The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 233 - Room #6

The door was opened wide and somebody entered...

A chill goes up on her spine.


She musters the courage to raise her head and looked bravely at the door.

And she couldn't believe what she saw!

She saw an old woman standing at the door looking at her.

The old woman's hair was all white, she was holding a tray in her hands.

The aroma of delicious food assailed her senses and the rumbling of her stomach is deafening, she thinks she will pass out due to hunger. "Grandma, why did you imprisoned me here in this room?" she questioned her.

The old woman ignored her question. "Child, eat your dinner..." she said and put the tray on the floor. She turned around and exited the room.

"Grandma, please come back!" Sofia shouted. She kicked angrily at the door trying to open it to no avail, the old woman didn't come back.

She looked at the food and lowered herself on the floor in misery. She needs to eat to cultivate her strength. She plans to escape later if the woman returned to get the tray.

She began eating... in fairness... the food tastes delicious! She eats with gusto!

Half an hour later, she finished eating.

She placed the tray in the farthest corner of the room. This way, the old woman has to enter the room to get the tray and she will run for the door and escape this place!

She will pretend that she had fallen asleep soundly so that the woman will lower her guard down.

That's the only sound plan she can think of right now.

It better work or else she's dead meat!

She studied the room. It has no window, she can't see the world outside. But the old woman mentioned the word dinner, so it must be already evening outside.

She's wondering if she's still in Moraderry Town? Or taken to another town?

If she's still in Moraderry Town, the moment she can escape successfully out of this place she will head back to the manor straight away! She will no longer run away! She regretted her stupid decision to leave the manor and now she suffered this horrific situation.

She got to escape this place that is giving her the creeps!

She lies down on the floor hugging her meager possession. Then she noticed that she was no longer wearing her wet clothes and the attire that she wore right now does not belong to her. Did that old woman change her clothes?

She released a deep sigh. When she made her escape from her room in the manor, she was full of high spirit and energy, but now, all that is left in her are regrets, sadness, and fear.

She closed her eyes, pretending that she's in a deep sleep.

Hours went by.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It was one hour before midnight when the door opened and the old woman returned.

The woman entered the room after seeing the tray was placed far from the door. She walked towards the tray and picked it up...

Sofia opened her eyes and rose quickly, she bolted to the door and ran away from the room at the speed of light.

The old woman was left alone in the room stunned by how fast the girl had gone out from the room!

She exited the room, shaking her head in amusement. "Stupid girl!" she murmured to herself. She walked in the hallway of the basement in a relaxed manner, not even worried that her prisoner had escaped her prison.


Sofia was running back and forth, what's going on? She can't find the door that will take her outside. All she can see on every side are rooms lining up in the hallway, about ten of them, including the room where she was being imprisoned.

She noticed that if she walked towards the end of the hallway, she's meet up with a dead-end, another wall!

Huh? Her brows knitted together in confusion.

Damn! This place has no entrance and exit!

Just ten rooms lined up on both sides!

This is impossible!

Where did that old woman go?

There is only one hallway in this place!

The old woman will surely pass this hallway! But she can't see her! She didn't even saw the woman exited. Was she still inside that room waiting for her to come back?'

She hurriedly went back to the room and opened the door, she took a peek inside, it's empty!

But where did that woman go!

Suddenly she experienced a massive headache just thinking about her dilemma.

Slowly, she began to realize that the old woman is not human and this place is full of mystery.

The inhabitants of this place are non-humans! But what is their origin? What kind of people are they?

Of all people, why they chose to abduct her?

She went back inside the room, her energy and spirit were depleted.

She went inside the bathroom to relieve her bladder.

While sitting on the bowl, she looked at her hands and noticed something...OMG... her amethyst ring was gone!

Where did it go?

Did she lose it in the forest?

But she remembered that she was still wearing it when she sought shelter under the shade of the tree!

OMG! Did that terrifying creature took her ring!

But where is that horrifying creature? She wants to ask if that beast took her ring!

She wants her ring back!

It's her only link to her past and her real identity! She must get it back no matter what the cost!

After she's done in the bathroom, she went back to where her knapsack was located. She lowered herself on the floor and unzip the bag, she rummaged on her things and found that they're all wet!

She released a deep sigh, took everything out, and hang them at the back of the door inside the bathroom.

Done, she leaves the door of the bathroom opened and went to the corner, and sat on the floor, staring at the door.

She will wait for the old woman to return to the room, she will ask what kind of place is this and where is her ring?

She starts yawning.

She waited and waited and refused to close her eyes even if her eyelids were dropping fast.

She can no longer hold back, she's mentally and emotionally tired, her sleepiness took over her body, so she lies down on the floor and drifted into a deep slumber.

Hours went by.

Midnight comes and goes.

2:00 am...

The door slowly opened and a shadow entered the room, the creature stared at the figure sleeping on the floor for a few minutes.

In his palm is the amethyst ring shining brightly illuminating the whole room.

A few minutes later.

The beast exited the room and closed the door quietly. He walked into the hallway, and entered the 5th room on the right side, and disappeared inside.

Hours passed by.


The dawn is slowly breaking on the horizon.

At 6:00 in the morning, the first ray of light bathed the whole town of Moraderry Town.

The servants in the manors and mansions start buzzing up to begin their daily chores.

Back in the room of the basement where Sofia was imprisoned.

She stirred in her sleep for a few minutes as if she had a nightmare and finally awakened.

Damn! She was dreaming that she was chased by a pack of hungry wolves, their saliva was dripping from their mouths ready to devour her! In her dream, they finally got her cornered and she has nowhere to run. The leader of the wolves lunged at her and aimed directly at her neck, she can feel its large sharp teeth tearing the skin of her neck and she passed out due to extreme pain and horror.

Thanks, God!

That was just a bad dream, it's not real!

She stretched her body and rose to her feet, she went inside the bathroom to relieve her bladder.

A few minutes later, she exited the bathroom and stood in the middle of the room trying to comprehend and analyzed the whole place and her situation.

She was confused and baffled why the place has no entrance and exit!?

If only there is an exit, she already escaped from this place successfully!

She thought it's already morning, since there is no window to determine the status of the day, she can only take a wild guess.

If she guessed correctly, that old woman will be back soon and bring her breakfast!

She will follow where that old woman will go after she brought her meals.

She needs to know the location of the exit! So that she can leave this creepy room and returned to the manor to rejoin her family! She had enough of this nightmare! She's going crazy if she stays longer in this place!

A few minutes later.

The door opened...

Sofia readied herself.

The old woman put the tray on the floor. "Eat your breakfast!" she said and was about to leave.

"Granny wait! Can I ask you a question?" she asked quickly.

"Yes... bring them on!" the old woman replied.

"What is this place?" she asked.

"Sorry, I can't tell you... next question..." replied the woman.

"I see rooms and hallway only but I never saw the door out. Why is that? Can you please tell me where is the door?"

"Sorry, I can't tell you... next question..."

Sofia scratches her head in annoyance. "Are you humans or what-? What kind of animals or beasts are you guys? And why did you abducted me and imprisoned me here inside this creepy place!?" she shouted indignantly.

"Sorry, I can't tell you... next question..." the woman replied robotically. There was a hint of amusement flashing in her eyes.

"Jesus Christ, are you a robot! Granny, can you please answer me properly!?" she snapped at her.

"Sorry.... time is over... better luck next time!" the old woman said and left.

Sofia ran after her and was able to take a glimpse of the old woman entering room #6 and disappeared inside!


Room #6 must be the exit!

That must be it!

She ran towards room #6, opened the door, and rushed inside.

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