The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 106 - Burning

One hour later. Laura woke up to see the ceiling in the room. She's back in Graven's house! She's no longer in the cave!

She saw Rebecca standing beside the window, looking outside. She looks at her palm, she recalled it now...she wrapped her hand around Luke's hands and when she was about to remove her hands, she felt one of the nails dug into her palm, then she saw the blood! She fainted after that. "Rebecca..." she called her name.


Rebecca looked over her shoulder. "Oh, you're awake!" she rushed to the bed. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"I'm fine..." Laura replied.

"Good. Wait... I'll inform Graven that you're awake now," Rebecca said and bolted towards the door, she exited the room.

Laura stared at the ceiling.

A few minutes later.

Graven entered the room alone. He went to the bed, grabbed a chair, and sat upon it, facing her. "How are you feeling, Laura?" he asked, a worried expression was etched on his face.

"I'm fine..." she replied.

"How did you cut your palm? Why did you get blood all over it?" he asked.

"I wrapped my hands on Luke's hands but when I removed them, his nail accidentally dug in my palm and made a cut, when I saw the blood I fainted. I have a weakness for blood. I always faint every time I see fresh blood," she answered.

"Okay, now that is cleared... but why you're already inside the coffin on top of Luke when we found you?" he asked.

"Huh?" Laura's brows furrowed. "As far as I can remember, I didn't get inside the coffin!" she insisted.

"But we found you lying on top of Luke inside the coffin," Graven repeated.

"Oh, how did it happened? I swear I don't remember getting inside the coffin. Why should I?" Laura said with a sigh.

"Okay, rest here inside the room. I'll have the servant prepare you a delicious soup. Don't move around, just take a rest," he said.

"I'm not sick!" she protested.

"I know...just rest for a while, okay? Don't be stubborn," he said gently.

Laura rolled her eyes. "Alright..." she relented.

Graven rose to his feet and reached for the blanket in the headboard, he draped it all over Laura's body.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Their eyes locked for a minute or two, his eyes spoke volume. Laura broke their intense eye contact and shifted her eyes to the wall.

Graven looked at her, sighing deeply. "I'll take my leave," he said. He went to the door and exited the room.

The moment he was gone from the room. Laura left the bed, went to the closet, grabbed some clothes and underwear, and went to the bathroom to take a bath. She wants to get rid of the oil that was still clinging to her body and clothes.

Twenty minutes later.

Laura finished bathing and exited the bathroom only to find Graven sitting on the chair, looking at her, giving her a stern look. She went to bed and changed the cover with new ones including the pillows and blankets.

"Why did you take a bath?" he asked.

She looked at him and gave him a little smile. "I need to get rid of the oil on my clothes and body, that's why I took a bath," she explained.

"And what about your wound?" he asked eyeing her palm.

She raised her hand. "It's still here, I will change the dressing," she said.

"Sit down on the bed. I'll change the bandage," he ordered.

"Okay..." Laura sighed and obeyed. She lowered herself on the bed and watched as Graven cleaned the cut and applied new gauze on it.

She was tempted to run her free hand on his hair and she did.

Graven froze for a few minutes...savoring Laura's heavenly hand caressing his hair...loving the feel of her fingers kneading his scalp. He cleared his throat and raised his head, he seeks her eyes. "Are you flirting with me?" he asked, his hypnotizing eyes began digging a hole in her heart.

Laura breathed deeply. "This is my way of thanking you for taking care of my wound," she said and smiled a little.

He brought his face closer to hers until his breath fanned her face. "I want to kiss you right now," he whispered, his voice dripping with desire.

Laura's eyes widened. It's hard to show him a little bit of affection because he would bring it to another level.

Before she can think of anything to say to him. Graven's mouth came crushing into her lips, taking her off guard. He sneaked his hand on her waist holding her in place as he was trying to engage her in a passionate kiss. A few seconds later, Laura found herself responding to his kisses, carried away by the intoxicating heat of his body.

Their lips were locked in a fierce duel. Graven't can't get enough of her luscious mouth.

Laura was intoxicated by his fiery kisses... so hot and arousing it's igniting the fire of desire in her body.

They found themselves above the bed. Graven was straddling Laura, his burgeoning crotch pressed on her soft mound, they can feel the heat of their genitals through the thin fabric of their clothing, their bodies start burning with passion and desire while their lips were still locked in a heated duel.

