The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 101 - Last Goodbye

That night.

Laura was sleeping alone in her bed. It's raining outside. She already closed the window. Rebecca informed her that she's not going to sleep in her room tonight.


She wondered if Luke's spirit will come tonight?

Well, even if he will come she can't prevent him. Usually, he won't stay long in the room, just leave a rose and gone with the wind.

She will be seeing Luke soon. She was getting afraid of her feelings for him.

Excitement and fear were mixed feelings that she's experiencing right now. Soon, her life will change unexpectedly. She came here in South Pond Town intending to marry Cooper. But things are changing slowly. She has to go away to avoid harming Sir Nicholas and Cooper.

She released a deep sigh.

She's going home to see her family one last time before she will embark on a life with Luke and she had no idea when she can come back home. What is waiting for her in the arms of Luke? Although she had her worries she told herself once that if there is another chance to be with Luke again, she will grab the chance. And it's finally going to happen!

After he died Luke is given a second chance to be resurrected - to give their love story a happy ending. What more can she ask for?

Unfortunately, she can't tell her family what she's going to do with her life and where she is going. Maybe, after a few years when she already settled her life with Luke, then she can finally return to her parents and introduce Luke to them.

The rain finally stopped at 11:00... Laura was already feeling sleepy.

She closed her eyes ready to sleep.

One hour later.

Laura was sleeping soundly in her bed.

Hours went by.

And then the break of dawn was finally coming in the horizon. The night retreated and give way to the new day.

Laura woke up at 7:00 in the morning while the rest of the servants were already awake at 5:00 in the morning starting their daily routine around the big mansion.

By 8:00 in the morning, the men and women gathered in the dining room to eat breakfast.

One hour later they finished eating.

Sir Nicholas looked at her children. "Enjoy your picnic in the countryside and have a safe trip," he said.

"Thank you, Father!" Graven and Cooper responded.

They vacated the dining area and went upstairs to their respective room to prepare for the trip.

Half an hour later, the men were already in the living room waiting for the ladies. A few minutes later Rebecca and Laura went downstairs and they all went outside to board the carriage to start their journey.

Ten minutes later.

The carriage was exiting the iron gate and moved towards the main road, going to the heart of the town.

After they reached the town, the carriage stopped beside the road. Cooper grabbed his bag and looked at Laura. " See you soon, my love," he said. "Graven will explain to you why I'm stopping here," he said and exited the carriage.

After Cooper made his exit. The carriage began moving again. Cooper hired a carriage that would take him to Sarah's property.

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Inside the moving carriage.

Rebecca asked Laura, "Are you feeling sad that Cooper didn't come along with us to the countryside?"

Laura sighed. "Honestly, I don't," she replied.

"Good," Graven said. "Aren't you curious where he is going? Why he didn't come with us?" he asked.

Laura shrugged, she couldn't care less. "I'm not interested to know his business or other extracurricular activities outside the house. I'm no longer marrying him so he is free to do with his life," she responded.

Graven nods his head looking at the smiling Rebecca. "Okay, but if you are interested, you can always ask me why," he said.

Laura nods her head and picked up her book to continue reading it.

The trio was blanketed with a comfortable silence during the whole ride.

Three hours during the journey, they stopped over in an eatery for lunch.

One hour later.

They're back on the road going to Bay Meadow.

The last league of their journey was smooth and comfortable.

Finally, they reached their destination, five hours later.

The moment Laura stepped into the ground and looked at the familiar house, she broke down.

Graven and Rebecca looked at each other.

He grabbed their bags and entered the house.

Rebecca wrapped her arms around Laura. "Hey...why are you crying? Did you remember Luke?" she asked.

Laura nods her head. "Yes," she replied between sobs.

"Okay, let's get inside the house so that you can continue crying in your room," Rebecca said.

Laura wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand and walked beside Rebecca as they entered the house.

Sally the housemaid was waiting for them in the living room with their bags. "Nice to see you again Miss Laura and Miss Rebecca," she said. "Lord Graven instructed me to accompany Miss Laura to the same room. Ladies, please follow me," she said.

Sally climbs the stairs while the ladies were following her from behind.

They reached the top of the stairs and walked into the hallway. Sally brought Rebecca to her room first. "This is your room, Miss Rebecca," she said.

"Thanks," Rebecca said and entered the room carrying her bag with her.

Sally brought Laura to the same room where she and Luke made love several times. Then she turned around and leave, closing the door behind her.

