The Vampire Cat System

Chapter 276 Three Moons Three Eyes

While inside the stargate, Sophia didn't know how much time had passed but she only felt that in the next she could feel a subtle feeling beneath her feet once again, although it only took an instant for her to reach the other end of the stargate, however during the process of her being transported through one thousand planets she felt as if her body was about to be ripped apart, not only was the force strong but her mind felt messy and were all over the place.

It wasn't that her body was weak, rather it could be said that it was due to the distance she was traveling within the stargate being too long and at the same time she was traveling without a spaceship, in fact, after the stargates were discovered, symbiote users stopped using their bodies to travel through stargates due to the restraint and the horrible feeling it brought to the body.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A few moments later Sophia had landed on the destination the stargate was set to, however, she didn't stand up immediately but knelt down on the ground while panting heavily, on her body many bruises that could be seen were starting to heal, this bruises were caused by traveling through the stargate of a thousand planets without a spaceship, even though she wanted to stand she realize her body was too heavy so she had no choice but to stay still at her position for a while, she couldn't help but mumble under her breath, 'Thank you.'

At this moment she suddenly opened her eyes, when she did the first thing she noticed was the strange environment that was incredibly dark not just that as she continued to look around she also noticed the unnatural and strange shriveled plants around her, the sky was also dark and the only source of light were three crescent moon for some reason why looking at the moons she felt like the moons were like three eyes mockingly staring at her.

A moment later, she turned her head to look around her, as she continued to look she could see buildings and other structures that had crumbled for unknown reasons, theses buildings also had large crevices and these strange plants wrapping themselves around them, it was as if at one point it was inhabited by people but all of a sudden as if a natural disaster had occurred it became abandoned.

Sophia took in a deep breath, to calm herself,' It seems like my other half had finally contacted father, but he seems like he's in a slumber once again, I hope my actions do not cause father to awaken before he's supposed to.'Sophia thought to herself with guilt, and was about to stand up.'What does it matter now, although father is in slumber now, but when he wakes up he definitely wouldn't be happy, because Juliet had taken because of love to jump into a dangerous a thousand planet way stargate.

'Sigh, I wonder why you have to be so dumb about this wretched thing called love, this was why I was against father sending you to the academy in the first place, at first I thought it was unlikely for your emotional walls to be breached, but then everything changed when you decided to pay attention to him, and boom the dumbass just had to intervene by coming in to save you, urghs.'The strange voice in head said, clearly irked by whatever she was remembering.

When Sophia heard this she wanted to say something but ended up sighing softly, after she regained her strength she once again began to pay attention to her surroundings, so far she had tried to use a hearing symbiote ability to see if she could maybe hear any noise that would show there was still people in this planets, but so far she could hear nothing, except that the place was as quiet as a graveyard.

After all, it was too strange for there to be structures even if it was already destroyed but yet she could see no one, another thing that baffled her was the fact whoever that had built these buildings and structures seemed to be an advanced civilization at least judging from the way the buildings were, and so far it also didn't seem like the academy military base, because if it was it shouldn't be abandoned so easily, considering how selfish military academies were even if they were already filled to the brim they would still find a way to gulped it down.

However, what was before her was quite the opposite, she couldn't see any mechanical AI's or any mecha indicating that it belong to the military, which meant it belonged to another organization but for some reason they had to abandon their base, she couldn't help but raise her head, and as she looked at the three moons in the sky she could still feel, the moons was mockingly staring at her or was it a celestials base? Sophia thought but soon decided against it those inhuman creatures wouldn't easily abandon anything.

'Wasn't this place supposed to be a base for the military or the organization they are working with, yet why does it seem like it is the opposite? not only that this place looks nothing like the base of the military academy, but also why does the stargate in the military store hall room seem like it was intentionally abandoned by the military academy, if it was abandoned how did the second years get their hands on it, or could it be it was given to them by someone.'

While she was thinking that was when realization finally dawned on her, maybe she was forgetting something as well, judging by the grade of the stargate not only was it one thousand planet way which was extremely far, but tmwas also dangerous, what if the the base was built by the academy but was destroyed due to something else entirely.

At this point she realize something and couldn't help but look at the three moons that look like three eyes mockingly gazing at her from above the sky, she only had one thought in her mind at this moment, the shelter being destroyed was related to the three moons.

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