The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 325 - Buy One Take One!

Ebony snubbed her sister every day, her anger took a long time to wear off. Her sister's stubbornness not only brought harm to their grandmother, but it's also the reason why her sister was turned into an old woman.

On the other hand, Mende keeps to herself. She's extremely careful not to provoke her sister with her actions.

The sisters performed their chores every day, barely talking to each other.

One month later.

One hour after breakfast.

"I'm going to the town to sell our vegetables so that we can buy some salt, cooking oil, flour, sugar, coffee and other stuff..." Mende said, not expecting that her sister will reply.

"Okay. Take care of yourself and don't linger too long in the market!" Ebony replied to her sister for the first time.

Mende was overjoyed, a megawatt smile appeared on her lips.

"Don't carry too much vegetables with you and don't befriend humans!" Ebony warned her.

"Okay. I'll do everything you say," Mende said energetically and walked towards the direction of the entrance of the cave.


Mende picked up the two baskets made of Abaca. She filled it with green leafy vegetables earlier after she finished eating her lunch. People in the markets love to buy her green leafy vegetables because they look so green and fresh. She will buy baked bread and sweet biscuits in the market before she goes home because her sister loves eating them.

She's ready to go!

She initiated the teleportation process in her mind and vanished from the area.

A moment later.

She arrived at the market, the whole place was already buzzing with activity. People were going back and forth inspecting the sellers' goods, trying to evaluate which of them offers the cheapest price with better quality than the others.

Mende went to the corner and lowered her baskets. The first basket contains Spinach and Bok Choy while the second basket is full of Green Mustard and Romaine Lettuce.

She stood on the ground beside her baskets and waited for her first customer.

A middle-aged woman came to her location and bought Spinach and Green Mustard for one silver coin.

Mende smiled brightly and thanked the lady. Her sister's products always have better quality than the others.

It's going to rain money today!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She smiled in anticipation.


Back in the cave.

Ebony was busy tending to her vegetable garden, specifically the rows under the shade of the tree.

The weather is currently sunny but windy.

She was busy with her activity that she failed to notice several men getting closer to her location.

A scout hiding behind the tree was looking at the lone woman tending to the garden. He went back to his companion. "I think the woman is alone..." he said.

"I saw the mouth of a cave... maybe her companions are inside the cave. Be careful!" one of the men said.

"We already kidnapped nineteen women in the nearby villages, and if we got this woman, we have total of twenty women to sell in the market. Not bad! They would sell for a hefty price," the leader said with a grin. "Alright, men, let's get this last woman, then sell them to the wealthy customers."

One of the men holding a bow in his hand walked cautiously towards the location of the garden, he hides behind a tree and stood in position. He drew his bow and put the arrow in place securely, he aimed his weapon at the unsuspecting woman.

Then he released the arrow...

That was also the moment when Ebony stood up to get water from the jar which she conveniently placed under the shade of the tree.

The arrow hit her on her back, she groaned in pain and crumbled to the ground instantly due to the impact. She was about to teleport herself away from the place but her world starts spinning around and thousands of stars were dancing in her eyes. Before she fainted she realized that she was hit by an arrow, the tip was infused by some kind of quick-penetrating poison making her powerless on the spot.

Her world darkened, her body sprawled on the ground, faced down.

She lay there... unconscious... unable to defend herself.

The men rushed to her side.

The burly man picked her up and hoisted her on his shoulder easily as if he was picking up a sack of rice.

"Bring her to the carriage!" the leader ordered.

"How about the cave, should we check it first before we leave?" the right man said.

The leader of the bandit shook his head. "No need! We only need the woman! Let's go!"

The twelve men left the area quietly and returned to their horses and carriages that they parked with the rest of their men two hundred meters away.

A few minutes later.

They finally reached the carriages and the horses.

The burly man put their recent victim inside the second carriage that is already filled with nine unconscious women. They lie on the floor of the carriage. Done, he closed the door and locked it from the outside.

The leader of the bandits addressed his men. "Let's bring the women straight to the human slave market and sell them fresh! Get the money and go home! Let's meet each other after one month to hunt for anther victims again. This time we will target the villages in the south!"

