The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 121 - My Goodbye

Three days later.

A letter from Laura's mother arrived in the mansion.


Graven already put Rebecca's plan in motion.

Laura brought the letter to Sir Nicholas's study room and showed it to him.

"You want to go home?" asked the old man.

"Yes, Father! I'm worried about my sister and Father, I'm worried about my loved ones in Hallowpass. I want to go home as soon as possible!" Laura said, misty-eyed.

"Okay, I'll inform Graven to escort you home or send his trusted aid to go with you back Hallowpass. When are you planning to go home?" he asked.

"I want to start my journey tomorrow afternoon, Father," she replied.

"Hmm...I'm not sure if Graven can accommodate your rush decision to go home but I'll ask him if he can send someone on his behalf to escort you since he is a busy guy," Sir Nicholas said. "Ah, I'll send Cooper with you!"

Laura shook her head. "No need to send Cooper to escort me, Father," she said.

"But why?"

"Um, I may not be able to come back here in South Pond..."

"What do you mean?"

I'm not going to marry Cooper anymore. I wanna go home," she said simply.

"Ah, okay," Sir Nicholas sighed. He was expecting it already after Laura lost interest in planning the wedding. "Is this your final decision?" he asked.

"Yes!" Laura nodded her head.

"Okay, just pack your things and I will prepare your carriage and accommodation. Hmm...regarding your are you going to explain all this?" he asked.

"Don't worry about my father. I'm sure he will understand the situation. It's the best for everyone. Sarah's children will grow up with a complete parent, it's the least I could do for them," Laura said.

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"Thank you for understanding Sarah's situation, child!" he said.

"No need to thank me, Father. I wish them happiness from the bottom of my heart," she said with a genuine smile.

Sir Nicholas felt relieved that the situation between Cooper and Laura turned out good in the end. "If Graven will come today I'll inform him about your journey tomorrow so that he can prepare everything for you," he said.

"Thank you, Father. I'm taking my leave now," Laura said.

"Okay," Sir Nicholas smiled.

Laura exited the study room. She walked in the hallway and descended the stairs, after reaching the front door she exited the house and went to the backyard, she missed the swing!

When she arrived there... she saw Graven exiting the door of his house. She went to the swing and lowered herself on the metal seat.

A few minutes later, Graven arrived at her location.

"How's your sleep?" he asked.

"Good! I woke up to a beautiful morning alone...but I miss that someone who spent the night with me," she answered sweetly.

"I'm glad to know that," he said and smirked.

She looked at him. "By the way, I already told your father about the letter and also my plan to go home," she said.

"And what did he say to you?" he asked curiously.

"He agreed... then I also told him that I can no longer marry Cooper because he belongs to Sarah and their children. I want the children to grow up in a loving family, surrounded by both parents. Besides, it will be good for your father's health to see his grandchildren every day and enjoy their presence. My decision is good for everyone involved," she said with finality in her voice.

"Okay, now that's settled. I'm going to my father's study room to get his order," Graven said.

"Go now..." Laura replied.

Graven was about to plant a kiss on Laura's head but suddenly a housemaid comes into view, he left her side quietly and walked in the concrete path leading to the house.

Laura stayed in the backyard enjoying her alone time with the swing. Ah, she's going to miss this place!

Meanwhile, inside the mansion.

Graven entered his father's study room. "Father...good afternoon!" he greeted him.

"Good afternoon, son!" replied Sir Nicholas. "Have a seat...I want you to do something important for me," he said.

Graven settled himself on the chair. "Go ahead...what is it, Father?" he inquired.

The old man sighed. "Laura received a letter from her mother. Then she told me that she wanted to go home tomorrow afternoon. She also informed me that she no longer wish to marry Cooper. I guess she had a change of heart after discovering about Sarah and the children so she decided to go home. I'm a bit sad about her decision - but I guess it's all for the best," Sir Nicholas said sadly.

"Oh, sorry to hear about that, Father!" Graven said.

"I want you to personally escort Laura back to her hometown in Hallowpass. I want her safety and comfort while traveling on the road. It's the least I can do for her. I owe her father an apology. I shall make an apology letter to my friend Simon shortly. Give the letter to him. Can you do that for me?" he asked his son.

