The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 125 - Rainy Day

Laura looked at Graven. "You're wet all over!" she observed.

"Yeah... I can't avoid getting wet while saving those people," he replied calmly.


"Did you save them alone?" she asked, amazed.

"No, my men saved the rest," he replied casually as if saving people comes naturally to him.

"Ah, I see...but I never saw your men joining us in our journey. Where are they?" she inquired of their whereabouts.

"They're just everywhere waiting for my call," he said. "It would be cumbersome if they follow me everywhere," he replied.

Laura took some towel from the bag and rubbed it on Graven's wet hair, face and body. Then she noticed that the carriage was already moving away. "Are we going back now to the inn?" she asked.

"Yeah, I need to change clothes and cuddle with my baby," he replied and winked at her.

"B-but...there might still be more people that need saving in the river!" she insisted.

"It's okay, I instructed my men to watch over the river all day and all night long and save anyone that needs saving. Don't worry, they're more than capable when it comes to saving people," he assured her.

"Ah, okay," she said, finally relieved with his assurance. She planted a kiss on his cheeks. "I'm proud of you and your men for your heroic deeds today!" she said and pressed her body to his.

"Don't get so close to me my love, 'coz my clothes are soaking wet, you will only get wet," he said worriedly.

Laura smiled. "Nah! I don't care!" she said and pressed her body to him.

Graven grinned and wrapped his arms around her, then kissed her lips. "It looks like we will stay in the inn for a few days until the bridge is completely fixed and passable," he said.

"Yeah...more like it," she murmured.

"But don't worry... I will instruct the driver to ask around if there is a shortcut or some other road that we can take besides the destroyed bridge... so that we can continue traveling tomorrow," he offered.

"It's okay, if there's no other road, then we will just stay in the inn and wait for the bridge to be fixed," she replied. Although she wanted to continue the journey, their carriage can't pass that raging water, the current is too strong.

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"Okay..." he said and caress her arms gently.

She raised her head and looked at him. "What happened to the guy and the child clinging to the log? Did you save them? Where did you take them?" she asked worriedly.

"I brought them to a house nearby because the child is weak, he drank a lot of water, he needs immediate care and medication," he explained. "Don't worry about them, they've already been taken care of by the local people residing near the riverbank," he added trying to erase the worry from her face.

"Good! I'm relieved to know that," she said. It set her mind at ease after knowing that the child and his father were already in a safe place, recuperating and resting, surrounded by kind people.

They enjoyed the comfortable ride going back to the inn.

After they arrived at the inn, the couple went their separate way. Graven entered his room to get rid of his wet clothes clinging to his body.

Laura changed her clothes inside the room. After she donned the dry clothes on her body she went to the window and stared outside.

The rain still pouring hard. Fat droplets of water fell into the grassy lawn creating several puddles on the ground.

She looked at the trees, plants... and beyond the mountain, thinking about her family. Wondering if they are okay? Her father was not able to come back to South Pond Town and she didn't receive any news from home either. She hoped they're alright!

She hopes so!

She wouldn't be able to bear it if something terrible happened to her entire family back home, considering that her supposed to be vampire husband already sent lethal bats to South Pond Town to kill people and find her.

She was deeply worried about her family's safety!

She looked heavenward. "Dear God! Please protect my family from the dark side!" she begged.

Then her mind wandered to her dear friend Rebecca, how is she doing right now? Hope they didn't harm her friend. Although, Rebecca knows how to protect herself, yet she's still worrying because she hasn't return until now. Which only means one thing, Rebecca must be held somewhere unable to leave the place that those giant birds had taken her.

"Rebecca, stay strong! Graven will rescue you soon!" she whispered, hoping the wind will carry her words to her friend.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Graven entered the room, holding a tray in his hand, he put the tray on the table. There are two hot mugs of cocoa and desserts on the plate.

She went to the table. "What's that delicious looking deserts?" she asked.

"The cook prepared a rice cake for all the guests of the inn," he replied.

