The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 290 - Tear

Graven pondered Laura's question for few seconds. "Ah, the best time to tell them about us... is when you already give birth to our firstborn! That way, my father can also meet the new addition to our family, his new grandchild!" he said with a smile. Deep inside, he was wondering if that would ever happen one day? He was facing uncertainty right now. The success of his rescue mission is still not determined.

Hopefully, his plan of a victorious rescue will materialize so that he can finally introduce his wife to his family in South Pond Town.


Laura studied her husband's face keenly. She detected a hint of sadness lurking behind his smiling face. "Husband, are you okay?" she asked.

Graven looked at his wife. "Yeah, I'm fine. Everything is good," he replied.

Laura went to his side and hugged him tightly. "You look fine on the outside, but I have a feeling that you're hiding something from me. I just want you to know that whatever it is, you can always talk to me about it. Share your burden to me, okay?" she said and raised her head looking deeply into his eyes.

Graven smiled and kissed her head. "Don't worry too much about me. Anyhow, I will tell you everything after I'm done with my latest project, okay?" he said and rubbed her back gently, trying to ease her worry away.

"Okay," Laura finally let go of her questions. She meant to pursue asking him what's wrong with him. She was curious about his latest project. Why he's being secretive about it? And why it's giving him stress? She has many questions for him. Unfortunately, he's not willing to open up to her.

But if she kept pestering him, he might get pissed, so it's better to wait for the right time when he's willing to share to her his latest project that is giving him stress.

Graven observed his wife's face. She's in deep thoughts and probably wondering why he's sometimes off. He released a deep sigh and planted a kiss on her head. "Stop thinking and worrying about my project, okay? If you keep stressing about it, our baby inside your tummy will get affected. Do you understand me, wife? Just take care of yourself and our baby and leave everything to me, okay?"

Laura heaved a sigh. "Okay...fine. Let's go to the garden now," she said.

Graven entwined his hand with her, and they exited the room.

The couple left the house and went to the garden for Laura's afternoon exercise.

In the garden.

Graven accompanied his wife, strolling around the garden, bonding with her 'coz he might never be able to do it again once his rescue mission fails and the King will finish him off. He pushed the foreboding thoughts away from his mind and chose to enjoy the company of his wife.


That night, in the capital.

A dinner banquet was currently held inside the manor of Nini's parents. About 300 visitors arrived to attend the happy occasion.

Tony addressed his family, friends, and relatives that are attending the special occasion. He cleared his throat before speaking, "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for attending this happy occasion. We're here to celebrate the engagement party of my daughter Nini to her husband Zero. I admired this young man so much. Zero never give up on finding our long-lost daughter and after twenty years he finally found her. The saying is true... the finder is the keeper! Let's give the young couple a toast!"

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He raised his wine glass in the air. "Cheers!" he said.

The crowd erupted in a loud loud cheer and applause.




The crowd repeated the words that vibrated thunderously around the banquet hall.

Nini and Zero were standing in the make-shift podium, holding each other hands, smiling at the attendees.

A few minutes later, after the applause died.

Tony addressed the crowd again. "Ladies and Gentlemen, let's enjoy the night with good music, delicious food, and endless wine!" he said joyfully.

The crowd cheered again.

A few minutes later, they dispersed.

Some visitors began chatting to each other while sipping their wines. The others are busy putting food on their plates.

The young couple looked at each other.

"Let's go to the table, I'm starving already!" Nini said and pulled Zero to the buffet table laden with delicious foods.

"Slow down!" Zero chuckled and allowed himself to be dragged by his future bride.

In the corner, Tony and Evelyn watched the young couple, tears of happiness shimmered in their eyes.

Meanwhile, a few meters away.

One of the guests glanced at the couple. There was a sheer amount of hatred blazing in his eyes while looking at them. Then he returned his gaze to his companion and carry on with their conversation.


Windless Mountain.

Inside the healing room, which is composed of a bed, a small table, and four green plants... lies Luke's body inside the bubble that was anchored on the bed.

Elva placed the plants strategically in the four corners of the room to produce a refreshing and invigorating atmosphere for the whole room. And not only that, the thousand years old plants released healing particles in the air, beneficial for people who are suffering from any type of illness.

Elva was staring at Luke's motionless body inside the bubble for the last ten minutes.

At the nearby table, Veronica was preparing the powder medicine because Luke's skin was covered with black splotches again. She finished preparing the medicine and brought it to the bed. "I'm done!" she said.