Before they will end up having sex in the bed again, Laura reluctantly tore her mouth from his lips and pushed him hard away from her.

Graven was panting hard looking into her eyes. "W-what's wrong?" he asked.

"Go back to your room, we're not going to have sex again," she said, breathing deeply.

Graven raked his fingers on his hair in frustration, not ready to leave Laura's room yet. "I'm sorry..." he said and left the bed. He lowered himself on the chair facing her.

" can't get your hands off me..." she told him. "You shouldn't come to my room again. You and I are like magnets, we can't avoid touching each other," she said with a gloomy sigh.

Graven took a deep breath, he agreed with Laura's statement. The more they have interactions with each other, the more he can't control himself around her. She's like a flame and he was like a moth that was attracted to her irresistible beauty, he can't take his eyes and hands off her. His attraction towards her is maddening, it consumed his very soul.

He shut his eyes trying to calm down the rapid breathing of his heart. Trying to control the raging desire rampaging in his groin. After gaining some control over his boiling desire, he rose to his feet and left the room.

Laura closed her eyes and hide shamefully beneath the blanket. Whew! Thank God, she was grateful that she was able to push Graven away from her before they will be tempted to go all the way again.

One mistake is enough!

She stayed in the bed for the duration of the day.

Sally brought lunch to her room.

She slept for the remainder of the afternoon with occasional visits from Rebecca.

Graven no longer returned to the room.

Hours went by.

Darkness descended on the land, finally, evening comes.

To avoid seeing Laura, Graven instructed Sally to bring food to her room. He's determined to go back to his father's mansion tomorrow morning, after breakfast. So that he and Laura can have a safe distance between them.


Sally went to the kitchen and prepared Laura's dinner. She put the dishes and cutlery in the tray and left the kitchen, going upstairs.

A few minutes later.

Sally arrived in Laura's room. "Enjoy your meal, Miss Laura!" she said while transferring the contents of the tray into the table.

"Sally, thanks for bringing my dinner here inside my room," Laura said.

"You're welcome Miss, it's my pleasure to serve you," Sally replied. "I'll take my leave now," she said and left the room bringing the tray with her.

Laura left the comfort of the blanket and the bed and went to the table, she began eating her meals. She especially loves the chicken soup with ginger and the fried fish. The dishes taste delicious!

She eats with gusto and managed to finish all the food that the maid had brought to her room.

Half an hour later, Sally returned and took the dirty dishes away.

Laura left the bed and went to the window. She looked outside, she can only see darkness on the horizon. She stayed beside the window for thirty minutes.

After getting tired of standing and having enough of the darkness outside, she went back to bed.

Rebecca entered the room. "Done eating your dinner?" she asked.

"Yes, the dishes are super delicious, I finished eating them all," she answered.

"Good!" Rebecca smiled and looked at her hand. "How about the cut in your hand?"

"It's fine, it's no longer hurting," Laura responded.

"Good! I'm here to inform you that we will go back to South Pond tomorrow. We will begin our journey after breakfast," Rebecca said.

"Okay, I'll pack my things to get ready for tomorrow's journey," Laura replied.

Rebecca looked at Laura's face. "Graven told us that you passed out after seeing the blood in your hand, am I right?"

"Yes," Laura nods her head.

"Then how come we found your unconscious body lying inside the coffin?" Rebecca asked. "You can't remember what happened to you?"

Laura shook her head and sighed. "I really can't remember anything. All I can recall is that darkness took over my senses and after that... I no longer have any recollection of what happened after that. The next time I opened my eyes I'm already inside this room," she elaborated.

"Okay, rest now. Goodnight and see you tomorrow," Rebecca said.

"Goodnight," Laura responded.

Rebecca left the room.

Laura began packing her things and put them in the traveling bag.

Four hours later, at 10:00 pm.

Sleeping time.

Laura was lying in the bed, dozing off. Thirty minutes later, she's already sleeping soundly.

Midnight comes.

Graven can't sleep in his room, he needs to see a certain someone...! He teleports to Laura's room.

When he appeared in the room, she was already sleeping soundly in the bed. He just stood there... staring at her sleeping form, memorizing every line of her pretty face. He longed to join her in the bed and wrapped his arms around her, imprisoning her in his sweet embrace, but it's useless, she will only push him away.

He stayed inside the room, staring adoringly at her face for one full hour, then leave the room.

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