The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 292 - A Beautiful Day To Die

The following day. Graven woke up early and stared at the ceiling of the room.

Today is the final day!


The end of the castle for sure. But who's life going to end today? The cursed King or his life?

But before he will die, he will try his best to save his brother's spirit and his men that were trapped underneath the castle.

One hour later.

Laura stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes. She looked at her husband's face and noticed that he looked preoccupied. He must be thinking about his latest project. She touched his face lovingly. "Good morning, husband!" she greeted him sweetly.

Graven looked at her and smiled. He lowered his head and planted a kiss on her lips. "Good morning, my love!" he replied and nuzzled her ear.

Laura glanced at the window. The sun is already up. "What a beautiful day!" she said.

A beautiful day to die, the irony of it! Graven sighed inwardly. He planted another kiss on his wife's cheeks and left the bed, heading to the bathroom.

Laura got up from the bed and went to the window, peeking at the thin curtain.

A few minutes later, Graven exited the bathroom.

Half an hour later.

There was a knock on the door. "My Lady, My Lord...breakfast is ready!" a female servant said.

"Got it, we're coming down in a minute," Laura replied.

The servant left and returned downstairs.

The couple left their bedroom to join the others in the dining room.

The family gathered at the table and ate their meals in silence.

After they finished breakfast, Laura decided to go to the garden for her morning exercise.

The couple strolled around the garden, enjoying the morning breeze surrounded by towering trees and blooming flowers.

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Half an hour later.

Laura got tired of walking. "Let's sit and relax on the swing chair," she said.

"Okay," Graven replied.

They walked towards the swing chair and settled down comfortably.

Laura glanced at her husband and asked, "What time are you going to leave today?"

"After you finished here in the garden," he responded.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Grandpa Terros to visit him and check the progress of our latest project," he replied.

"Ah, okay. Can you stay for lunch? Please?" she requested. She can't understand why she doesn't want him to leave her side today.

Graven released a deep sigh. Torn between humoring Laura or leave? Promising her another day of bonding. But there might be no other day, only today!

Laura noticed that her husband wore a conflicted expression on his face. She pouted. "Please, just stay for lunch, and then you can leave afterward," she begged.

Graven smiled and hugged her gently. "Alright, your wish is my command!" he finally relented.

"Yes!" Laura squealed in happiness.

The couple stayed in the garden until 10:00 then went back to their bedroom.

Inside the master's bedroom.

The couple sat on the bed.

Laura stood up and walked towards the closet then took something out. She returned to the bed and proudly showed Graven the baby's clothes that she sewed in the past months. She already managed to make more than a dozen of baby clothes!

Graven ran his fingers on the garments trying to imagine their baby wearing them. A bright smile curled upon his lips. "They're cute! Our baby will feel comfortable wearing them!" he commented.

Laura giggled in happiness. "They're indeed cute because I made them that way!" she said in a state of bliss. Done showing off her embroidering skill to her husband, she gathered the tiny clothes and put them back in the cabinet. "I will make more baby clothes next week. I'm on a break today," she said.

Graven hugged his wife lovingly, luxuriating in her softness and warmth. They cuddled in the bed, enjoying each other's company until lunchtime.

They left the bedroom after the servant informed them that lunch is ready.

The whole family gathered around the table in the dining room.

Graven smiled at his in-laws. At least... if he will die today, his wife will not live alone in this big house, she had her entire family to help her recover from the painful trauma of losing him.

They continue eating in comfortable silence.

After they finished lunch, the couple returned to their room.

Graven looked at his wife. "It's now time for me to go," he said.

Laura breathed deeply and pleaded again. "Husband, can you leave after I fall asleep?" she said.

Graven sighed heavily and pinched her nose. "Alright! You're such a sweet spoiled wife of mine!" he said and chuckled.

Laura grinned triumphantly. "Thank you, husband!" she said sweetly and kissed his lips.

Graven claimed his wife's lips, and their mouth was locked in a passionate kiss for a few minutes.

After their kiss ended, the couple cuddled on the bed.


At Terros place.

Veronica and Elva arrived at the forest two hours earlier.

They're relaxing on the balcony enjoying the windy weather.