"Wow, nice!" she said and tasted the rice cake with the spoon and brought it to her mouth."Hmm, it has a creamy taste. I like it!" she roared.

Graven picked up the mug of hot cocoa and walked towards the window, roaming his gaze outside while sipping his hot drink.

Laura eats the rice cake with gusto.

After a while, Graven went back to the table and lowered himself on the chair beside his lady love.

She put the spoon down and looked at him. "Tell me honestly, what do you think happened to Rebecca right now?" she asked.

Graven put down the empty mug on the table and released a deep sigh. "Honestly, I think she's held against her will somewhere. With her capabilities, it surprised me that she hasn't come back yet," he said, a flicker of worry flashed in his eyes.

Laura took a deep breath. "We need to find her, ASAP!" she declared grimly.

"I know, we are thinking of the same thing," he said calmly. "Just leave it to me, my love! Stop worrying about the things that you have no control over, okay?"

Laura sighed deeply. "OK..." she answered gloomily. The subdued expression on her face displayed the depth of her worry towards her friend's safety.

"I know you are worried about Rebecca and so am I. Don't worry, my men and I will rescue her soon!" he said confidently and embraced her, trying to give her comfort and solace.

She feels guilty, she should be the one in Rebecca's shoes right now. "I'm feeling guilty," she murmured.

Graven rubbed her back to console her. "Shh...don't be. Rebecca decides on her own, she knew the risk. I didn't force her to come on behalf of yourself. Please stop torturing yourself with guilt," he said.

Laura fought the tears from falling down her eyes, feeling sad and stressed.

The couple stayed in the bed for the rest of the morning.

Lunchtime came.

Graven exited the room to get their food from the kitchen.

Hours passed quickly and the evening comes.

After eating dinner, Graven left the bedroom to bring the dirty dishes into the kitchen. There are many men in the inn, he doesn't want them to ogle at his beloved woman.

The time was already 9:00 in the evening.

The rain still pouring continuously outside.

Graven didn't leave Laura's room, they were contented cuddling in the bed, enjoying each other's warmth.

The more their bodies rubbed in all the right places the more the fire of desire ignited in their bodies. The sensual desire finally catches up with them as they start kissing each other's lips engaging in a heated kiss, heavy fondling, stroking, and petting each other.

A few minutes later, their discarded clothes fly from all directions and landed in heaps on the floor.

The couple was fully naked under the blanket, their bodies feverish with desire, clamoring for an explosive release.

Laura guides Graven's erection inside her wet core, she gasped in pleasure when he started thrusting his hardened shaft inside her silky wall.

Graven established a pleasurable rhythm for the two of them, he pounded her mound in and out, not so slow and not so fast either... it gives them a delirious feel for each other.

Laura's hands were gripping the sheet hard while her legs wrapped around his pelvis giving him wide access to her slippery core.

They made love slowly and in a relaxing way, enjoying the pleasurable union of their bodies.

Graven claimed her lips for a quick kiss and bury his lips on her chest while maintaining contact with her core, his manhood was throbbing alive inside her silky wall.

Laura love the feel of his hardness inside her, it made her whole. She's loving his thrusting... so pleasurable... "Ohhh...ahhhh...ahhhh..." she moaned in succession.

Sweats broke on Graven's forehead as he continues pounding her center in a controlled passion, grunting and panting in delirious ecstasy.

A few seconds later, Graven finally reached his earth-shattering climax followed by Laura. He collapsed beside her. He looked at her beautiful face, flustered, fresh from their lovemaking. "Sleep now, my love!" he whispered.

Laura rested her head in his arms and closed her eyes to sleep.

A few minutes later, Graven followed Laura into dreamland.

The couple had fallen asleep in each other's arms.

The inn turned quiet as the travelers were already snoring in their beds.

The clock finally strikes at 12:30, midnight.


A black smoke materialized inside the room, the smoke slowly forming into the shape of a man, he was holding a red rose in his right hand.

He stared at the naked couple on the bed... his face darkened instantly, his fingers were crushing the red petals, throwing them onto the floor.

He walked towards the bed in big stride...

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