The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 316 - Let Me Borrow It!

Evelyn looked at the old woman in the eyes. "You have some special abilities, right? I will give you lots of money, just help me go to the place. I will convince him to release my daughter and take me instead! I'm willing to do everything he wants as long he will release Angela," she said.

Menedelia pretended to be confused about the whole thing. "I don't understand everything you told me, my lady. Can you tell me the whole story?" she said.

Evelyn shook her head. "It's a long story, a painful and horrific one. You don't have to know the whole story because it doesn't concern you. Besides, I don't like telling my past to other people. I'd rather keep it to myself until I die," she said.

"Does your husband know about this secret of yours?" Menedelia inquired.

Evelyn shook her head and released a troubled sigh. "No. I didn't tell him about my past. I don't want to drag him into this mess. I want to save my daughter alone without telling my husband about my plan. If I can no longer return to his side, so be it. I will leave a long letter for my husband, explaining to him everything..."

"B-but how will you go to that place without arousing your husband's curiosity? How will you explain your absence to him?" Menedelia asked in bewilderment.

"I'll tell him that I'm going to my hometown to visit my family and stay there for a few days while he was busy finding our daughter. He would rather have me at my parent's house instead of sulking here in my room, looking miserable and crying all the time," Evelyn replied.

Menedelia sighed. "It seemed you already made up your mind, my lady," she commented.

"Yes. If going back to that place can help save my daughter's life, then I will do it without hesitation," Evelyn said boldly.

Menedelia admired Evelyn's bravery. A brave mother who is ready to sacrifice her life to save her daughter from harm. "What if I tell you that I'm not willing to go with you," she said.

Evelyn released a deep sigh. "I respect your decision, no hard feelings on my part," she said sadly.

"Do you still want to go there on your own?" Menedelia asked.

"Yes, I will go there alone to save my daughter, with or without your help!" Evelyn declared courageously.

Menedelia shut her eyes for a few seconds. It seemed she can no longer persuade Evelyn to change her mind. "My lady, you have to understand that although I can sometimes read a person's future, sad to say, I can't fight powerful beings. I'm just like any weak old woman out there," she said.

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"Stop saying you're useless, you appeared smart to me!" Evelyn snapped at her.

Menedelia sighed.

"It's okay if you don't like to accompany me back to my hometown. I won't force you to do something that is against your will," Evelyn said.

"What exactly is my role in your plan?" Menedelia asked curiously.

"Just wait for my daughter Angela and bring her home safely. That's all you need to do for me," Evelyn said.

"How can you be so sure that he will release your daughter? What if he will play tricks and abduct you as well? There will be two missing people... and I don't know how to explain that to your husband," Menedelia said.

"Don't worry... my long letter will explain everything to my husband. I'll inform him that I've forced you to come with me, and you have no choice because you pity me, that's all!" Evelyn said.

"When are you planning to start your journey back home?" Menedelia asked.

"I will ask my husband's permission tonight after he comes home. If he will permit me, then I will start my journey the next day. So, if you want to accompany me on my journey, you have to decide tonight and inform me tomorrow morning," Evelyn said.

Menedelia nods her head. "Okay... I'll think about your offer. I will come here tomorrow to inform you about my decision," she finally said.

Evelyn released a deep sigh. "I do hope that you will come with me..." she said, sounding hopeful.

Menedelia took a deep breath. "I can't promise you anything, my lady," she said with honesty.

"It's okay, I understand. As I said earlier, no hard feelings on my part," Evelyn repeated. She left the bed and went to the table. "I'm going to eat my breakfast. Why don't you join me?" she said.

Menedelia shook her head. "Enjoy your meal, my lady. I've finished eating my breakfast a few hours ago. I'll take my leave now," she said and stood up.

Evelyn went to the table and began eating her meal.

Menedelia exited the room and closed the door behind her.

She stood outside the door, feeling perplexed.

She told herself once that she will go back to that place again when she already accumulated much power, and the curse is gone from her body. It's not the time to go back there yet, she's still weak!


Nah, she shook her head

She released a deep sigh. She needs to go back to her sister's place to check on Zero!

She teleported herself back to the manor.

She landed in the living room and proceed directly to the room occupied by Nini and Zero.

