The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 112 - Another Option

The next day.

After they finished eating breakfast, Graven and Cooper's entourage continue their journey towards South Pond Town.


It was a beautiful day to go on a journey, the golden sun was up in the sky, bathing the whole place with an abundance of daylight.

Laura and Rebecca traveled in the same carriage while Graven and Horace in the other.

Inside the carriage, Laura's eyes were glued to the book she was reading and holding in her hands but the truth is... her mind was preoccupied. In the past few days, she and Graven have become closer and were intimate every time they got a chance.

She was beginning to question her frame of mind and her emotion and feelings.

Between Luke and Graven...who does she loves more? Who does she want to spend the rest of her life with?

The more time she spent with Graven, the more her feelings grew stronger for him. She's falling hard for him even though she's trying to deny it. She desperately wants to believe that she was still in love with Luke and excitedly waiting for his complete resurrection.

The sad truth is... her heart was no longer beating for Luke exclusively. A major part of her heart was already beating heavily for Graven.

Now she becomes embroiled in a love triangle between Luke and Graven.

She feared that the two brothers might fight and harm each other after Luke come back to life.

She's getting confused about what to do with her life anymore.

A crease appeared on her forehead.

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Rebecca has been observing Laura's face ever since they start their journey. She saw the crease on her forehead which means her friend was currently encountering conflicting emotions. And she knew very well why...

She was wondering if it is the right time to talk to her and ask what is bothering her mind?

Well...she could try...if Laura doesn't want to talk about it then she will stop pressing her.

She cleared her throat. "Laura, the expression on your faces tells me that you are encountering conflicting feelings deep inside you. If you need someone to talk to, go ahead, tell me about it. Don't worry, I won't judge you... I will just listen to your problem..." she offered.

Laura raised her head and looked at Rebecca. Dang! She almost has forgotten that she had a companion inside the carriage. Rebecca must have been studying her face for a long time.

She released a deep sigh. "I don't know if it's right to tell you about my problems," she said hesitating to tell her the truth.

Rebecca took a deep breath and shrugged. "Hmm...let me guess what is your problem...but promise me that you won't get angry if my guess is correct," she said, seeking her permission first.

Laura sighed. "Okay, go on, feel free to guess the problem I'm thinking right now," she encouraged her.

Rebecca looked at her friend in the eyes. "I think you are very conflicted right now... you had a hard time choosing between Graven and Luke-? I think you already develop feelings for Graven and you are feeling guilty about it. You are worried about the future and what will happen to the two brothers if Luke will finally come back to life!"

Laura's eyes widened. "H-how did you know everything that is in my mind right now?" she asked in shock.

Rebecca smiled. "I'm a woman too...when Horace and I found out that the carriage was empty and we have no idea where you and Graven have gone to...well...that is understandable. You and Graven got intimate already when Luke's spirit entered Graven's body. It would be just a matter of time... you and Graven will do it again. And it already happened, right? A few times? I presumed."

Laura was stupefied. She blushed in shame. "I never know that Graven and I are so transparent?"

Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Laura... I know Graven so well and even if I know you for a short time, I am a good judge of character. No one can escape Graven's charm except me, because we treated each other like brothers and sisters. When it comes to ordinary women, they can be easily hypnotized by Graven's charm and you are not an exemption. Honestly, it's not difficult to put things together and connect the dots," she said.

Laura massaged her temple. It's no use hiding her dilemma from Rebecca, she already knew everything. "If Luke returns one day and I'll tell him that I have a relationship with his twin brother, what do you think his reaction will be?"

Rebecca breathed deeply. "Ah, regarding that issue, let me ask you a question. If you have a twin sister and you married a guy you love... then your husband was having an affair with your twin sister without your knowledge. How would you feel? What will you do? Would you confront your sister and your husband and ask why they cheated behind your back? Betrayal is always painful especially if it is done by the two people you love. That degree of cheating can destroy a relationship, family, and even friendship..." she elaborated further.

