin."

That's the only plausible reason why he stayed silent ever since I stopped being an Energy Incarnation. He lost his control over me. However, even if I knew that, every passing day, I would wake up to check if I was still myself.

It's only thanks to Yuko that I continued to be sane and clear-headed when it comes to my identity.

For her… I was my own unique self.

Nonetheless, the doubt continued to linger in me. It's the reason why we ended up going to different worlds again where I met my Companions. Zerina, Avelin, Jayna, Nysia, Sofiel and Illiana...

Naturally, at first, I wasn't entertaining the idea that another woman would be close to me apart from Yuko.

But Yuko… Instead of her Foresight, she possessed the same Eye as Yse. The Eye that can see through people's destiny.

"If you know, then stop mulling over it. Tsk, Ruining my fun. This is why I'm reluctant to give your memories back to you… If only you're not crucial in this plan you cooked up yourself…"

The World's Will frowned and clicked his tongue.

"Stop acting and answer me. Why did you drag the Spirit World and guide those three outside?"

If the Dark World wasn't dragged in and turned into an Invasive World, the Invasive Worlds that would be attacking the Mortal Worlds near this World Zone where the Earth is currently located were some rogue Invasive Worlds like those three who are now working with Zaraya.

There shouldn't be any participation from the Dark World… Illiana shouldn't be put in that kind of situation where she had to be restricted.

That girl, after Yuko, she's the second woman I got attached to.

"Isn't it clear to you why I drifted out of that plan you left behind? Your plan was too slow! Circumstances change."

"Huh? How did the circumstances change? Didn't we agree that we needed to be careful or that world would also detect us?"

"Listen. You're not me who spent a few millennia awake. Something big happened in the Divine World Zone. A war between those Divine Worlds happened during the time you're in your sweet dream as a Soul! I need to speed up your reincarnation or else…"

"Or else what?"

"We'll get dragged into it soon enough."

"Why? How?"

"Did you grow dumb because of your reincarnation or are you playing dumb? You saw two traces of that war… You even entered one."

"You mean…"

The Ancient Ruins and whatever is below that cliff in the Barbarian World…

"Correct. It's those two. Think. Can a Natural Mortal World possess that kind of Dimension?"

"No. In the first place, if those were a part of a Sage World, those worlds should've been destroyed from the impact. How was that possible?"

It's unnatural for a piece of a higher world to attach to a lower world. It should be the other way around. Higher World assimilating a Lower World.

"Go back there and find out for yourself."

The World's Will waved his hand as if he's uninterested in it.

"You. Stop withholding information from me. Aren't we in this together?"

Everything was done by the two of us. I might've presented the plan and enacted it by sacrificing everything connected to Earth but his part on that was even bigger than mine.

Why? It's because he's also afraid for the Earth to be destroyed! Whatever plan he had in mind for his own benefit, he wouldn't be able to do that if the Earth became pulverized just because there's a possibility for it to become a Divine World.

"Before you worry about that, don't you have something you need to do first? With your meager strength… forget proving yourself to that Divine World, even seeing that woman at the Spirit World would be hard for you to do. Go back now and improve you and your women's strength."

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