The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 257 - Bitter

The following day.

Graven's headquarter.


When he woke up in the morning, breakfast and hot coffee were already prepared on the table outside the bedroom. He remembered last night that he told Calder to gather the rest of the infected men outside the headquarters for speedy actions just in case the black liquid strikes again.

He picked up the mug and took a sip then walked towards the door. When he opened it, he saw Calder and the others already waiting outside for his instruction.

Calder had already gathered the infected men outside, a total of 28 of them, including him 'coz the two men were already held captive by the cursed King.

"Good morning, my lord!" the men conveyed their greetings and bowed their heads in front of their master.

"Good morning! Have you eaten your breakfast?" he asked.

"Yes, we finished eating breakfast a while ago!" the men replied in unison.

"Good! This morning, I'm glad to announce to you all that we have a piece of good news! Some of our good friends in the background have finally created a herbal elixir to fight the poisonous liquid inhabiting our bodies. I need five volunteers. They will have to undergo an experiment, ingesting the elixirs for detoxifying and expelling the black liquid from their bodies.

We don't know the good effect yet as well the side effect of this elixir on our body that is why it's called an experiment. Those who want to take part in the experiment, please raise your right hand!" Graven said.

He sweeps his glance at his men.

All the men raised their hands, including Calder.

"I'm glad that all of you want to take part in the experiment! But we only need five volunteers for the first trial. If the trial yields a positive result, rest assured that all of us will receive the cure in due time," Graven said. He looked at Calder. "Let's do it raffle style. Those who will get the star sign in their paper will go with me and undergo the experiment at Grandpa Terros's place," he said.

"I'll prepare the paper and the pen!" Calder said and went inside the wooden house.

A few minutes later.

When he emerged outside, he already has the 28 pieces of paper cut into small square sizes and a pen, along with a plastic bowl.

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Graven hold the pen and draw the star symbol on five pieces of paper, and rolled them. Calder helped him rolled all the paper.

Done, Graven put the rolled paper into the bowl and shakes them, then gave it to Calder. "Make the rounds, one paper only per person," he instructed.

"Yes, my lord!" Calder replied and went to the men. "Pick one, wait for my signal, and those who got the star symbol on their paper, separate yourself from the crowd and stand on the left side!" he said.

"Aye!" the men replied in unison.

Calder made the round, and the remaining paper was for him. He looked at his comrades. "Open your paper!" he gave the signal.

The men opened the paper in their hands.

Five of the men immediately separated themselves from the group and showed their star symbol paper to Calder.

Calder looked at his master. "My Lord, we already have the five candidates!" he said.

"Okay, men, get ready! I will bring you all to Grandpa's Terros's place after I finish eating my breakfast," he said and went back inside the house to eat his meal.

Half an hour later. Graven finished eating his meal.

Calder entered the house.

Graven addressed him. "Today is the one-month anniversary of the day when the black liquid attacked our body, nearly costing our lives. Do not let anyone leave, especially those who are infected. The attack will come at any time. It will be easier for us to transport all the men back to the crumbling castle at once!" he said.

"My Lord, if the black liquid starts attacking us, where should we go first? At Grandpa Terros's place or teleport directly to the crumbling castle for the antidote?" he asked for his specific instruction.

"Wait for a second... I'll think about it first," he said. If they will go directly to the cursed King's castle, he was sure he will hold another man of his as a hostage. He would rather try the elixir medicine first. "If you guys start feeling something wrong with your body then teleport right away to Grandpa's place!" he finally said.

"Copy, my lord!" Calder said and left the room.

Graven left the room and went to the five men waiting for further instruction. "Men, give me your palm, we're going now to Grandpa's fortress," he said.

The men obeyed and opened their palms.

Graven grabbed their palm and they disappeared from the headquarter in the blink of an eye.