Laura closed her eyes immediately as tears try to rush out from her eyes. Damn! How can she be so weak? Why she didn't wait for Luke's complete resurrection? Why did she surrender to Graven's seduction over and over again? Why can't she resist Graven's charm? Why!?

She wanted to slap her face hard right now.

Rebecca saw the countless emotions flashing on her friend's face.

When Laura opened her eyes, her vision was already swarmed in tears. "I don't know what to do anymore..." she said in a troubled voice.

Rebecca sighed. "Don't be too hard on yourself. Just choose one of it Luke or Graven that you like best and wants to spend your whole life with?"

Laura was silent, she was confused.

Rebecca continuous... "If you chose Luke...Graven will understand. But if you chose Graven, Luke will feel betrayed and hurt... and I don't know what he's going to do with you and Graven."

Laura looked at Rebecca. "So, if I chose Luke... no further problem arises?" she asked.

​ Rebecca shrugged. "Honestly...I don't know. I mean, as long Luke doesn't know about you and Graven betraying him behind his back then I guess there's no problem, but if he already knows...I don't know what he's going to do. Don't forget that his spirit can visit you anytime without informing you of his presence," she reminded her.

Laura was deeply troubled about it. She's feeling guilty about being intimate with Graven even though she enjoyed their lovemaking so much. "What I'm going to do now?" she asked, confused.

"Start choosing now between the two brothers, Laura..." Rebecca said.

"But I can't choose right now, I'm so confused!" Laura replied.

Rebecca studied Laura's face for a long time. "I have a perfect solution for you. I'm not sure if you will consider it..." she said.

Laura looked at Rebecca's face, she's feeling interested in her suggestion. If it can solve the dilemma that she was facing right now, she's willing to consider it. "Please tell me about it..." she said urgently.

"You can stay away from both brothers. Go to a faraway place, hide! This way the two brothers can continue living in peace. Without the woman who comes in between them, the two brothers can continue where they left off," Rebecca suggested. "But don't tell Graven about my suggestion, he will get mad at me for sure!" she warned her.

Laura gasped. She's been eagerly waiting for Luke's resurrection, now she will go away? Or maybe... it's indeed the best solution for the three of them. Rebecca's suggestion is good enough since she doesn't want the two brothers to fight over her. "Okay I won't tell him about your suggestion," she replied. "B-but...I don't have a place to go! Where am I going to stay and live for the rest of my life?" she asked.

"You can't go back to your family because the twins knew about those places that you frequented. You have to go to a place where the brothers have no idea where it is..." Rebecca said.

"Where?" Laura asked curiously.

"I know a place. All you need to say is yes and I'll take you there anytime," Rebecca said.

"Okay. I'll think about my decision first," Laura replied.

"Sure, don't rush your decision. Remember that it will become your lifelong decision, something that will last a lifetime, so make no mistakes. Take your time weighing the pros and cons..." Rebecca said.

Laura released a deep sigh. "Thank you, Rebecca, for giving me another way out," she said in a grateful voice.

"Don't mention it. I feel good if I can help alleviate even a fraction of your sufferings and make you feel better," Rebecca responded.

"Thank you, friend," Laura said with a smile.

Rebecca smiled and patted her shoulder. "Everything will be alright, just make sure you make the right life decisions and the rest will follow," she said reassuringly.

Laura nodded her head, feeling much better after discovering that she had another option to solve her dilemma.

Hours went by.

They finally reached the town of South Pond. They made a stop in the capital where every street and corner were alive with people and the establishments were plenty to chose from.

Graven allowed Laura and Rebecca to go shopping while he went on an errand.

One hour later.

Graven returned with Cooper.

Cooper and Laura glanced at each other once in a while inside the carriage, both have different things going on in their minds. No one wants to break the ice formed between them, no one wants to start a conversation.

They leave it at that.

Their journey back to the mansion continues in complete silence.

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