The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 239 Thirty One Thousand Mecha Wreckages

But I quickly remembered what happened the last time I met a Whitefrost in the battle, and I immediately brought my guard back up against her.

"Hey Justin. Don't fraternize with the enemy." Elise said to me warningly.

"Yes. Don't let your guard down." Eliana added.

"Hahaha! Your girlfriends really are the jealous type! Hey girls, I really want to hangout with Justin right now. In fact, I have two other super pretty girls with me. They are the Twin Flowers of the third grade, and probably a hundred times prettier than the two of you. Let me borrow him for a bit, alright?" Margaret said very provocatively.

"Sorry, but he's not for loan. There is no way in hell you girls really are as pretty as you're saying because well, it is a physical impossibility that there are girls in the notoriously dumb and ugly third grade prettier than us." Elise Wang said while waving her sword at them.

"Yeah. Twin Flowers of the third grade? You mean Twin Rafflesia Flowers? You poor dumbass third graders. Born ugly and still striving so hard to sound pretty by giving yourselves dumb titles like Twin Flowers. I pity unfortunate souls like you. Maybe I should let you off today on account of how sad your life is." Eliana Wang unleashed her own barrage of verbal attack.

"Are your faces as vile as your tongues, little girls? If they are, then I am afraid that your little boyfriend would be ours after we wipe the ground with your dead mechas." The mecha on Margaret's left shot back.

"What a weak reply. Your brain must be filled with mush. What have you been doing for the past three years? Plastic surgery after plastic surgery? Maybe brain surgery? Oh! Not brain surgery. Brain implantation? To boost your previously tiny-" Elise Wang unleashed all her broadside cannons at the left girl.

"Non-existent" Eliana Wang interrupted.

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"I apologize. I meant, non-existent brains. Ha!" Elise Wang barked out a condescending laugh.

"Don't get provocated by the little girl, Jackie." Margaret drawled. But it was too late.

Her Jackie friend had already charged.

"You talk too much for an untested newbie. Come have a taste of my blade!" The mecha on Margaret's left exploded into action and unleashed a massive overhead swing at Elise using her greatsword.

Elise was no slouch, and she too exploded forward a split second after Jackie did, swinging her own greatsword and unleashing her own formidable attack.

Bang! Bang!

"Isabel, why don't you have a little fun with the other girl as well?" Margaret suggested.

Wordlessly, Isabel charged forward at the same time Eliana did and they both started a vicious, banging fight as well.

Immediately, it was very clear that the Wang girls were hopelessly outclassed, and that the two third graders were not pulling their punches as well.

Thirty seconds had barely passed and already, both Elise and Eliana had received several light to medium damages.

I hefted my spear lightly and waited for an opportunity to help them.

"Why? Are you angry that your loud mouthed girlfriends are being bullied? They are just receiving what they deserve, you know. First graders like you guys need to learn to keep your damn heads down. Being far too stellar isn't good for you or for anyone studying in school." Margaret said lightly.

But despite her light tone, I detected a real sense of unhappiness.

"Hmmm? You and James are saying very similar things. Just what the hell is happening here?" I asked curiously and with irritation.

Something shady was definitely going on.

"Hahaha! Of course! It's so like the academy to keep you in the dark. You have no idea what's happening! Well. Because I kind of like how you're actually lifting high the Whitefrost name, I will tell you a little bit. Just the real name of today's mission.

The name of today's mission for the rest of the thirty one thousand students apart from you damned first graders is...

Blackening the Rising Sun!

That's right! The entire academy is tasked to put you damned first years in place! To make things fair, our first priority is to get the flags too, of course. But make no mistake, once the flags are safely in our hands, you first graders are getting completely wiped out. Haha!" Margaret laughed coldly, set her shield in place and started to move towards me.

"I see. So you are all pissed off that we are better than you guys were when you were still first graders, pissed off that we're being used as material to pressure you all to work harder and improve as fast as possible, pissed that the academy places so much importance on us.

But don't you dare for one god damned moment think that you have a monopoly on anger.

You think that we're not pissed off that we're being targeted this way simply because we're a generation of dragons and phoenixes?

The academy wants you to "Blacken the Rising Sun?" Let me tell you something. The god damned sun can't be blackened! In fact, those who try to do so will be the ones getting blackened!!

And if I have to make my point above the wreckage of thirty one thousand god damned mechas, help me god for I will do so!!" I roared furiously.



Wisp after wisp after wisp started to flow out from my red mecha core and sheer, unadulterated energy surged out of my body into my practice mecha.


I strengthened my mecha by multiple factors and shamelessly brought its power up to white mecha grade. And upon realizing that I had left over red energy, I pointed at Eliana and Elise and caused their mechas to surge in strength to peak blue mecha as well!

I didn't freaking care anymore.

"Damned old man and your shameless tactics! You have no idea what I am capable of! Just you watch, I will destroy all thirty one thousand mechas with just myself and the Wang twins!" I thought with great determination.

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