The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 157 - Virgins

Fifteen minutes later.

The feeding of fresh blood to the vampire's couple's son finally ended.


The female servant rubbed an ointment on the cut of Laura's hand and wrapped clean clothe on it to stop it from bleeding.

Everyone was looking at the man lying in the coffin, looking for any signs of him coming back to life.

Another agonizing fifteen minutes passed.

Nothing happens...

Zalvo and Sylvia looked worriedly between Laura and their son.

The vampire couple stared at each other... their eyes were communicating actively... they don't want to entertain the nagging suspicion arising in their minds. They tried to extend their hopes and push their suspicion away.

Rebecca saw the worries on the faces of the vampire couple, she already knows that something is wrong... and she already knows the outcome if her blood failed to resurrect the king, she will die.

Half an hour later, still, nothing happened, the king was not resurrected by Laura's blood!

The vampire couple's eyes shone with fury.

"Everyone... leave the chamber!" Zalvo barked his order.

The vampires exited the room and waited outside for further command.

Outside the chamber, the party is in full swing.

Back inside the chamber.

The vampire couple stared intensely at Laura, seething with anger.

"Who are you!?" Sylvia spoke in an outraged voice.

Rebecca didn't answer and avoided the vampire woman's gaze.

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"Answer me! You are not Laura! You are an impostor!" Sylvia's eyes were blazing with fury. Damn! She felt betrayed again!

Zalvo looked at his wife. "No need to waste your time on her! She won't answer. She will hide the truth with her to death!" he said. "Time to throw her to the raging fire that will burn her alive! Let her feel the pain of being burned alive!" he said without an ounce of mercy in his eyes.

Rebecca closed her eyes waiting for the painful death to devour her.

Zalvo went to the door and opened it. He addressed the men. "Bring this impostor into the furnace and throw her alive!" he commanded.

The men in cape entered the chamber and carried the fake Laura's coffin into another secret door leading to the area where the burning furnace was located.

Rebecca's body was trembling with fear inside the gold-plated coffin. She still can't move her whole body and worst the golden necklace was still attached to her neck suppressing her power.

It's so depressing, she was like a duck about to be thrown and roasted into the furnace. She doesn't want to die alone in the enemy's camp, she wants to die with at least one friend beside her. Being thrown into flames alive is an awful way to die!

It will be so painful!

Her body trembled with fear just thinking about it.

She felt so powerless, pathetic, and helpless.

She's not ready to die yet!

Fresh tears emerged in her eyes, she sobbed while being carried away into the furnace.

The men carrying the coffin entered the room which is already blazing hot. A ten meters wide furnace can be seen in the corner.

They placed the coffin into the ground.

'Goodbye, Graven, Laura, Horace, Luke... Grandma Menedelia...' Rebecca murmured and shut her eyes bracing for the unbearable pain that she's going to feel the moment the flames start devouring her whole body.

The men lifted Rebecca's body and without further ado... they throw her into the furnace that is blazing with flames.

The men in cape left the room taking the coffin with them.

Meanwhile, back in the chamber, Sylvia looked at her son lying in his coffin. "It looks like you are not going to be resurrected tonight, my son. I'm so sorry, we got the wrong woman, she is not Laura!" she said sadly "But rest assured that we will get the real Laura as soon as possible and repeat the Awakening Ceremony," she said.

Zalvo spoke to his wife. "Let's go outside and addressed the guests, they are waiting for the news. Even if it's bad news we have to be honest with them and tell them the whole truth," he said.

"Wait for a second... I'm not ready yet to face the crowd! It's shameful!" Sylvia said indignantly, her face reddened with anger and shame.

"Let's go now and face the crowd," Zalvo urged his wife.

"But this is humiliating to our clan! I can't accept it!" Sylvia said vehemently, she began pacing the floor back and forth.

"It's okay, don't be hard on yourself. Mistakes can happen anytime," he consoled her. "Next time, we will make sure that it's gonna be the real Laura that we are bringing here for the Awakening Ceremony!" he concluded.

"Okay," Sylvia agreed.

The couple exited the chamber and went to the podium.

Zalvo watched the guests dancing provocatively with the background music, having a good time.

