The Vampire Cat System

Chapter 319 Discovering A New Symbiote Beast Crystal

After going through his status screen, Bernard realized that apart from his stamina other of his attributes were now 20 points, and although he was reluctant to, he eventually decided to increase the amount of stamina he had, when he thought long and hard about it. The reason why he did this was in case there was a fight or he was outnumbered by his enemies, he wouldn't need to run if he could take care of them, even though he got energy at the same time it wasn't stamina, they were two completely different things that work differently.

With that, his status was now looking much better, while looking at stamina his eyes eventually went to charm he couldn't help but wonder when he would finally be able to unlock the attribute, to be honest, if it was left for him he would have removed it from the list of his attributes after all he didn't really see the need for it, but then again the cat wouldn't put something useless just for fun, since all vampires were said to be very charming and even had the ability to charm others as well.

[Total experience points:5100/128000]

Looking at the number of experience points he needed just for him to level up, Bernard realize the numbers was getting further and bigger than before, at this moment he couldn't help but wonder if there was ever going to be a limit to how much he could level up in the future, although he didn't want it to be like that, but at the same time he couldn't help but shiver with the thought of having an exaggerated number of experience points needed to level up, at that point Bernard was sure it would definitely be so long it would take years just to level up once.

Bernard finally snapped back to reality as he close the system interface, and then looked at the now empty room, he felt a bit sad since there were no longer any symbiote beast crystals he could absorb, however, he quickly felt much better since he was the person who had absorb them instead, not only was the room now darker but, unfortunately, the highest rank of symbiote beast crystals he could find was only at rank 3.

Although at first the further he went to the higher the rank of symbiote beast crystals, but when he eventually went past those he realized the rank 3 was the highest symbiote beast crystal he would be able to find.

It seemed like whatever that happened on the planet of Straangee made the military personnels to not have enough time to spare when they were about take rank 3 symbiote beast crystals, so they had no choice but to flee while taking the high ranks symbiote beat crystals, even though Benard had no idea if he was correct or not but he thought it was quite plausible, especially after witnessing how strange the planet was.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

At this moment Bernard couldn't help but think about Ryan and wondered if he should have kept at least one symbiote beast of rank 3 and then find a way for him to absorb it.

'Maybe I was a little bit too selfish with the symbiote beast crystal, if not I could have kept one for Ryan maybe he would have been able to absorb it like I did and then convert it into rank 3 symbiote bloodline?'Bernard thought to himself.

It was needless to say, how much Ryan had always been bullied although he felt bad for him since he couldn't really lend any help, however seeing the symbiote beast crystal in front of him he was sure Ryan would have been happy to throw it away his other symbiote beast for this one.

Since it was only one symbiote beast crystal, Benard thought it wouldn't have been a problem for him to be able to take it with him back to the academy since the size was even smaller than a fist size, but as soon as he thought about Ryan he couldn't help but think about the second years, as he thought about them he began to become angry for what they had done to him, it was needless to say how angry he was at them.

They were the whole reason why he was even on this goddamn planet in the first place, what's more, he had no idea if help was coming or not, after all, he wasn't one of the military academy's beloved students, it wasn't that he was trying to be pessimistic, but if he was to be honest, then it was likely he wouldn't be getting help, in fact, he was sure the academy was even happy that a supposed weak student like him had died in a random dangerous planet.

Looking at himself, Bernard couldn't help but sigh if it was up to him he would have longed shown he wasn't as weak as everyone thought and shut up the mouths of those who were always trying to bully him, but then he also knew doing that would only get him more unnecessary attention and troubles.

After becoming a halfling he realize the more about why he shouldn't blow his cover or reveal his true self to others, he didn't need to think about what the academy would subject him to once they found out how unique he was, although they were already suspicious he didn't want to give them more rooms for it.

Thinking about his situation made him feel both sad and angry about life, if he was left to him everyone would be given the chance to get what they deserve according to their hard work, but at the same time, he also knew the world couldn't be like that even if he wanted it to be so, it wasn't that it couldn't be so.

It was simply the way the society works, and he was sure nothing would be able to change it even if he was to become as strong as those mighty aboriginals or even stronger, it wouldn't change at best the society would crumble.

If the world works the way you wanted just because you said so, then the world would be too chaotic for everyone to live in since everyone had different wants, needs, and desires, it would be simply impossible to achieve the barely stable balance like the world had now, so it only meant one thing for him become strong enough until he doesn't give a fuck about the society rules or regulations.

If he was as strong as the aboriginals who would he be afraid of at that point? Who would even dare to try to dictate how he should live his life?No one, Nothing, zero, nada...

After thinking for a while Bernard couldn't help but look around the vault room, as he did he soon noticed there was a small dark symbiote beast crystal container at the very back that was obscure, to the point that if he hadn't looked well enough he wouldn't have been able to notice it before, at first he didn't think there would anything left after absorbing the place dried of symbiote beast crystals, but as he got closer, he soon noticed a single symbiote beast crystal that had been placed there.

When Bernard walked closer to the container it was stored in, he raised his hand to touch it, as he did just like every time he touched a symbiote beast crystal he soon received a notification message.

[You have discovered a rank 7 symbiote beast crystal]

[Would you like to absorb the symbiote beast crystal? Yes/No]

[System has discovered three uses for the symbiote beast crystal]

[Would you like to convert symbiote beast crystal into second life?]

[Would you like to convert symbiote beast crystal into a symbiote bloodline?]

[Would you like to convert symbiote beast crystal energy points?]

[Host can also convert symbiote beast crystal into 1,000,000 experience points]

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