The Vampire Cat System

Chapter 88 Mysterious Rank 4

Previously on The Vampire Cat System

[The last time when he fought Dave he wasn't wearing a mask, which would have exposed who he was if he was seen and now he felt like he had an assurance to hide his identity even if he was exposed.

No one would easily recognize him, due to the slightly dark atmosphere and the black cloth on his face.

Since he didn't finish his business with him properly the last time, this time Bernard wouldn't let him go even with the second-year student there, he still wanted to test the gap between them.]

Immediately after putting on his black mask, Bernard didn't waste time, before moving closer to where the voice was coming from, however, while he did this he didn't forget to hide any sound coming out from his steps and body movement.

"Hey piece of trash, listen closely I don't give a fuck how you do it, just get me the damn credit points if you want to live one more day in the academy. After all I wasn't the one who went around challenging the strength of the second year, so do yourself a favor unless you like the termites six feet below the ground ignore my words."

The second-year student said looking at Dave with schadenfreude in his eyes, before ignoring him again and activate his symbiote ability that made him completely disappear from the place.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As Bernard was moving closer he heard the words the second year had just said, and he realized why he kept collecting credit points from Dave. Even though it might seem like Dave and him were in the same position, they weren't.

It was likely Dave had gone and challenged one of the second-year students, which was likely the person who had just left, to a duel and lost miserably and whatever credit points he was paying right now was for the second-year student not to attack him for the sake of revenge.

Even though it was an act of the strong bullying the weak, Dave was the one who had obviously shot himself in the foot by not leaving a path of retreat, while he was sure the second-year students were behind whatever that happened, that didn't mean he wasn't at fault.

Compared to him Dave was just unlucky and had made a bad decision.

Even though regretfully, the second-year student had left Bernard still continued with his plans as he followed the path of the voice. He knew that this was his moment, to know how strong he had become after the evolution.

Bernard remembered what happened the last time when the two of them had fought his victory that time had been very narrow. Now, however, he was now a level 2 as well and he had received new attributes and abilities, which Dave would be the best test object to try it out on.

Soon Bernard began to move much faster, phasing through whatever that was blocking him in the hope to see how fast he could one-shot Dave, as he thought about this he couldn't help but smirk to himself.

Finally, Bernard was so close and was just about to strike, when two more students came out from their hiding spots and walked up to Dave.

However, he couldn't bother to wait nor care about them as he activated his skill while folding his fingers into a fist manner, his right hand became slightly bright red almost like blood was beginning to course through every part of his right arm making the blood appear and keep shifting form until it eventually covered his entire right arm which was one of the effect of partially activating blood Bending.

One of the students who had just walked out from, the corner had instead reacted in time as he shouted at Dave to dodge, however even though he had warned him in time making Dave form an x with his hands, the fist attack had still managed to hit him on the chest, sending his figure staggering to the ground.

[Vampiric Ability has been Activated]

[You have performed Blood Judgment on your enemy]

[Status: Stunned]


Compared to before when his attacks dealt little damage, this time it was much quicker, and regardless if the person blocked the attack or took the attack head on the person would still receive blood judgment stunning the person for a few seconds while also delivering a solid hit.

Dave at this moment felt like his body had gone out of control, to be precise his blood felt like they were in complete chaos going in the reverse direction of his body. He didn't know what was happening to him, no matter how hard he tried to control his symbiote ability it would only puff out.

After ten seconds Bernard received another notification message, this time stating blood judgment had ended.

After being stunning for at least ten seconds, Dave stood up this time with fear lingering in his mind he had almost shit his pants from being scared shitless.

"You, What did you do to me earlier?" Dave asked as he moved backward, towards where the student who had called out to him was standing.

Looking at that person Bernard could see the bright rank 3, displayed on the glass bracelet showing just how strong he was in comparison to Dave.

After Dave said that, the other rank 2 and 3 students walked forward forming a total of three students, making him more confident with his friends around him.

"Do you still think you have a chance against the three of us?" The rank 3 students said, as he looked at him intently, of course, he knew of the mysterious rank 4 students who had attacked Dave, however, he still couldn't believe it, but seeing how Dave couldn't react for some time after receiving that single attack made him start to believe it, although it was a sneak attack, they had still managed to warn Dave on time.

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