The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 116 - But How?

Graven appeared in the air, examining the town below him in his invincible form. He hovers above for a few minutes making sure there still no signs of bats infiltrating the town.

The town looks deserted. No one is walking in the streets, all the stores and establishments were closed.


He found no signs of bats...

However, he detected the presence of his men nearby, hidden somewhere, ready to defend the town from the deadly bats.

He felt satisfied... time to hunt for the other group of bats and annihilate them all.

Graven knew where to find the rest of the group, but they might already be out there somewhere... looking for another village to ravage. He will go there anyways and traced their next destination.

He teleported to the north area where the second group annihilated the entire village in his visible form, he was greeted with the same sickening scene...dead bodies drained of blood were scattered everywhere.

He roamed his eyes around him, he can't detect any sign of bats lurking nearby. They must have gone to rest somewhere.

He closed his eyes and summoned the spy birds within 100 miles radius.

A few minutes later.

Two black crows flew towards him and landed on his shoulders.

He shut his eyes and placed his right hand on the animal's head and made contact with the bird's consciousness... he saw the multitude of red-eye bats hanging on the branches of the trees upside-down...they are resting somewhere in the forest a hundred meters away from his location.

He released the birds sending them back to where they come from. He zoomed towards the location of the bats.

He arrived there in just a few minutes...hovering in the air. He looked at the forest below and saw the bats resting, hanging upside down on the branches of the trees.

He summoned his hidden knife, made a small cut in his palm, and scattered the droplets of his blood in the branches of the trees. The bats immediately smelled the fresh blood and left the trees looking for the source.

Graven zoomed out of the bats' way and maintain a safe distance away from them while he activated the heat energy from his body, soon enough, flames were leaping from his shoulders, hands, arms, chest back, legs down to his feet - he flew directly towards the bats in dizzying speed colliding with them burning them into ashes.

Some bats were trying to escape the raging inferno but Graven threw flames at them not letting them escape his wrath.

Half an hour later.

The spectacular blazing battle ended in the sky, as the burnt ashes of the birds can be seen scattered into the forest below.

The flames in Graven's body start to fade away as he shifted into his invincible form.

Two more groups left to annihilate!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He saw a stream nearby... he zoomed towards it and plunged into the cool refreshing water.

He will stay there for a few minutes and cool down his body - then resume hunting for the last two groups. He needs to finish hunting the red-eye bats before the day is over so that the people in the South Pond town can resume their daily activities and return to their normal lives.

Now that there are only two groups left behind, he was confident that he can hunt them all down in the next few hours.

After he's done exterminating the four groups of parasites, he will instruct his men to visit the affected villages and bury the dead bodies properly. Those innocent people need to be given a proper burial.

Half an hour later.

Graven finished cooling down his body. He gets up from the water in his invincible form, summoned a new black hooded cape in his palm, and donned it on his body. He made himself visible.

He's ready to go!

It's now time to locate the whereabouts of the third group of red-eye parasite bats. He flew towards the south because that's where he saw the other groups of bats unleashing destruction to a small village.

He arrived at the village in a few minutes...hovering in the air...inspecting the damage caused by the bats... it's the same scenario...nothing new.

The bats must be resting somewhere!

He looked at the mountain in front of him. They could be hiding behind that mountain. He zoomed towards the top of the mountain and stay up there. The mountain is about 100 meters high from the base to the top.

He stood at the top of the mountain, shut his eyes, and summoned any spy birds that were stationed anywhere within 100 miles radius from his location.

One black raven bird received his call, it can be seen flying in his direction.

Graven opened his palm and the bird landed on it. He touched the bird's head with his right hand, shut his eyes, and entered the bird's consciousness.

He now had a clear location where the third group of bats was resting, they were currently on the third mountain, hanging upside down on the branches of the trees.

Graven released the spy bird and zoomed towards the third mountain.

He hovered in the air and saw the roofs of several houses below him - about twenty houses were erected near the base of the mountain and a stream was flowing nearby.

It looks like the bats have already finished massacring the entire village because he saw a dead man's body lying on the ground...then there's five more scattered everywhere.

The village was quiet, it seemed the bats have already finished draining the villagers' blood.

Graven released a deep sigh.

He looked at the bats hanging on the branches of the trees, they looked like they were sleeping.

