The Vampire Cat System

Chapter 302 Anna 2

The woman explorer called Anna said as she looked at Sophia before she continued."Truth be told, I came through another stargate, after being separated from my main team on this planet when we were out hunting a demon beast in the wild, unfortunately for us, we underestimated the rank and how powerful the demon beast was, and got badly injured, and since we were too far away from our original stargate, we had no choice but to run for our lives.

"To cut the long story short, I decided to look for an abandoned military base, hoping to find any useful equipment that could help me locate my teammates or maybe even a teleportation device or better a stargate."

As Anna said this she lowered her head with a sad look on her expression, and without letting Sophia see her face tears streamed down her cheek, as she recalled what truly happened, even though she told Sophia she was separated from her teammates, that wasn't entirely the true.

The main truth was that all her teammates had been killed by the demon beast they were hunting, from predators they became the prey, she could still remember the last words of her captain when he was about to be killed by the demon, she could only run away while her teammates were being slaughtered like chickens.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As she remembered all these things she couldn't stop blaming herself, she wished she was stronger or had better types of equipment, although she had a high set of beast weapons and could be said to be a strong explorer, however, it was in front of that demon beast she realized, how wrong she was about her strength or even that of her captain, not only were they powerless in front of it.

But even their struggles were futile, the only reason she had been able to escape was that her captain and everyone realized they couldn't survive and choose to sacrifice their lives for her to be able to escape successfully.

After she was done healing herself, Sophia couldn't help but look at the woman called Ann, according to what she had said she had been separated from her team, however, Sophia didn't believe that instead, she thought the woman was lying or wasn't telling her the entire truth, regardless, she wasn't going to say anything about it, because it was even likely her teammates were already dead and she was the last surviving person unknowingly to her, Sophia thought.

Anna kept her head down for a while, and slightly raised it up when she noticed Sophia wasn't paying attention to her, before she wiped away the tears from her eyes, she couldn't help but take in a deep breath and calmed herself down, before looking around her surroundings as she did, it was then she finally noticed the Dracolizards around her, Anna had a look of surprise on her expression as she took note of how strong the Dracolizards were, eventually her eyes fell on the demon beast making her even more surprise.

"Wow, young sister, you are so skilled you even killed nine magical beasts and a demon beast as well just on your own, especially for someone as young as yourself you must be one of those top students in your military academy. If only I have met you earlier, then you would have been able to help me since I was badly injured from the same type of demon beast, I was even thinking I won't meet anyone as strong as the one I saw before, you have my thanks otherwise I would have been killed it when I pass by."

Sophia looked at her from the corners of her eyes, before she replied."You're welcome. You said that you were looking for a teleportation device or even a stargate in the military base, do you have any idea where it might be located?"

Sophia couldn't help but ask, the reason she was asking was quite simple, and that was because of Bernard, most importantly she had been worried about his safety ever since he fell into the stargate.

Anna had a look of delight when she heard what Sophia said, judging from the looks of things the young girl was likely in the same situation as her and needed to find a stargate in order to go back to her military academy, "Yeah, while I was trying to escape I saw several building which I thought likely belongs to the military, so if we want to start our search it best if we check them out first, and if our luck is good then we can find a not too shabby stargate and if not, then we might discover a slightly damaged teleportation device."

"And before I forget, young sister, you haven't told me your name yet, or should I just keep calling you young sister?"Anna said with a face full of smiles, as she offered her hand out for a handshake. Sophia stared at the hand the woman held out, before also holding out her hand for a handshake as well, replying with a single word, "Sophia."

Anna became happier and quickly shook her hand, as their hands made contact with each other, Sophia slightly narrowed her eyes, as she felt a strange energy prick her skin, and at the same time, the smile on Anna's face became, slightly wilder, and within her eyes a strange glint no one could see flashed inside her pupils for a brief moment with red energy, before returning to normal, "I look forward in working together with you."

Meanwhile, back in the academy, several hours had passed and at the same time what Sophia didn't notice was that over two days had passed on the unknown planet, with the day still being nighttime, usually, she would have been able to notice this, if the military bracelet had been set to how this planet works.

What's more, ever since her rank power fell down to rank 3, it had become troublesome and even a bit harder for her to see her environment clearly.

At this moment they had just walked into a military base, the moment they entered Sophia couldn't help but slightly squint her eyes due to not seeing the place properly, normally, due to how powerful a symbiote's gene was, a person could naturally see in the dark, and would only become more powerful as their symbiote bloodline evolves, but then her symbiote bloodline rank had fallen so much she was beginning to have problem with seeing at night.

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