Elva looked at Veronica. "Alright, start pouring the powder all over his body," she ordered and waved at the bubble.

The bubble disappeared, and Veronica starts scattering the green powder all over Luke's skin.

A few minutes later, she finished her tasks and put the empty bowl on the table.

Elva waved her hand, and Luke was encompassed in the protective bubble again.

"Are we done here?" Veronica asked.

Elva nods her head. "Yes."

The two women left the healing room and went to the balcony.

It was already nighttime. The stars are shining brightly in the sky above.

"Would Luke be okay if we left him alone there in the healing room because the day after tomorrow, we will be going to the castle to witness its destruction?" Veronica inquired.

"Don't worry, as long Luke's body stayed inside that healing room, his internal organs will benefit from the thousand years old plants that released healing particles in the air, that can heal damaged cells inside his body making them brand new again. When Luke's spirit returned to his body, he won't feel any weakness or fatigue. He will feel like he never leaves his body at all," Elva explained.

"Nice!" Veronica raved. " we have to prepare anything for the day we will go to the castle?"

Elva pondered the question for a moment. "We won't go there to personally attack the castle. We will just observe in a distance and witness what's going to happen next. But just in case Terros and Graven need our help, then we're right on the spot to extend our help if needed. But you might as well get yourself ready and prepare mentally on what's going to happen there when the action began," she said.

Veronica nods her head. "Got it!" She had a feeling that Elva's role in the rescue plan is not over yet 'coz she already plays a big role in creating a brilliant plan for Graven to use, aid with tools to help him achieve his goals in rescuing his brother's spirit and his men imprisoned by the cursed King underneath the castle.

After staying on the terrace for one hour, Elva retired to her room inside the house.

Veronica stayed on the terrace for a few minutes, enjoying the scenic view at the top of the mountain.

Her eyes feasted on the fantastic view in front of her, but her mind was thinking about the inner workings of the deity's mind.

Until now, the goddess didn't reveal to her that specific thing that she wants in exchange for helping Graven with his rescue mission. She was dying of curiosity 'coz she can't just ask Graven casually about it. Anyways, she will know soon enough!

She hoped the deity is not planning to have Graven for herself, or else, Laura will cry a river if her husband leaves her for a thousand-year-old goddess.

Half an hour later, she went back inside the house to prepare their meal for the evening.


The next day.

At Graven's manor, after breakfast, the couple went back to their room.

Laura sat on the bed while watching her husband getting clothes from the closet.

"Wife, I'm going to South Pond Today to visit my family," he said. "If my father requests me to stay there for the night, I might give in to his request. If I can't return here tonight, don't worry, I'm there sleeping in my house at my father's place," he explained.

"Okay, no problem," Laura said without a hint of doubt and suspicion on her face.

Graven went to her side and hugged her, then planted a kiss on her lips lovingly. "I'm the luckiest husband in the whole world because my wife is very understanding," he murmured.

Laura smiled and gazed at his eyes adoringly. "I love you so much!" she declared her love to him a thousand times already, yet she never grows tired of repeating them a million times more.

"I love you more, wife!" he said and claimed her lips for a searing kiss that left them breathless for a few minutes.

They gazed into each other eyes lovingly.

The love they have for each other shone brightly in their eyes.

Graven lowered his head and planted a kiss on his wife's baby bump. 'I will try my best to come back alive, baby. I love you so much! Wait for father's return, okay?' he spoke to his unborn child silently in his mind.

Done talking to his baby inside Laura's tummy, he picked up his clothes and entered the bathroom to take a bath.

Laura watched her husband disappeared inside the bathroom. She released a deep sigh. She can still sense the shadow of sadness in her husband's eyes.

She prayed that whatever problem her husband is facing right now, she hoped it will be over soon.

Fifteen minutes later, Graven emerged from the bathroom door, finished with his bath.

He went to his wife's side and planted a kiss on her cheeks. "I'll go now...take care of yourself and our baby," he said and hugged her affectionately for a few minutes.

"Okay, you too!" Laura replied.

Graven let go of his wife and vanished instantly from the room.

Laura breathed deeply. She lay her body down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, pondering why she has a sudden feeling of sadness tugging at her heart.

Then a single tear fell from her left eye. She wiped it quickly with her finger and forced herself not to worry about her husband's well-being.

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