The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 197 - See You Again!

After spending a few hours brainstorming with Terros, Graven left the forest to go back to Bay Meadow to take a long rest.

Graven landed in his room, went to the bathroom to take a short shower, and reclined in bed to have a long rest. He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. The next on his agenda is to talk to Laura and asked who is the father of her unborn child... then he will continue finding Rebecca in every town and village.


A few minutes later.

Graven had fallen asleep soundly in the bed.

Hours went by.

The following day.

Graven woke up late at 11:00 in the morning and the sun was already up. He went to the bathroom, afterward he left the room to find something to eat in the kitchen.


At Terros's place.

Veronica has finished cooking the dishes for lunch and set the table. She went to the door and called out Terros on the balcony. "Lunch is ready!" she said.

Terros left the balcony, entered the house, and joined Veronica at the kitchen table.

They ate in silence.

After they finished eating, they were having a deep conversation.

"Now that Graven is finally here... I'll visit my deity friend in the Windless Mountain. I need to ask her an important question regarding the Oakenblossom Tree," Veronica said.

"Okay, no problem. When are you going to leave?" Terros asked.

"This afternoon, after I'm done washing the dishes or may tomorrow," she replied.

"How many days you will be gone?"

"Probably a few days, depending upon the deity's request. Sometimes she wants me to stay at her place for several days 'coz she enjoyed my company," she answered.

"Okay, good luck on your journey!" Terros said. He rose to his feet and left the kitchen going to his room.

Veronica deposited the dirty dishes into the sink and washed them.

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Inside Terros's room.

He's thinking of something to ask Veronica. He thought about it last week. Damn! he's getting forgetful! What is it exactly that he wants to ask her about?

Ah...finally he remembers it now!

He left his room and went back to the kitchen.

Veronica had finished washing the dishes and was cleaning the table with a piece of clothing.

Terros sat on the chair and looked at his housemate. "Veronica, do you have any idea who is that powerful spirit who managed to deceive and abduct Graven for one week?" he asked because he previously suspected before that Veronica's friend, the deity, is the one who did it to Graven.

Veronica scratched her head. "Why did you suddenly ask now?" she said.

"Because I have a feeling that it's your friend the deity who had taken an interest in him. I need to know, just in case Graven will disappear again I know whom to ask," he spoke.

Veronica sighed and plopped down on the chair.

"Common...tell me! Don't worry, I won't feel angry and I won't tell Graven our secret," he assured her.

Veronica released a deep sigh. "Okay, I'll tell you the truth now. Yeah, you are right, the powerful being who abducted Graven and had sex with him for one week is no other than my deity friend Elva Sunbelle who lives at the top of the Windless Mountain," she admitted.

Terros was getting interested. "So... this thousand years old deity had taken a liking to Graven? What's his purpose in abducting him?"

"She wants to have a child with Graven," Veronica confessed.

Terros smiled. "So...I was right with my guess! A powerful being abducted Graven and pretended to be his missing wife to be able to successfully mate with him!"

"That's right!" Veronica said. "Don't worry, I already told her not to do it again and she promises me that she will never harm Graven because she likes him a lot..."

"Wow, a thousand-year-old powerful Goddess wants Graven's offspring! This is getting interesting!" Terros enthused. "Can you show me this Goddess's face? Was she old already? I bet she has wrinkled skin all over her body just like me. Am I right?" he asked.

Veronica giggled and laughed. The old man would get the shock of his life if she will show him the deity's appearance today.

Terros's brows furrowed in confusion. "Huh? Why are you laughing? Did I say something funny?"

Veronica snickered. "Well... I hate to prove you wrong, old man! But I'll show you Elva Sunbelle's appearance and you will be the one to judge! Don't blink!" she told him. She waved her right hand at the wall... and slowly... the woman's blurry silhouette appeared on the wall...a few minutes later... the woman's body and face finally get clearer.

Terros stared at the beautiful apparition in awe. "Wow! Her beauty is simply breathtaking! Everything about her is beautiful!" he said, truly mesmerized by the deity's beauty.

Veronica smirked and simpered. "Now you know who is Elva Sunbelle. She is the goddess who never grows old, forever young! I hope your mind felt assured now," she said.

