The Vampire Cat System

Chapter 81 A Little Of The Past

Previously on The Vampire Cat System

[Earlier she had seen Bernard enter Emelia's room, after following them she thought of eavesdropping on their conversation maybe he would finally reveal his secret to Emelia since they were much closer, but then what he said next had made her surprise moreover she couldn't really tell if he was just spouting gibberish or was telling the truth.

While she listened as both of them kept chatting away, her suspicion increased instead the truth was Bernard was still hiding something and wouldn't give up anything to expose his secret.

As the two of them continued to stare at each other, Sophia kept a poker face she wasn't willing to be outdone and wanted the situation to seem like she was just passing by.]

At this moment Bernard had many thoughts running on his mind, he was currently thinking about Sophia and Emelia. For two different events, both of the people he called friends were both suspicious of him and to them, he was the one acting strange.

Bernard didn't know what to do about it, his life before meeting the cat Mr. Meow Meow was just ordinary and had been nothing but filled with difficulties, he couldn't even remember what killed his parents however all he could remember was a sea of fire and the next thing was when he saw himself with a bunch of kids his age and as he grew up he got to know they weren't his original family but orphans who were just as unlucky as him for various reasons.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Although it was sad he had nevertheless gotten use to such life quickly, as he grew up so did his mindset after a few years, he graduated from college, yet when he thought things were finally going to get better for him, it ended up in failure.

Despite working harder than most of his colleagues, Bernard could not help but feel helpless and frustrated at the fact he had no connections to earn promotions like others, after all, he was just an orphan boy not even from a prestigious orphanage.

However, despite all this, he still continued to work hard, but with frustration and helplessness.

This event was meaningful for two reasons, the first was Benard noticing that the orphanage was receiving less and fewer donations from people, whatever they were receiving wasn't abundant for the kids to survive on, so even if he wanted to act ignorant he couldn't because they were now his family and his responsibility as well.

They had loved him like a child and their brother, even though he wasn't the only one that grew out of the orphanage others had considered them to be nothing more than a stepping stone, like a parasite.

The only exception was him, who still felt the place was like his home and everyone there were his siblings, with their love, affection, and care they had brightened his dark little world. The more time he spent with them, the more he consider them part of his responsibility.

The second reason was what truly broke him down, after growing up among a group of orphans his age it was without a doubt he had grown to have a more emotional attachment to a particular orphan, although the girl was a bit younger than him and he usually calls her his little sister they both knew they had special feelings for themselves.

With him growing his sense of responsibility and emotions, Bernard now had free time to consider how he should take their relationship further.

That way, his relationship, which was merely on the surface, would grow faster to the point of building his own family.

Apparently, he soon realized all these were just wishful thinking, it wasn't that he wasn't fast enough, rich enough, or both to marry her first like he had promised and planned. However, it was that Bernard had never noticed that when she was still little she had been frequently ill, at that time they were still lots of donations.

So, without him realizing it, because of fewer donations, she would continuously starve just to feed the little orphans, because of that her almost recovered illness grew to the point where just resting and taking medications weren't enough anymore.

With her health balance being broken, every fiber of her body gradually grew weak, despite how much he wanted her to stay alive, she could not last long eventually she died making him devastated.

While studying the reports of what had killed her, he found out that due to excessive starving her illness had acted up against her health. In that way, her health quickly deteriorated right under his nose.

And for the first time, he had broken his promise not to keep friends when he saw Emelia, while the hierarchy in the school was different. Emelia, although one rank higher than him became his first friend, and Sophia who was much stronger than him had not only protected him but had also stood up for him when he needed it.

With the recent incident, although they were acting as if nothing had happened, he could still feel the way they were looking at him now had changed a bit.

Although they were now suspicious of him and had no real clue what was going on with him. No matter what he wouldn't be able to come out to clear the air around him, he could only act ignorant since whatever had happened was his major secret that he could not tell anyone.

No matter how he saw it, the system was only taking measures for his safety and if his secret was to get into the wrong hands, he would be subjected to nothing but a lifetime of torture to extra his secret.


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