Calder looked at the men. "Men listen to me, if you start feeling the symptom of the black liquid attacking your body, same with the symptom that you have experienced before then teleport yourself into Grandpa Terros's place right away. Those who can no longer do so, don't worry, our comrades will take us there!" he said.

"Copy!" the men replied in chorus.

"Let's just wait here. No one is allowed to leave the place!" he added.

"Aye!" the men responded and went to rest under the shade of the trees nearby.

Calder released a deep sigh and lowered himself on the wooden chair, facing the far distance. It's difficult when they are facing and anticipating the enemy's attack coming from the inside of their bodies compared to facing the enemy head-on.

They are facing a life-threatening battle where a weapon is useless to fight the enemy within!

They need powerful and effective medicine to fight the enemy lurking inside their bodies!

He saw the worried and tensed expression on his compared faces. It's painful to watch.

A few minutes later.

Horace appeared in the headquarter and walked to Calder's side. "Bro, hows' everything going here?" he asked.

Calder looked at him. "We're waiting for the enemy to attack!" he answered grimly.

Horace patted his comrade's shoulder sympathizing with him. "We will find the cure soon! Let's not lose our hope!" he said.

"Hopefully!" Calder replied.

"The lord is here?" Horace asked.

"No. He already left a while ago, along with the men who will take part in the experiment," Calder replied.

"Do you need anything?" Horace asked.

"Hmm, how about a delicious lunch before the storm," Calder replied with a grin.

"That's easy. I already instructed the cook to prepare a hearty meal for us," Horace replied and sat on the chair.

"Any news from Rebecca?" Calder asked.

Horace shook his head. "Nothing so far. She doesn't want to be found so let her be. It's good to know that she's safe, and we don't have to worry about her anymore," he replied.

The men were enveloped with comfortable silence.


Graven and the men finally landed in Grandpa Terros's front yard.

During that time, Terros and Veronica just finished eating their breakfast and sipping their coffee.

Veronica looked at the men. "Here's come the first batch of our patients for the day!" she said.

Terros stood up. "Time to go to work!" he said.

"I'll get the elixir," Veronica stood up and entered the house. She went straight to the kitchen. They already prepared the right dosage based on Elva's instruction and placed them in five small plastic bowls for easy access and distribution.

She picked up the wooden tray and walked towards the door.


Terros addressed the five men. "Guys, you will about to ingest a herbal medicine made from the roots of a thousand-year-old tree mixed with other ingredients. Although it's not harmful to your body, it has a bitter taste. All you have to do is bear the bitter taste, don't spit the medicine! If you feel like you are about to throw up and you can stop yourself from vomiting then run to that area over there, find your space, and vomit as much as you can, don't hold back! Chances are, the medicine was already working and cleansing your body. It's removing the black liquid from your system," he explained.

"We understood, Grandpa!" the men replied in chorus.

Veronica appeared in front of the men holding the wooden tray in her hands. "Medicine is ready!" she announced, wearing a pleasant expression on her face.

Terros handed the five bowls to the men. "Okay, guys, drink the medicine now!" he ordered.

The men braved the bitter taste of the medicine and drink it in one go. Their eyes welled after they finished drinking the medicine. They put back the empty plastic bowl in the wooden tray.

"Good job!" Terros applauded the men's bravery. "Now sit back on the wooden bench located under the shade of the tree and relax. Remember, if you feel like throwing up, feel free to do so!" he said.

The men walked towards the bench under the tree and took their seats.

Graven looked at his men and Terros. "Grandpa, what's going to happen next?" he asked.

"Let's wait and see. Based on the deity's instruction, we have to administer the herbal medicine three times in 24 hour period, after each meal. So after lunch, we will feed them the medicine again," Terros replied.

Veronica went back to the house. She's going to the kitchen to prepare a lunch for the men. She will prepare a fresh vegetable soup and added it with dried meat, then fry the salted fish they bought from the market yesterday.

Outside the house.

Terros and Graven went to the balcony, observing the men talking and telling jokes to each other.

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