The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 256 Dig In!

It had been an incredible day for Sheera Lin and our first grade, a victorious day beyond all reckoning.

And even if we had lost the next battle and bowed out of the day's event, our, and more specifically, Sheera's glory and triumph would not have been diminished in the slightest.

But she wasn't done yet!

By her estimation, the most ferocious battle of the day had yet to come.

"Reset the trap. Proceed to Formation C." Sheera Lin ordered the first graders calmly. "Scouts, update."

"Justin has just claimed three flags around twenty kilometers north of our position. The remaining four flags had been claimed by a coalition of gifted and regular seniors. There are five thousand enemy mechas left, and all of them are making their way here." One of the scouts reported back. "Olivia is still escaping from the thousand heavies, I have directed her towards Justin's position as you instructed."

"Scouts one and two. Keep track of the five thousand. The rest of you scouts, return. Our final battle is upon us. Justin, work with Olivia to clean up the thousand heavies and prepare to flank the main enemy army on my order." Sheera Lin ordered calmly.

Her ability to accurately measure the abilities of her subordinates and give them weight-appropriate tasks is simply god-like.

She did not have a firm grasp of my real abilities, of course. But she did not hesitate to give me impossible tasks that would clean up any messy loose ends she had, and then send me as a pincer attack to an army fifty times my size.

Well done Sheera, you cold hearted angel of death.

But she did well in giving me that task.

"Alright. Our task here is done. Olivia is in trouble. She is being chased by a thousand heavies. We need to rescue her and then bring her squad to ambush a five thousand strong army and destroy it." I announced to the group. "If we destroy that army, we would win today's event."

"Just five thousand left? That's pretty fast. Some sort of massive massacre must have happened somewhere." James remarked.

"Hehehehehehe." Elise Wang merely chuckled. She was in the Commanders voice channel and knew exactly what had happened.

"Doesn't matter. Let's end it and start hunting for mecha materials." Margaret said with a slight tinge of impatience in her voice.

"Shi fu is right. Let's go!" Eliana spoke up loudly.

"Let's go. We have a thousand heavies to beat up. They dare to bully Olivia, what guts they have! They must learn that my friends are completely off limits!" I said grandly and unreasonably as I started to jog towards the coordinates provided by the scout.

My four buddies followed me to my left and right, forming a five man wedge formation with me in the lead.

We traversed around the body of a massive mountain which seemed to stretch endlessly in all directions.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It did not take long for us to catch sight of Olivia and her hundred mechas.

They had been on the run for hours, circling the mountain range and they were exhausted.

"Olivia! To us! We are your reinforcements!" I shouted as I dashed towards her.

"The heavies are barely a minute away. What do you have planned for us?" Olivia panted as we finally grouped up.

Her hundred twenty mechas were still intact, and we were actually quite a reasonable force, all things considered.

If allowed to shoot freely from a protected position, we would still be able to pack a powerful punch on the enemy.

I checked the map of our surroundings quickly, and found an excellent spot.

A medium sized cliff overlooking a clearing.

"If I could lead and hold the enemy mechas in that clearing while Olivia and her riflemen shoots down from the cliff, it would be perfect." I thought to myself.

And apparently, I wasn't the only one with such thoughts.

"Let's get to this spot. Olivia, you get up the cliff. I will bait the enemy to the clearing and we will slaughter them there." Margaret said confidently.

"That sounds good. But it would take me some time to get the top of the cliff. You will need to hold them for at least fifteen minutes!" Olivia panted loudly.

"Not a problem. Just go on ahead first. We'll slow them down and lead them by the nose." I said and gave her a shooing motion.

"Fine. Let's go guys! The end is near!" Olivia called out to her team.

Grudgingly with no small amount of protests, they trudged off.

Just as they left, the thousand heavies came into view.

Wordlessly, the five of us formed up into a long line with at least twenty meters between each of us, and charged towards our enemy fearlessly!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Five suicidal bastards! They think they can slow us down with just five? Ha! Run them down! Trample over them! Let's give them a trauma they won't forget!" Came the shout of a cocky little boy.

"Third or fourth graders. Babes in the woods." I chuckled and started to twirl my spear in a fancy, wide angled move that was utter rubbish in a real battle between equally powerful mechas.

But between a giant and cute little ducklings, it was brilliantly effective.

"Die!!" James hooted eagerly.

"You guys shouldn't have chased after my friend for so long." Elise Wang sighed loudly.

"It's time to regret your sins! My teacher and I will lay waste your entire battalion!" Eliana Wang shouted with great zeal.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Five of us crashed into the line of heavies with ridiculous strength and instantly stymied their charge!

Crash! Crash! Crash!

We wrecked complete havoc within the ranks of the thousand heavies.

Ten, then twenty, thirty, forty mechas quickly fell around us!

"Enough. Let's start pulling back before we scare them off." I ordered. "Olivia and her team needs to vent their frustration as well after being chased around for a full half day."

"That's very considerate of you. You and Olivia seem pretty close." Elise Wang remarked.

"Of course. I am a very considerate person. And yes, we're pretty close." I said carelessly as I turned around and started running away.

"Hmmm." Elise Wang responded with a slightly heavy tone.

"No closer than I am to you and the others." I added.

"Ah yes. Of course." Elise Wang replied sweetly.

We executed probably one of the best fighting retreats I had ever experienced that day.

On a very small scale, of course.

But we established a very solid rhythm that irritated the thousand heavies to no end.

We would trip, wound and disable our enemies for a brief second or two, before bursting backwards quickly to keep ourselves from being surrounded.

And we repeated the whole sequence over and over again.

Any experienced commander would immediately notice that they were being led by the nose towards a certain place, probably a prepared kill zone.

But for a commander that was willing to order a thousand heavy mechas to chase after a hundred light mechas for half a day around a mountain...

No. They remained completely oblivious to our precise and deliberate actions.

After fifteen lazy minutes for the five of us, we finally reached the kill zone.

By that time, nine hundred heavies remained, and they were all angrier than a bull in heat which just had its potential mates taken away mid hump.

"Bastard bastard bastard bastaaaaarrdssss!!!!" Came a particularly shrill scream filled with what could only be described as a mixture of guilty pleasure and genuine anger.

Probably a spoiled kid with strict parents who never allowed him to use curse words freely.

The nine hundred heavies stampeded out of the cluster of thin trees and into the clearing with the towering cliff dead ahead of us.

"We have them cornered like rats! Kill! Kill them all!!!"

"Kill the as-assholes!!!"


I grinned widely and whirled around approximately twenty meters away from the cliff to give Olivia a good angle to fire upon those poor bastards.

"Olivia! Fire at will!" I called out loudly.

"Acknowledged. Aim at the enemies at the rear first! Fire at will guys!!" Olivia shouted back.

"Yeaaaahhh!!! Take this! This! This!!"

"This is for chasing after me for a full half day! Dieeee!!"

The storm of rifle fire descended upon the nine hundred heavies.

Boom! Bam! Crash!

"Kill them all!" I ordered my buddies.

We were only five ten year olds.

But for that fight, we were like thousand year old shredder demons that killed every single mecha that came our way.

With Olivia shredding up their rear, the mechas pushed forward to try and escape her rifle fire.

But with the five of us in front killing everything that came our way, the front lines soon decided that they wanted nothing to do with us.

And within a minute, a massive clash of heavy mechas pushing forward from the back and pushing back from the front took place, causing them to clump together in the middle like extremely juicy meat patties.

"Dig in!!" James shouted eagerly and waded in like a death god!

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