"Wow, I wouldn't mind if someone as beautiful as her would kidnap me for one week. I would be a willing participant and would demand a repeat!" Terros joked and guffawed.

Veronica joined in his laughter, they shared a good laugh at the expense of the thousand years old goddess and Graven.

Terros stopped laughing. "How powerful is this goddess?" he suddenly asked.

"She is powerful, beyond words, evidence is the eye that she put on my forehead. Because of this third eye, I was able to see the world again after I ended up being blind due to that bird's barbaric act!" she said furiously, remembering how the bird stole her two eyes. She released a deep sigh.

Terros saw the anger and sadness in Veronica's eyes. "I'm sorry that I reminded you of what happened to your eyes in the past. Believe me, it's not my intention to remind you," he said apologetically.

Veronica shook her head. "It's okay, old man. I'm over it!"

Terros sighed. He feels pity for Veronica, she used to be a beauty also, but after she loses her two eyes, she's always wearing a veil to hide her ugly deformed eyes.

"Old man, are you done ogling at Elva's pretty face?" she asked.

Terros smiled. "Yeah..."

Veronica waved her right hand, Elva's image disappeared from the wall.

Terros rose to his feet. "Thanks for showing me the deity's face," he said.

"Don't mention it!" Veronica replied and went back to the kitchen sink to wash the kitchen towel that she had used in wiping the dirt from the table.

Terros on the other hand left the kitchen and exited the house to feed his chickens, roosters, and birds outside.


Graven teleported to his brother's mansion at Arrawallee Town in his invisible form.

It's already 2:00 in the afternoon and the sun was blazing hot up in the sky.

He floated to the window of the room where he saw his wife, the window is open but Laura was not inside. Where could he be during this time?

He floated towards the garden, she was not also there!

Where could she be?

He hovered towards the back of the house.

Finally, he saw Laura wearing a floral maternity dress, sitting on the swing under the shade of the big oak tree. The swing was located a few meters away from the mansion. She's not alone though, a female servant is sitting on the chair nearby.

A cooler air circulated the area because of the shades of the trees surrounding the house.

Graven was on alert, looking for the right opportunity to have alone time with his wife.

Laura remained seated on the swing for one full hour, then she feels sleepy. She left the swing and addressed Adela. "I'm going back to my room, I'm very sleepy," she said.

"Okay, my lady," Adela replied.

The two women walked on the path leading towards the house.

Graven heard the women's conversation and followed them. He's wondering where is his twin brother at this hour?

It doesn't matter, he must be able to talk to his wife today!

He didn't enter the house, he floated directly towards the window of Laura's room.

He saw the two women entered the room. He listened to their conversation.

"My lady, do you want me to bring you something?" Adela asked.

Laura shook her head. "No need...I'm going to sleep for a while. I'll see you later at dinner time. I want to have a long nap today," she replied.

"Okay, I'll take my leave now..." Adela said.

"When will Lord Luke return from his out-of-town trip?" she inquired.

"Tomorrow morning, my lady," Adela answered.

"Okay, you may go now," she said.

Adela went to the door and exited.

Laura lowered herself on the bed and lie down.

Graven went to the door and locked it.

Laura heard the door being locked from the inside, her eyes widened, there's someone inside the room! She sits upright and looked around her. "Luke, is that you?" she asked.

Graven showed himself in front of Laura. "Wife..." he said and put his fingers on his mouth, signaling her to keep her voice low.

For a few seconds... Laura was shocked. Then she leaped from the bed and catapulted into his open arms. "Husband!"

Graven hugged his wife. "I'm so sorry it had taken me a long time to find you," he apologized.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, take me and our baby away from this house!" she said.

"Y-you're pregnant with our child?" he asked. Just the confirmation he needs.

"Yes! I've been dying to tell you the good news! I'm pregnant with our first baby!" she raved, teary-eyed due to happiness.

Huge relief washed over Graven after learning that his wife is pregnant with their child.

"Take me out of here now!" Laura demanded in a terrified voice fearing that Luke might appear in the room any moment from now.

"Okay, I'll take you out from here! Let's go!" Graven hugged his wife and initiated the teleportation process in his mind. They vanished from the room in the blink of an eye.

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