The Vampire Cat System

Chapter 269 Unexpected Guess

Ryan who had just walked out of the training class and was wondering where everyone went, not only had he gone to the weapon hall to look for both Bernard and Emelia he also couldn't see Sophia as well, making him slightly worried he couldn't help but remember what had happened an hour ago, training classes had just ended and he felt he couldn't hold himself any longer since he felt like his bladder was going to burst, so he had rushed towards the boys' toilet, however after he was done and was about to return back to meet Sophia he bumped into some people.

When he saw who they were Ryan was immediately scared and was about to run back into the boys' toilet when he realize someone was already blocking the doorpost, eventually, without no other choice he was told to follow them that they had something for him, from the rank 7 second years Daniel, when he heard who had sent for him his heart couldn't stop racing against his chest, he wanted to shout but he was too afraid they would kill him even before his voice could get out.

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All through the walk, Ryan kept quiet with his head down, not that he didn't want to raise his head but he was too afraid to, he also couldn't stop thinking about what they were going to do to him, he had seen what happened to Vic so it was needless to say how scared he was, he couldn't help but gulped down the saliva on his throat and then clenched his fist, he was already preparing himself mentally and emotionally for what to come, he didn't need to think too much to know he was soon going to receive the beating of his life when he eventually refused their proposal.

"Ryan, right? so it seems like you haven't told your friends that you were the one who betrayed them? or you managed to convince them, how by telling them a sweet lie? which of the two did you do?"One of the second years said looking at his owm bracelet displaying rank 5, but he wasn't admiring the rank that was written on it but the time that was written close to it.

When Ryan heard what he said, his body suddenly trembled and he gritted his teeth, but he couldn't say anything nor did he refute the second year, it was just like the second year had said he hadn't told Bernard, and the girls what he had done, not because he didn't want to, but he was simply afraid of what they would do to him, although they were good friends but then he couldn't tell if they would still be good to him when they eventually got to know what he had done.

"Oh, why aren't you saying anything cat caught your tongue? Oh well then I should take it that you haven't told them, to be honest, if I were them I definitely wouldn't forgive you for betraying me, thankfully I don't have a shithead like you as a friend otherwise am sure I would have died several times over, without even knowing how I died, huh my bad I also feel sorry for you but then you can't blame me."The second year said, but not still looking at Bernard.

The group of second year kept talking as they walked but with mostly the second year who had struck up a conversation with Ryan, at this moment Ryan was beginning to feel even more guilt than he already was, not only was he remembering what he had done but also the consequences of what he had done, at this point he couldn't help but think about what the old man Quzin said before.

Although the old man had told to him to tell them the truth and that if they truly considered him as a friend from the beginning they would forgive him even if it would take some time, but then he had been too scared to tell him, he simply did not want them to start hating him, and of course, he understood what the old man said but it was far easier said than done when it was time to put his words into actions.

Not that he had not tried it before, but each time he wanted to do it and make up his mind that he would do so the next day, he would have a terrible nightmare in his nightmare Bernard would turn into a crying demon, not only Bernard but both the girls as well constantly saying why did he betray them and would even chase him around, and all he could to do at point would simply be crying on his knees, and even if he was trying to explain their loud thunderous voice would eventually overshadow his own and then he would wake up and the next day when he saw them he wouldn't be able to say a word.

While they were walking, the second year who had been taunting Ryan couldn't help but look at him from the corners of his eyes, and smirk, it was needless to say if he was doing it intentionally or not, he just wanted to toy with his emotion, after all, that was his favorite hobby toying with weaker peoples emotion until they start hallucinating and began to scream out in agony, not just that the reason why this was always possible was simply because of his symbiote bloodline.

"You lie, I didn't betray my friends, you guys simply tricked and deceived me."Those words had just left his mouth when Ryan realize where he was and simply shut his mouth up almost immediately, he didn't dare raise his head, although he said he didn't want to betray his friends again that didn't mean he wanted to die in their hands or get himself killed for nothing, after all, if he died just like that who would get revenge for him?

"Fine, fine, I'll agree with you this time around you didn't betray your friends, you simply cheated them and backstabbed them without them being aware of it, at the end what you don't know doesn't kill you right?"He said and threw one of his arms over Ryan's neck like they were some old pal, he hadn't met for a long time, however when he did this Ryan didn't say anything, because he didn't need to say anything since his mind was gradually going blank.

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