Graven gritted his teeth and summoned the knife, he immediately cut the skin of his palm and fresh blood start oozing from the cut. He scattered the droplets of blood on the branches of the trees, luring the bats away from the forest.

Soon enough...the bats were finally awakened... they flew towards Graven in flocks trying to reach him as he made them chased after him in the air.

A few seconds later, he released the flames from his body and burned all the bats that are flying near him.

Half an hour later, he finished catching the bats that were trying to get away from him.

He's done here!

The innocent villagers finally got their revenge.

Now, one more group to go, and this will be over!

He spotted the stream nearby...he zoomed towards it and dived into the deepest part of the water to cool his body.

He submerged his body in the cool water for a few minutes.

Half an hour later, he was already leaving the place, going to the west side to find the last group of bats there.

On the west side.

When he arrived at the place...he was unprepared for what he found there... the fourth group of bats and his men were fighting each other... he was shaking his head... if his men had the same flame power he had inside their bodies the bats already meet their end. His men can only kill small numbers of bats with their weapons.

He immediately summoned the knife and cut the skin on his palm, releasing fresh blood... the bats started to smell the fresh blood and flocked towards Graven, he zoomed out of the place trying to lure the bats away from his men while he let his blood keeps dripping from the cut on his palm.

When he was already a hundred meters away...he unleashed the scorching flames from his body and burned all the bats into ashes.

A few minutes later, all the bats were exterminated!

He zoomed back to his five men, they all suffered bites from the bats in different parts of their bodies, but not enough to kill them.

"My Lord... we apologized for failing to kill the bats swiftly," said their leader.

"It's okay, you all head back to our headquarters now and treat each other's wounds!" he commanded.

"Yes, My Lord!" the leader said and nods at his companions.

They disappeared from the area in seconds.

Graven was about to leave the area when he saw a black hooded cape guy approaching his direction... it turns out to be just Horace.

"My Lord! I have bad news!" Horace said, his face looks flustered.

"What is it?" Graven asked.

"The bats invaded the whole town!" Horace said.

"Huh? What did you say-?" Graven's eyes widened in surprise. Did he just kill all the four groups of bats that have been attacking the villages?

"The bats have reached the South Pond Town! They're all over the place, they're on the rooftops of the houses and buildings! Several people were already killed!" Horace said.

"This is bad!" Graven was shaking his head. "Okay, let's head back to South Pond Town!"

The two men disappeared from the place.

A few minutes later, they appeared in the air, above South Pond Town.

Graven watched the multitude of bats on the rooftops and everywhere.


They're everywhere!

How long these bats are planning to stay in South Pond Town?

He had a sinking feeling in the bottom of his stomach, that they will only leave after they were done sucking all the blood of the townspeople!

What bothered him the most is that the people can only hide a few days inside their houses, sooner or later they have to go out to find food! And that's the time the bats can attack them freely! And the numbers of fatalities will rise even more.

"We need to drive these bats away from town!" Graven declared urgently.

A few meters away, some of Graven's men were already trying to kill the bats but they can only kill a few at a time and worst the bats might swarm at his men in droves fatally killing them all.

The situation is like a ticking time bomb!

Graven summoned his knife and made a cut on his palm which already has four existing cuts, right now they're already healing.

Fresh blood oozed from the cut and droplets fell from his landed nearby where the bats were resting.

A few seconds later...nothing happens...the bats ignored the droplets of blood!

Graven watched in shock. What? The bats were now immune to his blood? How can this be? He tried dropping some of his blood on the other bats...yet they all have the same reaction. Surprisingly, his blood no longer had any effect on the bats!

This is odd!

It works in the four groups of bats in the villages outside the town...but why it's not working now?

He looked at Horace. "Let's try your blood!" he said.

Horace opened his palm and Graven made a cut on his skin...fresh blood came out from the cut. Horace spreads the droplets of blood in the bats' location...still...there's no effect!

Graven was shaking his head in astonishment. Why did the bats ignore his blood this time? Even Horace's blood was snubbed by these blood-thirsty bats! What the hell is going on?

"My Lord, it's not working!" Horace said worriedly.

"I know!" Graven was faced with a dilemma, he can't throw flames at the bats, he might burn the whole town down.

He needs to lure the bats away from the town and burn them to ashes there!

But how?

He needs to formulate a new plan!

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