The moment Laura stepped into the room, the sweet and romantic memories she shared with Luke came crashing back in her mind. She went to bed and sat on the edge and closed her eyes. She can almost feel Luke's breathing on her skin, the way he awakens the fire in her body, the way he looked at her full of adoration and love.

It's all coming back to her now...

She bit her lower lip trying not to cry again. This is all too much!

She's back but Luke's physical presence is not here... only the presence of his memory accompanied her inside the room.

She lies down in the bed and closed her eyes, remembering Luke and everything about him.

A few minutes later, there was a soft knocking on the door. She left the bed and opened it.

Graven stood outside, he wore a smile on his face.

"Luke..." Laura said softly.

Graven brows furrowed, a cough escaped his lips. "Hmm, sister-in-law, Graven here..." he reminded her.

Laura shakes her head trying to awaken her head from too much dreaming of Luke. "I'm sorry..." she murmured.

Graven smiled. "It's must have remembered my twin brother in this room," he said. "Hmm, can I get some of my clothes from the closet? I won't take long," he said.

"Oh my, it's your bedroom, right? Why should I be here? I'm willing to join Rebecca in her room," she offered and opened the door wide for him to enter.

Graven looked at her. "No need. I already transferred to the other room," he replied.

"Okay, as you say so..." Laura said.

Graven went to the closet and scooped several clothes from the drawer. "I'm done, sister-in-law. Enjoy my room," he said and left.

'Whew, that was awkward!' Laura said aloud. She blushed crimson red after realizing that the guy she made love in this room is Graven's physical body!

Sighing, she went inside the bathroom to take a quick bath before dinner time arrives.



The sunset already took place and the darkness starts to kick in.

Graven, Horace, and Rebecca were talking in the living room.

"Let's have a bonfire party in the backyard tonight and sing a song for Laura!" Horace suggested.

Graven looked at his companions. "Okay, Let's do it!" he said.

He talked to Sally and instructed her to bring the fish and chicken for roasting in the backyard as well the other foods, they will be eating their dinner there.

After he finished instructing the servant, Graven and his companion left the house and went to the backyard to start their bonfire.

Horace and Rebecca gathered firewood in the middle of the clearing while some servant hangs lanterns in the branches of the trees nearby.

One hour later, when there's already roasted fish and chicken that is ready to eat, Graven instructed Sally to inform Laura that dinner is ready.

The other servant arranged the food appetizingly on the table.

Sally walked on the path leading to the house. She climbed the stairs and walked in the hallways going to Laura's room. She knocked on the door twice. "Miss Laura, dinner time. I'll wait here outside," she said.

Laura heard the servant. "Okay, just a few minutes more," she said.

A few minutes later.

Laura exited the room and looked at the servant. "Sally, where are they?" she asked.

"Dinner is served in the backyard. Lord Graven, Sir Horace, and Miss Rebecca were already having a good time in the bonfire waiting for you," Sally said.

"Bonfire?" Laura raised a brow.

"Yes, if they come here they always made a bonfire in the backyard and goes into a singing spree and strumming guitars until late at night," Sally answered.

"Who sings and who plays the guitar?" Laura asked.

"Sir Horace and Lord Graven can both sing and play guitar, but Miss Rebecca only claps her hands," Sally said.

Laura smiled. "Sounds fun! Take me there!" she said excitedly.

The women walked in the hallways and went downstairs, exiting the house going to the location of the bonfire.

When they arrived there, Graven was already strumming his guitar while Horace was belting a country song.

Laura sat beside Rebecca and listened to the music.

A few minutes later, the music ended.

Laura and Rebecca clapped their hands.

"Bravo! Excellent performance," Laura said.

"More! More! More!" Rebecca chanted.

Graven put the guitar down on the chair. "Later, ladies. We need to eat dinner first," he said.

They gathered around the table and began eating their meals.

One hour later, they finished eating and Graven starts strumming the guitar again.

Rebecca requested a song for Laura. "Graven, sing a song for Laura!' she said.

Graven smiled at Laura. "Sure...this song is for my sister in law!" he said. He strums the guitar and starts singing...


You came into my life

Like sunshine in the sky

Making my spirit soaring high

I wish our love will never die

So that I can give you a different high

But you left me for another guy

Making my heart bleeds all the way to the sky

Each day that passes by

I can no longer sing you a lullaby

I wish to say my last goodbye

'coz tomorrow I'm going to die


The song was heart wrenching it filled Laura's heart with sadness. She admired Graven's soulful voice, he has a good singing voice that can portray intense longing and emotion.

She noticed that he never looked at Rebecca while belting the ballad song. But he glanced at her six times throughout the song and her heart melted into a puddle inside her heart.

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