The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 296 - Be Careful!

The vampire couple and their entourage arrived at the ruined castle.

Sylvia felt sad about the castle's destruction. It is the place where she lives during her childhood and adult years. The crumbling castle was already transformed into ashes!


She breathed deeply and addressed the men. "Follow me!" she ordered. She hovered towards the area where the secret room was located. The specific spot barely escaped the fire. "Start digging on this area!" she commanded her men, pointing her hand to the area below her.

"Aye, Madam!" the men replied in chorus. They lowered into the ground and starts digging in the area with their shovel and tools.

The vampire couple watched the men at work.

After a while, Sylvia hovered up in the air and looked near and far. A vast forest encompassed the castle in all directions.

Who on earth comes here with the sole intention to destroy the castle?

What was their purpose?

It would be impossible for humans to stay inside the castle and seek shelter because the bats would not allow them to stay overnight inside the castle.

Someone is responsible for destroying the castle!

The question is, who is that person?

A new or old enemy?

She closed her eyes and concentrate... trying to find any scent of the intruders still lingering in the area.

Then her nostrils caught a scent, the scent of vampires of her kind and demons scent as well and something else that she can't quite identify!

Her eyes widened. Their enemy composed of how many? Her nose caught several lingering scents. She can only make sure of two things, this place was visited by a vampire and demons! As for the rest of the scents she caught in her nose, she would not bother herself with them because she can't identify them.

She was deeply puzzled on why demons and vampires came here to destroy the harmless castle? Their old enemies finally located their old place and vent their anger on the dilapidated and abandoned structure? How pathetic!

Zalvo hovered to his wife's side and noticed the confusion on her face, he asked, "What's wrong, wife?"

Sylvia looked at her husband. "I caught a scent of demons and vampires lingering in this area. They're probably the culprit who instigated the burning down of the castle," she stated. "It's all my fault because I failed to visit this place more often in the past..." she said regretfully.

"Yeah, the last time we came here for a visit... I think that was three years ago," Zalvo said.

"That's right, but we didn't even stay here for a whole day," Sylvia confirmed her husband's claim.

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"But what is their purpose in burning the castle that is already in ruins? They're wasting their time," Zalvo stated.

"That's also my question," Sylvia replied and looked heavenward, "Darkness is coming," she commented.

"I will instruct the men to make a bonfire," Zalvo spoke and hovered towards the direction of the men that are busy digging the earth.

A few minutes later.

A bonfire was created near the area where the men were heavily digging the earth.

The couple hovered around the spot looking for clues but only got disappointed in the end because the enemies left no traces behind, only their faint scent.

The couple lowered themselves on the ground and watched the men in action.

One hour later.

"Madam, we finally saw the first sign of the secret room!" the leader announced.

"Good! Keep going!" she replied.

A half-hour later, the door of the room finally comes into view.

The vampire couple descended into the ground.

Zalvo opened the door, and they went inside.

Sylvia saw the big candles that were lined up in every corner of the room. They have never been lighted for a long time. She waved her hand, and the candles come alive. The room's wall was still intact, the only thing that can be seen inside was the black metal coffin. And she knew very well what's inside the coffin, her great grandfather's corpse.

Zalvo looked at his wife. "Do you want me to open the coffin?" he offered.

"Yes, but before you do that, let's pour the potion first inside the coffin before you completely remove the lid. The potion will subdue the nasty black liquid and dispel the awful smell," Sylvia said. She opened her hand, and a medium-sized bottle appeared in her palm. She removed the lid and poured the contents into the small hole of the coffin.

Done, she threw the empty bottle in the corner and looked at her husband. "Let's wait for a few minutes before opening the coffin so that the smell is no longer nauseous and the black liquid stays in place," she said.

"Okay," Zalvo replied.

Fifteen minutes later.

Sylvia looked at her husband. "Time is up! You may open the coffin now," she ordered.

Zalvo went to the coffin and removed the lid effortlessly.

The couple looked at the corpse inside the coffin, their eyes widened in shock.

"What's going on?" Sylvia asked in shock and disbelief. "Is... is.. this the r...reincarnation of my g...great g...grandfather?" she stammered.

