The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 119 - Where Is She?

The following day.

Graven entered the basement and informed everyone that they can finally return outside because the bats finally left town, danger is finally over!


His news was welcome with much rejoicing by the whole family and the servants!

They can't wait to get out of the basement!

They exited the basement with their belongings, and the servants returned to the servants' quarters.

Laura goes back to her room, wondering why Rebecca had not returned yesterday to their room in the basement? Until now she can't find her anywhere inside the mansion!

She's wanting to talk to Graven and ask Rebecca's whereabouts but she can't find the right time to ask him since he's always busy and not staying in the mansion for a longer time.

After putting all her things back in place, she walked to the window. When she looked down below, she saw the woman named Sarah, carrying her baby girl in her arms and Cooper holding his son's hand standing in front of the carriage. Sir Nicholas was standing nearby, waving at them. Cooper and the woman entered the carriage together with their children.

The carriage moved forward, exiting the gate, and Sir Nicholas entered the house.

A few minutes later.

Laura heard a knock on the door.

"Miss Laura, it's me Neeza!" the maid said.

Laura walked towards the door and opened it. "What is it, Neeza?" she asked.

"Sir Nicholas wants to talk to you in his study room," Neeza said.

"Okay, I'll go with you," Laura said and closed the door behind her.

The two women walked in the hallway going to Sir Nicholas's study room.

When they arrived at the door. Neeza knocked two times. "Sir, Laura is here to see you," she said.

"Okay, the door is open, let her in," Sir Nicholas replied from the inside.

Laura opened the door and proceed inside.

Sir Nicholas looked at Laura. "Come here, child. Have a seat..." he said pointing at the chair in front of his desk.

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Laura lowered herself on the chair.

Sir Nicholas cleared his throat. "I'm sure you already know why I want to talk to you in private," he said.

"Father, is this regarding Cooper and Sarah?" Laura inquired.

"Yes. I'm sorry about this...I recently know of their existence and I was confused about what to do with them, and how I'm going to tell you about them? It just happened that the bats invaded our town and you have to meet Sarah and the kids in... unpleasant way. I'm sorry..." he apologized.

Laura breathed deeply. "No need to apologize, Father. I understand your situation and where you coming from," she said.

Sir Nicholas looked at her face earnestly. "Are you not mad at me and Cooper for hiding Sarah and the kids' existence from you?" he asked.

Laura shook her head. "Not really. Sarah and the kids are innocent. They arrived in Cooper's life before I meet him so...I have no right to get mad about the whole situation that is out of my control," she answered wisely.

"Thank you for your infinite understanding, Laura," Sir Nicholas said feeling relieved.

"No need to thank me, Father," she said.

"By the you still want to marry my son despite knowing Sarah's existence?" he asked.

Laura sighed. "What did Cooper tell you about me, Father? Did you ask him if he still wants to marry me?"

"Yeah, he told me that he still wants to marry you. I'm asking you you still want to marry my son despite knowing the truth?" he wants to know her answer.

Laura went quiet. She wants to say 'no' right now but she needs to talk to Graven first regarding her decision. "Father, can you give me one week to think things over, please?" she begged.

"Sure, child. You can think things slowly and wisely, no need to rush. I don't want to force you in marrying my son after knowing that Cooper already had a family, to begin with," he said.

"Thank you, Father!" Laura said.

Silence descended around the room for a few minutes.

"Father, if there's nothing else...I want to take my leave," she said.

"Okay, you may go now," Sir Nicholas gave his permission.

Laura rose to her feet and left the study room.

She walked into the hallway, slowly. When she passed in front of Rebecca's room, she knocked on the door. No one answered her knocking which means Rebecca is not inside her room right now. Where could she be at this time?

She's worried about Rebecca.

The last time they saw each other was yesterday inside the room in the basement when Rebecca smeared her blood all over her body intending to lure the bats away from South Pond Town.

She felt nervous and worried about her friend.

Did something bad happen yesterday? Is that the reason why Rebecca wasn't able to return to the basement? Probably she got hurt fighting the bats alongside Graven and was recuperating somewhere. That's the only possible answer she could think of right now.

Oh, dear, God! She hoped nothing bad happened to Rebecca!

