The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 528: Visiting the Gu God (1/2)

Chapter 528: Visiting the Gu God (1/2)

I quickly make my way to the temple. To access it, one has to pass through a pitch-dark tunnel that leads to the pitch-dark temple. I enter what feels like a new world. 

Why this design? Are they too poor to afford light? Is their god a darkness enjoyer? Using my scouting ability I can somehow still distinguish what is there. I'm not even sure why that works. 

I see many statues in different corners. This place isn't even symmetrical. It seems as if they just dug a big hole and then just gave up. They just went, meh good enough. Then they dumped the statues. No floor either, just plain cavern rock. 

In the middle is the largest statue of them all. I approach it and I have to admit it truly deserves to be put here. While the others are mostly incomplete ones or just showing a shadowy form, this one has mad details. 

It represents a squirming mass of Gus that are all piled up atop one another. It is both extremely chaotic and extremely artistic. It really gives the feeling that it is about to jump at you any second. 

I bet this statue could even render anxious any person with entomophobia. They'd go "Eww insects and faint". Still, I need to admit I enjoy the minimalist style. 

Then again it doesn't look prayer-friendly. I guess that's why no one is here. That's when I notice an engraving. It says <Eternal Gu Breeder>. Alright, fair enough. I won't kink shame. 

If that god loves to watch insects go at it Who am I to judge? I guess it could just be a normal regular Gu Trainer. Who knows. 

I take a deep breath. I look at the statue, steadying my heart. I'm the good kind of nervous. Then I touch it.and nothing happens. This is awfully disappointing. Just to be safe I touch it all over some more. Yep, no reaction. 

Actually, there is more than one statue here. What if? Let's try this. I start running, acting like a little kid let loose in a toy shop. Touch, touch that, touch everything.

I finally come back in front of the main one feeling pretty stupid. Good thing no one saw me run around like a complete dumbass. Oh well, it can't be helped. I talk to the statue as if an old friend. 

[You know, I was hoping to meet the Gu God. But all you gave me were lifeless carvings in the rock.] 

That's when I notice something. The stone wall in the back has carvings. Only this one has it for some reason. Just as I get closer to touch is, I finally sense it. Okay, that's how you teleport to the


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As I open my eyes, I'm in a dark place. I mean that literally. But that's when a big lantern appears. Then it seems as if it has noticed me as it slowly floats over. Talk about convenience! 

It is a beautiful yellow with a bit of orange in the middle. It reminds me of some weird paper lantern that one would buy at a knockoff store. 

[So pretty.] 

I can't help but exclaim. It just floats in front of me. It's kinda weird how it's not shining any light on the surroundings at all. Everything remains pitch-black. I slowly get my hand closer. Of course, I make sure I have divine energy coursing through me. 

Finally making contact, it is strange, to say the least. It feels like caressing cold jade, I think. I've always been too broke to afford jade. I can't help but smile. 

It's at this exact moment that it blinks. WaitThen the intensity of the glow goes up as, finally, the darkness recedes. In front of me is a humongous centipede. It has sharp mandibles, tons of legs, tons of claws, and even wings! 

Right, Gus can be quite amazing. I react the only natural way. 

[Who's a good centipede, eh? Who's a good Gu?] 

Then I start petting it. It opens its maw as it glances at me blinking. Right, why is an insect blinking in the first place? Yep, Gus can be quite amazing. It seems at a loss. 

The orange part seems to be the pupil, it's now gazing at me directly. It seems smart too. Now it's obviously wondering a few things. 

1.      Who am I? 

2.      Why am I here?

3.      What am I? 

4.      Why aren't I scared. 

I'm a stranger that just barged into its nest without any explanation, one that is also a human mortal, and yet I don't fear the creature. I mean why would I?

In the Earth realm, I can be defeated by pretty much anyone. Here, however, I'm a god. One that is at the very bottom of the food chain, but still. 

Of course, that's a sham and I know it too. But, to creatures that can't use divine energy, it doesn't really matter. 

After all, one good Forgar Spell and this whole Gu gets blown up. Ah, never mind. These Gus. As I look around with more attention, I notice Gus everywhere. 

Actually, what I thought to be the floor turns out to be Gus too. Is this a new version of the floor is lava? This is actually kinda cool! That is when comes a deep guttural voice. 

"Human? You are a human are you not? What brings you here?"

[You can talk?! Oh, sorry if that was rude. Eh, just visiting.] 

"Just visiting the god realm? Why aren't you scared?"

[You seem like a cool guy. By the way, your eyes look so damn cool! I'm jealous!]


[I bet with eyes as pretty you can pick up chicks easily in bars.] 

"Pick up chicks? Why would we pick up chickens? You make no sense human"

[I meant it like girls. You know! The opposite sex.] 


[Eh, like another from the same species that you copulate with to make children. Ah, but with overpopulation and the modern reality the goal of copulation often changes for.ok I'm getting sidetracked.]

"We Gus do not know such a thing."

[You don't?]

"We simply devour. We devour all the others until only us remains. Until we are the strongest."

[Eh, I see tons of Gus crawling around your feet. Also, I know a powerful Gu that just eats fruits.] 


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