The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 319 - Gone!

Sitas hovered down and landed in the middle of the garden. Her third eye suddenly appeared in her forehead and scanned the area.

She suddenly felt a strong aura present in the area, and a minute later, a fragrant smell of roses filled the air.

This is not good!

She heard voices coming from the house. She entered the manor and roamed around the area, trying to find the location of the voices.

She finally located the voices inside the dining room.


She found Evelyn sitting beside a handsome guy at the table, accompanied by an old man and woman. Her third eye immediately recognized the true identities of the people surrounding the human girl.

They are the Naga creatures with humanoid upper bodies and snake-like lower bodies.

The old man glanced near the door and detected the presence of someone, not their kind. "Oh, we have a visitor near the door!" he said.

All eyes looked at the door.

There stood, Sitas.

Evelyn only saw Mende's grandmother a few times. She was puzzled, why the old woman was in the manor right now? "Grandma...what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Do you know her?" Rigor asked.

"Yes, she is Mende's grandma," she replied.

"Ah, okay. Why don't you invite grandma to join us for dinner?" Rigor suggested.

Evelyn looked at the old woman. "Grandma, come here, join us for dinner!" she said.

Sitas walked towards the table and looked at Evelyn. "Child, let's go home. Your parents are worried about you. You've been missing for a week already. They can't find you everywhere!" she said.

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Evelyn's brows furrowed. "But I only come here this morning!" she said.

"Believe me, you've been gone for a week! Come with me, let's go home now!" Sitas said urgently.

The two folks stood up.

"I think you need to leave our house, now!" the old man shouted at the visitor angrily.

"Yes. Return to where you come from or else..." the old woman chimed in.

Rigor and his companions throw Sitas a murderous look.

A desperate situation needs a desperate move, Sitas knew it. She quickly waved her hands at the Naga creatures, freezing them on the spot.

Then she quickly went to Evelyn's side. "Child, let's go!" she said and grabbed her hand.

"Grandma, what did you do to them? Why they're not moving!?" Evelyn asked.

"Let's go! I will answer all your questions later!" Sitas said urgently.

"B-but I can't leave them without saying goodbye first!" Evelyn protested.

"No. If I will unfreeze them right now, they will never let go of us! You will become a prisoner here for the rest of your whole life. You can never go back to your family! Don't you know that they are the Naga creatures with humanoid upper bodies and a snake-like lower body!" Sitas told her the truth.

Evelyn shook her head. "No. You're lying to me, Grandma. They're not snake creatures!" she protested.

"Alright, I'll show you their real body!" Sitas said and opened her palm. A mirror appeared in her hands. She quickly ran the mirror up and down on Rigor's body.

Evelyn covered her mouth in shock. Oh, my God! She finally discovered the true identity of her beloved, he had a lower body of a snake. She was shocked to the core. "What is going on! Why I didn't know about this!?" she exclaimed in a horrified voice. It only means one thing, she was deceived by Rigor! "Grandma, take me out of this place!" she finally agreed.

Sitas quickly grabbed Evelyn's arm and they left the place, floating in the air, zooming towards Ebony's location hiding behind the tree.

"Evelyn, I'm glad that you're safe!" Ebony explained in relief. She grabbed the girl's hands and looked at her Grandma. "Let's go, Grandma!"

Evelyn saw the Naga people coming out of the entrance of the manor, she exclaimed in a frightened voice. "Oh, no! They're coming!"

"GOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Sitas shouted at the girls.

Ebony grabbed Evelyn's hands, they vanished from the place in split seconds.

Sitas was about to teleport but surprisingly, her power no longer works! What going on!?

Rigor and his companions faced the intruder.

"You are so bold to come here and took away my beloved without my permission, old hag!" Rigor said indignantly.

"Leave Evelyn alone! She's an innocent human being! Her parents are worried to death of her whereabouts!" Sitas shouted at him vehemently.

"But Evelyn and I truly love each other! You shouldn't interfere in our affairs!" Rigor insisted.

"You deceived the girl! You never told her about your true identity that you belong to the snake clan! If you showed yourself to her, she will never fall in love with someone like you! You deceived her and she already discovered your true identity, she will never return to you!" Sitas shouted angrily, she was trying to buy her time, trying to repeatedly wield her power but to no avail.

Rigor shook her head and looked at the intruder. "Because of that, you're going to suffer for the rest of your life. And I will hunt down your family and kill them all in front of your eyes!" he declared, seething in rage.

The old woman went to her side and grinned in amusement. "Are you wondering why you can no longer escape our place? Do you like my perfume creation that can suppress one's power especially to someone like you who interferes with other people's business?" she asked, grinning triumphantly.

Sitas finally understood why her power no longer works... she inhaled that damn perfume! She groaned in dismay. She's dead!

"Let's imprisoned the intruder into the dungeon and make her suffer for the rest of her life, her punishment for invading our territory!" the old guy spoke in a thunderous voice.

The old woman grabbed Sita's arms in a vice-like grip, they vanished from the place.

Rigor looked at his father. "I'm going to fetch my wife from her house and I will kill everyone who will stand my way!" he said in a determined voice.

"Do you need my help, son?" the old guy offered.

"No need, Father. Humans are extremely weak, they're no match when it comes to my strength! I can easily crush them with my hands!" Rigor replied smugly.

The old man nodded his head and walked away, going back to the entrance of the manor.

Rigor disappeared from the place.

A moment later, Rigor reappeared at the gate of Evelyn's manor.

His brows furrowed, where is the guard? No one is guarding the gate? He noticed that the gate was padlocked. But when he looked at the manor, the torch outside the main door was still burning brightly. They must have been sleeping already.

He floated in the air and hovered towards the closed door. He also noticed the same thing, the main door was padlocked!

Something is going on!

He floated above, went to the second floor, and found an open window. He went inside the room, careful not to make any sound so as not to alert the inhabitants of the manor.

The room was empty.

He checked the other rooms outside, they're all empty as well. He noticed that some of the clothes were strewn on the bed.

C-could it be that Evelyn, her parents, and the servants fled the town already?

But that was so fast! How did it happen?

To clear his doubts, he continue searching all the rooms on the second floor and the ground floor, even the kitchen and the servants quarter were all empty, still, he can't find a single soul!

They're gone!

Dammit! They took his wife away!

He will burn down this place!

Nostrils flaring, he grabbed the torch outside and throws them inside the manor to burn the whole place down.

A few minutes later, the living room of the manor was already burning brightly and the fire spreads throughout the whole house.

One hour later, the manor was like a raging inferno that can be seen even from a distance.

Since the neighbors' houses are far in between and they're already sleeping peacefully in their respective homes, no one comes to help put the fire down.

Rigor didn't leave the manor until the whole place crumbled into ashes in front of him.

His revenge has just begun.

He will find Evelyn no matter what and unleash his revenge! He starts hating her for abandoning him when she already told him that she will love him forever, that she will stay by his side and they will raise a family together!

Now... all that was left... is empty promises!

He gritted his teeth in anger!

He will find Evelyn, even if he will search the whole world!

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