She needs to talk to Graven and find out her friend's whereabouts wanting to know if she's okay!

She exited her room and went downstairs, going to the backyard to find Graven in his house. She saw Neeza tending to the plants in the back garden. "Neeza, did you see Graven in his house?" she asked.

Neeza shook her head. "Not right now, but I saw him earlier in the morning leaving the house together with his right hand, Horace," she answered.

Laura sighed. "Ah, I see. Have you seen Rebecca around?"

"No, Miss," the maid answered.

"If Graven returned and also Rebecca, informed me right away in my room, okay?" she said.

"Yes, Miss!" Neeza replied and continue tending to the plants.

Laura left the backyard going back to the mansion. She entered the living room and climbed the stairs going back to her room and wait there for anyone who comes first, Graven or Rebecca?

She hoped that she can talk to any of them. She's getting nervous right now and that feeling won't go away on its own unless she can talk to Graven or Rebecca.

She finally reached her room absentmindedly.

She went straight to the bathroom to take a bath, hoping the water can calm her troubled mind.

Half an hour later, she exited the bathroom, feeling a bit better.

She walked towards the window and looked outside... it's gonna be a long day for sure!

She stood in the window for like an eternity, thinking about her family back in her hometown in Hallowpass. How are they doing right now? She hoped they're doing fine. She's looking forward to going home and seeing her family again! She missed her mother, father, sister, and their mansion, and their farm and the horses! She missed her old life in their town.

A tear fell from her left eye. She suddenly felt homesick!

She went to bed and sat on the edge. Her eyes landed on the book on the side table. If there's one thing that can take her mind away from her worries, it's reading the book! It will transform her to another world.

She picked up the book and stared at it. There are many books in the closet that are waiting for her to read. Graven gave them all to her so that she has something to do with her free time.

She already stopped thinking and planning about the wedding. She completely lost interest in it. Even Sir Nicholas no longer asks her about the wedding. It seemed the wedding plan has dissolved on its own.

She was thinking about the place that Rebecca had told her about. She might consider hiding there if it is the only way to attain peace of mind for her, for Luke and Graven.

Then her thoughts returned to Rebecca.

"Rebecca where are you!?" she said loudly.

Her voice was echoing in the thick silence of her room.

She breathed deeply and read the book again.

Hours went by.

The afternoon turned into night.

Only Laura and Sir Nicholas dined together in the dining room because Cooper hasn't returned yet to the mansion after sending his family back to their home.

The two of them consumed dinner in comfortable silence.

After they finished dinner, Sir Nicholas retired into the veranda to enjoy the quiet evening while Laura went back to her room.

Once she's already inside her room, she was lost on what to do with the rest of the evening. She doesn't want to sleep early yet. And she's getting tired of reading the book.

She walked towards the window and looked outside. There's nothing to see there, but darkness since there were no stars and moon in the sky above.

She released a deep sigh and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and donned her pajamas.

A few moments later, she finished in the bathroom and went to bed. She stared at the ceiling for eternity.

Hours passed quickly.

The hands of the clock finally strike at 10:00 in the evening.

Laura was already yawning, it looks like she's going to sleep tonight without getting an answer to the perplexing questions that were bothering her mind all day long.

She walked to the window, shut it, and then went back to bed. She lay her body down on the bed and wrapped the blanket around her body, then closed her eyes to sleep.

One hour later.

Laura's eyes finally shut off.

A few moments later.

Graven appeared inside the room. He went to bed and lay down beside Laura.

Laura stirred in her sleep and noticed a hard body pressed behind her back. Her eyes flew open in panic. Her eyes landed on Graven's face close to hers. "Graven!" she said, huge relief washed over her.

"Yes, it's me. I'm sorry, I entered your room without using the door," he apologized.

"It's okay. I'm glad you're finally here! Where is Rebecca? I don't see her anymore. Where is she?" she asked frantically.

Graven took a deep breath. When he entered Laura's room he already comes up with a decision to tell her the truth. She needs to know that somebody is after her, and Rebecca has to sacrifice herself for her and the townspeople of South Pond Town.

Laura saw the worried expression on Graven's face. Something tells her that what she's going to hear from him, she won't like it. She dreaded the words that will come out of his mouth!

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