When she arrived there, Ebony was feeding herbal medicine onto Zero's mouth, assisted by Nini.

She watched the whole thing in the doorway.

After Ebony finished feeding the liquid medicine into Zero's mouth, she picked up the bottle of medicine, closed the lid, and turned around to leave the room. "Sis, you're back!" she spoke.

"What is that liquid you fed Zero just a while ago?" Menedelia asked as they exited the room.

"That medicine was meant to replenish the blood that Zero had lost in his body," Ebony replied.

"I hope he's going to be okay," Menedelia mumbled to herself.

Ebony halted in her tracks and looked at her sister. "Hmm... the amount of worry and care you bestowed on this couple is surprising..." she commented casually.

Menedelia heaved a sigh. "I consider them as my friends, and it's normal to care for your friends, am I right?"

Ebony shrugged and continue walking towards the kitchen area. She put down the spoon and bowl in the sink, then picked up the basket, going to the door. She looked at her sister. "I'm going to the garden, why don't you come with me? You look like you're facing a difficult problem based on the expression on your face. You can talk to me about it," she said and exited the door.

Menedelia followed her sister outside.

They walked on the path leading to the backyard, where the garden of flowers, vegetables, and herbal medicines was located.

Ebony began picking up herbal leaves and putting them in the basket. She looked at her older sister, who is in deep thoughts. "Sis, what is bothering your mind right now? You can tell me about it. I will listen..." she said, urging her to share her problem with her.

Menedelia looked at her sister in the eyes. "I want to borrow the black book!" she stated.

Ebony's eyes widened in shock. "No! You can't! That black book is dangerous! It can cause the user to die if it's used repeatedly! The one reason why Grandmother doesn't want us to use it! In case you forgotten that!" she reminded her.

Menedelia released a deep sigh. "I will use it once and then return it to you after I'm done using it," she said.

"What happened to the purple book and the candles? Aren't you satisfied with them?" Ebony asked.

Menedelia took a deep breath. "I must admit that they are useful to me, but they're boring. I want greater power! I want to be powerful so that I can face and defeat powerful enemies. I want a power that can command the wind, the fire, the water, the lightning, and all the elements in this world and defeat my enemies in one single blow!" she declared, her eyes gleaming.

Ebony shook her head. "Sister, the first time you stole the black book from Grandma and attempt to use it, you fell in a coma for ten days. You scared us to death, and we're going crazy trying to revive you from death. The second time you used it, it produced a catastrophic result... grandma went missing and until now we can't find her, and you were cursed by the enemy and turned into an old woman! Have you forgotten what happened thirty years ago? Have you-?" she said, teary-eyed, still remembering the horrific events that happen on that particular day.

Menedelia's eyes glistened. She took a deep breath. "That was a long time ago. I'm young and impulsive back then. I'm a different person now. I'm more mature, wiser, and can withstand the requirements of the black book, both in mental and physical terms," she said confidently.

"But why are you going to use the forbidden book this time? Why? What for?" Ebony asked, confused.

"I'm going to save someone's life..." Menedelia replied truthfully.

Ebony sneered. "The last time you saved Evelyn's life thirsty years ago, that was also the time we lost Grandma, and I lost you. We drifted apart from each other. You become a recluse in that forest. And what's going to happen the third time around? What price you are going to pay just to obtain one-time power? Tell me!"

Menedelia sighed. "I dunno... but what matters most is that I can save someone's life. Because that is the right thing to do, right? Saving someone's lives matters, especially if it's the life of the people you care about," she said.

"You can help others without putting your life in danger. There are many ways to do it!" Ebony said, trying to reason with her sister. "Who is this person that you are going to save this time? Why do you have to put your life in danger because of this person? Tell me, who is this person!? Why are you so persistent to borrow the black book!?" she demanded.

Menedelia sighed deeply. If she will tell her sister everything, the more she won't lend her the powerful book. She's having a painful headache right now. "I'm going back to my place! I'll come back later," she said, avoiding her sister's question.

Ebony stared at her sister in a frustrated manner. "Whatever!" she hissed and continue picking up medicinal leaves and putting them in the basket.

Menedelia vanished from the garden, teleporting herself back to the forest.

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