"Aye, Master!" the men replied in unison.

"Let's go!" the leader said.

The men mounted their horses and the drivers of the carriages stirred the horses away from the place.

Five hours later.

They arrived at the human slavery market, where men and women were housed in a cage to be sold like commodities to the willing buyers.

The leader instructed his men to bound the unconscious women's hands and feet with rope.

The men set to work.

Fifteen minutes later.

The twenty unconscious women were already lined up inside the floor of the hut.

The leader of the bandits paid the handler fifty gold coins so that his goods can be viewed by the rich buyers first.

Ten minutes later.

The first buyer entered the hut and looked at the unconscious ladies. He looked at the leader of the bandits. "Why are the slaves not moving?" he asked in a raised brow.

"We put them to sleep so that they won't fight. If they fight us, they would suffer blemishes on their skin and some buyers doesn't like seeing their goods covered with dirt and bruises on their skins. We provide the antidote to you after our successful transaction. Just put two caplets on their mouths and after a few minutes they will regain their consciousnesses. And you can use them anyway you like," the leader explained.

The guy put his hand on the nose of the first woman. She's indeed breathing. "She's alive," he murmured.

"Of course, she's alive! I don't sell dead women and slaves. I will never destroy my reputation in this line of business!" the leader said proudly.

The guy continues observing the unconscious ladies.

"My lord, are you buying women to become your sex slaves or put them in your brothel as prostitutes?" the leader asked curiously.

The guy looked at the leader and gave him a death glare. "None of your business!" he replied.

"I'm sorry, my lord, I'm just curious," the leader apologized.

"How much is the girls price?" the guy asked.

"My lord, we have a buy one take one promo today. Choose two girls of your choice for the cheap price of 500 gold coins! That's already a bargain, my lord!" the leader said enthusiastically.

The guy went to the two women at the end of the line. "Alright, I'll buy these two women! Tell your men to bring them to my carriage!" he ordered and handed the pouch containing 500 gold coins to the leader.

The seller counted the gold coins inside the pouch feeling satisfied that he indeed got the correct amount. He gave one small bottle to the buyer. "Here's the antidote. Just drop two caplets in the women's mouth and after a few minutes, voila! they will regain their consciousness," he said.

The guy accepted the bottle and watched the burly man lifted the woman on the floor and walked out of the hut. The burly man gently deposited the lady into the carriage of the buyer. He repeated the same procedure to the other woman.

He finished his task effortlessly, the customer gives one gold coin to the burly man.

"Thank you so much, my lord!" the burly man said and went back inside the hut as another customer arrived.

"Let's head to the manor that I recently acquired!" the guy ordered the horse driver.

The driver nodded his head. "Aye, my lord!"

The carriage moved towards the east part of the town.

After one hour's journey, the carriage arrived at the outskirt of the next town.

The carriage entered the two-hectare gated property surrounded by towering trees and lush vegetation.

The horse driver opened the main door of the two-story manor.

The guy lifted the first woman from the floor. He carry her inside the house and deposited her on the couch in the living room.

The horse driver carried the other woman and entered the house. He placed her on the opposite couch.

"My lord, I will feed the horses with hay and water in the barn," the horse driver said.

"Go ahead," the guy replied with a nod of his head.

The horse driver exited the door quietly.

The guy opened the bottle and poured the contents into his palm. There are four oblong-shaped brown caplets, good for two-person only. He went to the first woman and dropped two caplets in her mouth. He repeated the same process to the other lady. He then freed their hands and feet from the ropes.

He lowered himself on the couch and waited for the two women to wake up.

Ten minutes later.

The women's eyelashes fluttered.

Ebony opened her eyes wide and stared at the high ceiling of the manor. Her brows knitted together. "W-where am I?"

"What is this place?" the other woman asked and looked at the strangers surrounding her.

Ebony's eyes drifted towards the guy sitting on the couch, he was looking at her intently. Her breath was caught in her throat. Oh, my gosh! She'd never seen such a handsome guy in her entire life!

Dang! Why does her heart melt into a puddle just looking at him?

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