The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 212 Mecha Core!

"Third Prince! You are not allowed to be here! Leave immediately or else we-"


G-Drake's back fins powered up ominously and instantly generated a humongous amount of energy.


A chilling beam of yellow energy surged out of G-Drake's maw and smashed onto the third blue dragon that had only appeared a mere second earlier.


The energy beam pierced through whatever strange defensive barrier that the blue dragons had and vaporized an entire chunk of the third dragon's chest!

G-Drake was already a dragon of royal bloodline, and boasted a vastly more powerful dragon breath than non royal dragons. Even if he was but a little dragonling, his dragon breath was already extremely potent.

Add that to the fact that I had given him a biomech mod that enhanced his attack by a serious amount, it was no surprise that the third personal guard was felled with just one dragon breath attack!

One of its four limbs fell to the ground and a copious amounts of dragon blood spurted out of its gaping wound like a water fountain.


The third dragon roared weakly in shock as its lifeblood quickly disappeared from his body and he too followed his limb to fall to the ground with a loud BAM!!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Dragons were not a cowardly race, and I was reminded very strongly of that fact when I sensed the two blue dragons behind us speeding up even after seeing their brother dying so quickly and so miserably under G-Drake's surprise attack.


G-Drake roared out a ferocious bellow of warning, but the two dragons kept coming.

"Ignore them. Full speed ahead towards our target!" Bruce Pang repeated his orders.


Twin energy beams shot out towards us from the two dragons.

But G-Drake dodged them easily with a series of deft maneuvering.

Still, the energy beams served their intended purpose perfectly. They slowed down G-Drake and allowed the two dragons to close the distance between us.


More energy beams came our way, and G-Drake lost even more speed as he swerved this way and that way to avoid the attacks.

Within seconds, the two adult blue dragons reached us!

G-Drake may be an inexperienced dragonling, but its battle instincts were top notch.

As soon as the two dragons got into range, he unleashed a massive barrage of laser and rocket fire upon them!

The dragons had never fought against such strange weapons before, and were both taken by complete surprise.

To make things worse for them, a few of the laser cannons actually hit them in the eyes!!

With a simple move, G-Drake successfully executed the first law of battle: blind the bastards.


The two dragons howled their indignance and in excruciating pain as their sight quickly left them.

But their fight was over.

That was life.

Against superior enemies, battles are rarely drawn out. The stronger party would always strive to end the battle as quickly as possible, and if the strength discrepancy was large enough, more often than not, the stronger party would succeed.

Just like our short trip that day.

Four massive blue dragons that would have wrecked absolute havoc if released upon the world were very quickly taken out by G-Drake.

After we took out the four dragons, the rest of the trip went on very smoothly.

We quickly reached the blue dragon king's private chambers and entered it without pausing.

No blue dragon in their right minds would be brave enough to enter the chamber, and those not in their right minds would probably not be able to survive the ambush by the three personal guards.

G-Drake was the only existence in the entire blue dragon community that could do that.

Being in the private chamber of the king of blue dragons was an incredibly eye opening experience.

The idea that dragons loved hoarding treasure and sleeping among them was actually very very true.

There was no decoration in that private chamber.

Like the Circle Trove, there was just piles and piles of treasure everywhere in that gigantic room.

My resonance tingled even as I mourned my inability to absorb the various delicious mechas and strange machines I sensed.

"If only Devour was not dormant." I groaned in extreme heartbreak.

"May I suggest you take a couple of treasures that you might find extremely useful, Master?" G-Drake said calmly.

His flat tone contrasted rather wildly with the incredibly treasonous but also highly exciting words that he just uttered.

"Of course!" I exclaimed. "Where? What should I take?"

"Hurry. We don't want to spend too much time here." Bruce Pang said, his own eyes gleaming with barely controlled greed. But Bruce Pang was Bruce Pang.

Greed had no hold on him, and it did not cloud his judgement.

Wordlessly, G-Drake leapt towards one of the middle piles of treasure and grabbed a sword that was sticking out of a huge mountain of golden trinkets.

After that, he went on to one of the rear piles and grabbed a round object that resembled a mecha core.

"Is that a mecha core?" My eyes widened at the sight of the glowing, yellow coloured sphere.

"Yes, it is an energy core. However it is not at the level of Control. It does not have effects. Still, it is an extremely powerful energy core which might be useful to you." G-Drake said in his calm voice and dropped both items into the pod.

However, unbeknownst to him, as soon as the sword and the mecha core touched my hands, my red mecha core reacted.


"No effect? Hahahaha! I am not so sure about that!" I remember laughing joyously in my heart. It was truly turning out to be an excellent mission trip for me. Not one but two experimental mecha cores??

"Good haul. Let's go." Bruce Pang said with a slight tinge of impatience. He couldn't wait to get the hell out of the blue dragon lair!

"Let's go, G-Drake." I said in a calm voice that masked my rising sense of incredible excitement perfectly!

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