Zalvo looked at the corpse closely. "This doesn't look like a corpse. It's a live person! Look at his chest, it's moving up and down! He's breathing and alive!" he said in amazement.

Sylvia was stunned. She noticed that the black liquid was no longer inside the coffin, she can't see any traces of it anywhere. Where did it go? Is it possible that the body absorbs all the black liquid? thus making the body alive and breathing? But the corpse she saw ten years ago inside the coffin has no skin and flesh, only pure skeleton, but this one has a complete body with skin and all! But why was her grandfather reincarnated into this body and not on her son's body based on her vision?

Zalvo looked at his wife, his confusion mirrored her own.

"This is confusing!" Sylvia muttered aloud.

"Wife, let's just bring the coffin back to our home, and we will try to observe the body. Then interrogate this person who he is the moment he opened his eyes," Zalvo suggested.

"Alright. Instruct our men to bring the coffin outside!" she ordered.

Zalvo placed the lid back on the coffin.

The couple exited the room, and Zalvo instructed his men to remove the coffin from the secret room and bring it outside.

The men obeyed and went inside the room to get the coffin.

The couple hovered in the air and landed on the ground.

A few minutes later.

The men come out from the hole and put the coffin in the ground.

Sylvia looked at the men. "Half of you will tidy the area and leave no evidence and traces behind. The rest come with us to bring the coffin home," she ordered.

"Aye, Madam!" the leader said.

The vampire couple and the six men vanished from the area.

After closing the door of the secret room that miraculously escaped the fire, the rest of the men put back the excavated earth into the hole and finished the task within twenty minutes.

Done on the area, the men gathered their digging tools, lamps, and teleported back to the manor.


The couple and their entourage arrived in the manor.

Inside the room, in the basement.

The men put the coffin on the floor and gently removed the body and transferred it to the bed.

Sylvia looked at the four female servants standing nearby. "Bathe his body and put a new clothe on him," she commanded.

"Aye, Madam!" the leader of the servants responded.

Sylvia glanced at the three men nearby. "Assist the ladies in bathing the body, be careful. I don't want to see any bruises or injury on his body," she ordered.

"Aye, Madam!" the men replied in unison.

"If something comes up, or you find something strange with him, inform me right away!" she said.

"Aye, Madam!" they replied in chorus.

One of the men spoke. "Madam, what are we going to do with the coffin?" he asked.

"Put it in the storage room!" she replied and turned around about to left the room.

"How about the vase we found inside the coffin? What are we going to do with it? Shall we put it back inside the coffin and bring them to the storage area?" the leader of the men asked.

Sylvia halted on her tracks and went back to the coffin and stared at the vase, pondering for a moment on what to do with it. "Hmm, have one of the ladies clean it. But be careful...don't drop it and don't open the lid!" she warned him. "After the servant already cleaned it, bring it to my room upstairs!" she said and left the room.

"Aye, Madam!" they replied and performed their task.

One of the men placed the vase on the table in the corner. Then together they lifted the coffin to bring it outside and put it in the storage room.

The women were left in the room, removing the clothes of the unconscious guy one by one, until they strip his underwear.

They all blushed and giggled happily after seeing the guy's sculpted chiseled body.

"I'll wash his hair and his face!" the first servant volunteered.

"I'll clean his chest all the down!" the second servant said.

"I'll clean his body starting from his hips down!" the third girl giggled and exclaimed. "He's so handsome!"

The girls laughed in amusement.

The fourth girl looked at her companion. "What I'm going to do?" she asked them.

"You can clean the vase and bring it to Madam's rooms upstairs after you finished cleaning it," the leader of the servants said.

"Okay," the fourth girl smiled and went to the table, she carefully picked up the vase and brought it inside the bathroom. She's humming a song while cleaning the vase. Her companions were busy cleaning the unconscious guy on the bed.

She was so preoccupied with washing the vase near the mouth when she accidentally opened the lid. "Oh, my!" she looked at her companion in the bed, no one saw it! Madam will severely punish her! She quickly put the lid back in the vase and continue washing it.

A few minutes later.

She finished cleaning the vase, patted it with dry clothing, and exited the room. She left the basement and went upstairs to deliver the vase to Madam's room.

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