"May I have your attention, everyone!" Zalvo said aloud.

The music suddenly stopped and the crowd looked at Zalvo.

"Listen, everyone... I have a piece of bad news to tell you tonight. The awakening Ceremony didn't succeed because we got the wrong bride. The bride is an impostor! She is the wrong one! The real Queen is still outside. We apologized for the mistake. We will locate the real Queen soon and repeat the Awakening Ceremony," he announced loudly.

The crowd gasped in shock and murmured in disappointment.

The bad news was greeted with skepticism by the crowd.

"To compensate for your disappointment and wasted time, we have a present for you... hope you like it!" Zalvo said. He looked at his men standing nearby and nods his head as a signal.

The men in cape opened the five doors and blindfolded young women were being guided into the center of the room. The women were already squirming in fear.

The young virgins were slaves bought by the vampire couple from the slave market just for this occasion to entertain and rewards the guests who came from far-flung towns just to witness this momentous occasion which turned out to be an epic failure.

The guests' eyes widened in pleasure and excitement. They got fresh food tonight and the best thing is... they are young virgins! Fresh blood and fresh flesh to enjoy as much as they want.

"My beloved guests... these young virgins are for your entertainment... you can do whatever you like to do with them! Consider this as our gift and our ways of apologizing for tonight's blunder. I hope next time when I invited you again for the Awakening Ceremony, you will come again to witness it. And I'll make sure that there will be no mistake next time. My apologies again, Ladies and Gentlemen!" Zalvo said solemnly.

He paused for a moment to catch his breath.

"Where is that impostor woman who disguised as the Queen? Give her to us so that we can have fun with her and shred her to pieces as her punishment for deceiving us!" one of the vampires demanded.

Zalvo smiled. "No need. She's already taken care of, I instructed my men to throw her body into the hot furnace as her punishment and she's already dead by now," he answered.

Several vampires were groaning in disappointment.

Zalvo raised a brow. "Why bothered with the dead when we have live virgin women to entertain and satisfy our cravings... right?" he said.

"Yeah... we love the virgin women!" The crowd murmured excitedly.

And one more thing, since we have limited supply, don't be greedy... share the fresh blood to your brother and sisters, don't forget that sharing is caring... and don't turn them in just like us! Just drink their fresh blood and enjoy the marvelous experience to your heart's content! Remember don't turn them in!" Zalvo repeated, grinning while watching the exciting expression of the guests' faces.

Sylvia watched the disappointed faces of the guests lighted up instantly after hearing their leader mentioned the young virgins again.

The guests salivated as their sharp fangs emerged from their mouths, they looked at the young women hungrily and then lurched at them.

A few minutes later, the whole area was filled with the deafening scream by the virgin women as the hungry vampires chased after them... sucking their blood dry.

The vampire couple watched the carnage taking place in front of them with amusement gleaming in their eyes.

A few minutes later.

The couple walked towards the chamber where the coffin of their son was waiting to bring him back home.

Zalvo commanded the leader of the men. "Release more virgins! And get ready... we will take our leave soon!" he said.

"Yes, my lord!" the leader replied. He went to the other closed-door rooms and released more virgin women to the hungry vampires.

The scene of terrified screaming women, running for their lives, can be seen all over the room as the hungry vampires chased the terrified women all over the place.

Several women were already lying on the ground dead 'coz their blood was drained from their bodies.

It was a tragic and gruesome sight to see.

The whole chamber smelled death.

The vampires who already got their fill of fresh blood were relaxing in the corner, watching the ongoing rampage with amusement twinkling in their eyes.

Two hours later.

The vampire couple was already standing outside the old manor looking at the carriage in front of them.

Zalvo addressed the leader of the men in a black cape. "Throw the dead women's bodies in the furnace and clean the whole area, then make sure the guest are well taken care of. Those who want to go home, let them leave, and for those who want to stay for a few days, served them well," he commanded.

"Yes, my lord!" the leader replied and went back to the old mansion.

A few minutes later, a coffin was loaded into the carriage outside the old manor and the vampire couple entered the carriage as well.

Fifteen minutes later, the vampire couple's entourage was already moving out of the manor's rusted iron gate, leaving the ghastly carnage behind them.

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