Terros scratched his head and looked at the visitors apologetically. "I apologized that Graven keeps you waiting for so long, girls! Maybe, something comes up at his house at the last minute that requires his attention," he said.

Elva smiled. "No worries. Let's just relax and wait here. We're not in a hurry," she said. She stared at the horizon above and lost in her thoughts, visualizing the rescue process in her subconscious mind, running a different scenario, trying to guess different outcomes each time. Then she realized that no matter how brilliant her strategy is, the result might be something else unpredictable. She finally gives up on thinking too much about the rescue process and just let nature run its course today.

Veronica addressed Terros. "Grandpa, do you think Graven had changed his mind already? The reason why he's not here yet? It's already 2:00 in the afternoon. Four hours from now, soon it will be evening," she said.

Terros shrugged. "I dunno...but rest assured that he will come today to inform us if there are any changes regarding today's plan," he replied.

Back at Graven's manor.

Laura finally fell asleep in her husband's arms.

Graven gently placed his wife's head on the pillow and planted a loving kiss on her lips. He released a deep sigh. It's time for him to go. "Goodbye, my beloved wife. I hope I'm still alive after this day is over," he said, feeling sad about the whole thing. Something's telling him that today's mission won't end up in his favor. But he can't let that foreboding thought stop him from continuing the rescue today.

It's now or never!

He walked towards the closet, opened the door and picked up the black cloak, and donned it on his body.

He released a deep sigh while staring at his wife. Time to go!

He executed the teleportation process in his mind and vanished from the room.

A moment later.

Graven appeared in the forest and landed on the balcony.

He noticed that the girls were already there waiting for him. The two women look apprehensive but not bored. "I'm so sorry for keeping everyone waiting for a long time," he apologized to them.

"I thought you have a change of heart and will reschedule the rescue some other day, son," Terros commented.

Graven shook his head. "Nah, my wife delayed me a bit. But I'm truly determined to destroy the castle today, that's why I'm here," he said. "So, Grandpa... I assumed that you already completed the formation?" he inquired.

"Yes, of course! The spell formation is ready. I will place them around the castle's vicinity in my invisible form. I can't let anyone disturb me while doing my task," Terros replied. He looked at the ladies. "Girls, you should make yourself invisible just like me to avoid attracting attention," he suggested.

The women nodded their heads in agreement.

"Our role is to spot the men coming out of the castle and bring them back to the forest to administer medicine just in case they're wounded or unconscious during the rescue," Elva said.

"That's right!" Graven said. "I forbid you to come close to the castle to avoid putting yourself in danger and attracting attention from the King's minion, especially those deadly bats that are guarding the castle," he warned them.

The women nodded their heads.

Graven looked at Terros. "Grandpa, once you see that my men are already safe outside the castle and I'm still nowhere to be seen, you can start burning the castle with your spell formation," he ordered him.

"B-but how about you?" Terros asked. "I can't bring myself to burn the castle without seeing you safe and s...sound..." he said in a choked voice.

Graven heaved a sigh. "Grandpa, if my men get out successfully without me, that only means one thing, the King already killed me. What's the use of waiting for me when we both know that I will never be able to come out alive after my men's escape? Do you think the King will release me after tricking him? I think not. He would finish my life immediately, so, just go on with our plan and destroy the castle so that the cursed King will perish with me!" he said in a firm voice.

Terros released a deep sigh. "Okay, I will follow your command," he said in a resigned voice.

Graven looked at Terros again. "Grandpa, no matter what happens, do not try to enter the castle and find me in the basement. Once the King caught you, he will never spare your life! He will kill you on the spot!" he warned him.

Terros nodded his head. "I got it! But how about Luke's spirit?" he asked.

"If my brother and I... are meant to live longer in this world, then we will both come out alive from that castle, if not, then... it's our fate to die together today!" Graven replied gallantly.

Terros, Veronica, and Elva looked at each other with tensed expressions plastered across their faces.

"Alright, let's move! And hope for the best that our good intention won't fall in vain today!" Graven said grimly.

"Let's burn down the castle!" Terros finally said.

In the blink of an eye, the four vanished from the forest.

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