The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 224 Clone

Tens of lightning bolts converged upon the golden mechas as though they were massive lightning rods standing tall in the middle of a lightning storm.


The first group of lightning bolts smashed onto the massive shield of the American and threw him violently backwards.

The next group of lightning bolts were all attracted by and crashed into the small ball which the little girl threw out.

Because of that, the European mecha was relatively untouched by the lightning bolts.

She burst out of the explosion at high speed and shot out towards Blue Storm with both her rapiers extended out.

She looked very determined to close the distance between them and engage in close combat!

However, she barely made any progress when a literal wall of lightning bolts shot out once more from the blue dragon and hurtled towards her!

"Shit! Lightning Slash!!" The European mecha's twin rapiers suddenly glowed orange and the little girl swung them diagonally forward in a clean defensive and offensive act.

Her own orange coloured lightning shot out of her rapiers and crashed into the incoming wall of lightning bolts.

With that surprisingly powerful move, the little girl managed to safely survive the next batch of lightning bolts.

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But that was all she could do at that moment. Survive!

There was no progress to be made against such fearsome spells!

"What the hell? Are these lightning bolts endless?" The little girl yelled in exasperation as she was forced to retreat a distance away so that the new walls of lightning bolts which were constantly spawning did not target her.

"Water Domain and Lightning Domain established successfully. Excellent. Now, take it up a notch! Charge ahead and bring the fight to them!" The Ancestor hooted loudly and half victoriously, doing the exact same thing that the European mecha was trying to do just a mere second ago.

In such a situation, where both parties were eager to close the distance and get to close combat, it simply meant that both were confident of their combat prowess.

However, the chances of them having equal strength was minuscule. One of them was definitely stronger than the other.

The only question was, which one?

Blue Storm dashed ahead and brought along with it the massive swirling ocean tornado and the hundreds of lightning bolts which had rapidly accumulated around him.

"You're coming towards me? Good. Come and meet your death, you damned lizard!" The little girl cried out and charged ahead fearlessly as well.

However, she had very sneakily thrown out a handful of small balls to her left and right.


Grouping the bunch of small balls together seemed to have an exponential effect in their ability to attract lightning, and as soon as they activated, every single lightning bolt which had accumulated around Blue Storm shot towards the small balls!


They exploded magnificently.

But they did much more than explode.

They cleared a path towards the blue dragon!


The golden mecha fired all of its considerably powerful thrusters and dived straight ahead with its pair of deadly looking rapiers.


Both rapiers glowed orange and then fired off a pair of stunningly powerful nuclear beams!

"What the hell? I had no idea golden mechas could do such a thing!" The Ancestor howled in indignance as he made the blue dragon swerve violently to the side to avoid the nuclear beams.

But alas!

The nuclear beams were somehow powered and directed by the aiming system of the alien tech the Europeans got, and they actually swerved and repositioned themselves to eventually smash into Blue Storm!!!


The blue dragon shrieked in pain as the twin nuclear beams ravaged its left arm and shoulder!

"They are able to direct even energy beams? And what the hell? Were those nuclear beams?" The Ancestor cursed vehemently. But he didn't get very far because the little girl wasn't done pressing home the advantage that her little balls had gotten her.

She managed to get into sword range within a split second and unleashed a highly skilled barrage of rapier slashes at Blue Storm in a short blink of an eye!

"Her rapiers are actually layered with nuclear energy?" The Ancestor exclaimed grimly as the little girl slashed off the blue dragon's wounded left arm.

In the battle between the god-like blue dragon and Europe's golden mecha, surprisingly, it was the golden mecha who was holding a clear advantage!

"Regrow!" The Ancestor snapped at the blue dragon. "And I said, go all out! Why the hell aren't you activating clone? Create a couple of clones and kick that damned European mecha's ass!!"


The blue dragon howled a strange howl, and activated a green glow!

Instantly, its dragon arm regrew, and two smaller but clearly otherwise exactly the same blue dragons suddenly shimmered into being made by power of the Clone mecha core.

"Huh! This dragon is capable of cloning itself? This is bad. I'm out of here!" The little girl shouted very, very decisively before applying full brakes and reversing her direction!

The fact that she was instantly able to choose to retreat showed that she was a formidable warrior who was not lost in her own world of false invincibility.

She may be a little girl, but her maturity and decision making wisdom was off the charts.

Additionally, her sensors were also top notch. She was able to immediately discover that the two smaller dragons were not simply harmless illusions, but were true blue illusions which could definitely pack a strong punch if allowed to land hits on her mecha.


The European golden mecha exploded off in the opposite direction as quickly as it had tried to close the distance.

But would the Ancestor allow her to come and go as she pleased?

Oh hell no.

The Ancestor got the two little clones to latch on to the European mecha, and started to attempt to stop her from making good her escape!

"You think you can leave so easily? What am I? A god damned restaurant? Stay here and prepare to die!" The Ancestor shouted.

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