Graven nods his head. "Yes, Father! I'm going to escort Laura back to her hometown and hand the letter personally to her father. Don't worry, I'm going to take care of Laura, the moment she leaves this house, she is my sole responsibility. I will ensure her safety on the road and her comfort as well," he said.

"Thanks, son! That's all for today," the old man said.

"I'll take my leave now, Father," Graven said and exited the study room, he went downstairs, exited the house, and go straight to the stable to inform the driver to prepare the carriage for a long journey to Hallowpass.

He reached the stable and informed the driver of his carriage. "Make sure you condition the horses for a long journey tomorrow going Hallowpass," he told the driver.

The driver nods his head. "Yes, I will, My Lord!" he responded and continue attending to the horses.

Graven left the stable and went back to his house. He was a bit disappointed when Laura was no longer on the swing. He proceeds to the back of his house, which is Horace's favorite place to hang out.

"Horace..." he called his name.

"Yes, My Lord?" Horace left the swing and faced his boss.

"I'm going to escort Laura tomorrow to Hallowpass. While I'm away, take charge of South Pond's Town's safety. If something urgent comes up while I'm away, send the messenger bird so that I'm updated on what's going on here," he commanded.

"Yes, my Lord! I'll protect this town with my life, rest assured that I'll be vigilant and won't slack with my duties while you're away," Horace replied.

"Good! I'm going back to the house to pack my things for tomorrow's journey," Graven said and left the backyard.

Inside the mansion.

Laura was having a conversation on the balcony with Neeza.

"Wow, thank you for these gifts, Miss Laura! I truly appreciated it!" Neeza said holding the beautiful earrings, sandals, and three books in her lap like a valuable treasure.

"I may not be able to return here anymore, so please take care of my gifts. I'm going to miss you, the house, and everything here... including the swing!" Laura said teary-eyed.

"Don't worry, Miss Laura. I will treasure your gifts for the rest of my life," Neeza said happily. She rose to her feet. "I'm going to bring them to the servants' quarter and put them in my cabinet. I will return here with your tea in a little while," she said.

"Okay, take your time, I'll be waiting here for you," Laura replied.

Neeza left the balcony in good spirit.

Laura was left alone on the balcony enjoying the afternoon breeze.

A few minutes later.

Cooper arrived on the balcony sporting a gloomy expression on his face. He sat on the couch facing his betrothed. "Is this true? You don't want to marry me anymore?" he asked in a sad tone.

Laura released a deep sigh. "Yeah, that's true."

"But why? Is it because of Sarah and my children with her?" he asked.

Laura nods her head. "Yeah... you already had a lovely family. You should keep them close. Sarah is a good and loving mother to your children, she can also be a good wife to you. You and I are not destined to marry each other. I wish you well, may you have a happy married life with Sarah. I wish you both the best in life," she said without a hint of sadness in her voice.

Cooper stared at Laura's face for a long time, then breathed deeply. "Is this your final decision?" he asked.

"Yes... and no amount of pleading from your side can change my mind," Laura said with a firm tone in her voice.

Cooper sighed deeply and shrugged. "Okay, fine! If that's what you want then so be it. Enjoy your trip tomorrow!" he said, feeling a bit upset.

Laura avoided his gaze.

Cooper rose to his feet and left the balcony in a bad mood.

Laura sighed. "Don't worry, Cooper. Once I'm already out of here, you will eventually learn to forget my existence," she said softly to his retreating form.

A few minutes later. Neeza returned with a food tray and placed the snacks on the center table. "The cook baked a steamed carrot cake, have a taste, Miss Laura!" she said.

Laura picked up the spoon and scooped a slice of carrot cake and put it in her mouth. "Wow, this carrot cake tastes delicious! I love its moist texture!" she said in delight.

Neeza smiled. "I'm glad you like it, Miss Laura!" she said cheerfully.

Laura put a slice on the plate and gave it to the maid. "Eat with me!" she said.

"Thank you, Miss Laura!" Neeza beamed happily.

The two women enjoyed the desert and the cool atmosphere on the balcony.

That night.

After finishing eating dinner, Laura started packing her things and putting them in the traveling bag. She finished packing her things at 9:00 in the evening.

She went to bed at 10:00 and sleep throughout the night like a baby.

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