The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 334 - Everything Shall End With Me!

"Grandma? Thanks God you're here! Come inside!" Evelyn said and opened the door wide.

Menedelia entered the room.

Evelyn closed the door and locked it. "Have a seat," she offered the chair.

Menedelia lowered herself on the chair and noticed how miserable Evelyn looked right now. "Where is the lord?" she asked.

Evelyn released a deep sigh. "He's going crazy trying to find our missing daughter, Angela. It breaks my heart seeing him so broken like this, and I can't sleep thinking about my daughter. I'm afraid of what Rigor have already done to her!" she lamented.

Sighing, Menedelia grasped Evelyn's hands. "I'm sorry to hear that..." she said, trying to console her friend. "By the way, I come here to tell you about the good news. Zero is finally out of danger. The couple will be returning here tomorrow. Their crisis is over temporarily, unless of course, that mysterious guy will start manipulating Nini's body and mind again."

Evelyn's face lighted up. "Thanks God! I'm happy to hear that! I will inform my husband that our son-in-law is already out of danger and the couple is returning home tomorrow," she said, her voice filled with gladness.

Menedelia smiled after she witnessed Evelyn's face brightened for a few minutes. But it didn't last long.

The expression on Evelyn's face darkened again. "Rigor will continue to manipulate Nini! That's why I need to confront him and put an end to his madness, once and for all!"

Menedelia sighed deeply. How can a weak human being like Evelyn stop Rigor's madness and revenge?

Evelyn cleared her throat. "Grandma, how about the offer I told you the other day? Would you come with me to that guy's place? I'm sure he hides my daughter there as hostage. He wants me to go there! I got to save my daughter!" she said in an agitated tone.

Menedelia was silent for a moment. Honestly, she's not ready yet to face the old witch. She does have some spells that she can use to protect herself and ward off enemies of lesser strength like humans, but this time it's different. Facing that witch who is responsible for her current condition will create havoc in her emotion. Honestly, she's not that overly confident yet.

"Grandma, please come with me! Help me to save my daughter!" Evelyn begged her.

Menedelia cleared her throat. "Um... we should tell your husband about it so that he can bring reinforcement and help us in rescuing Angela!" she suggested.

"No! I can't!" Evelyn shook her head vigorously.

"But why....?"

Evelyn sighed miserably. "Rigor won't spare my daughter! He will kill Angela if he will find out that I bring many people with me! His family is powerful and cunning, they will attack my husband and his men and kill them all! I just wan't to save my daughter alone without bringing lots of people with me who might die anytime because of my past. I want to face Rigor alone and beg him to release my daughter!"

"You will still go there-? What if Rigor demand that as long you stay with him, he will release Angela, what are you going to do?" Menedelia asked.

A glimmer appeared in Evelyn's eyes. "I will agree to his demand as long he will release my daughter safely!" she said in a determined tone.

"Whaaaat?" Menedelia's eyes widened in shock. "No, please don't do that, my lady! How am I going to explain everything to your husband? What to tell him if he ask me why you're not able to return?" she said in a horrified voice.

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"I have a plan. I'll tell you about it..." Evelyn said and whispered her plan in her ears.

Menedelia was shocked. "Whaaaat? Are you sure?" she asked in a petrified tone.

"Yes! Don't worry, while on captivity, I will find a way to escape Rigor's clutch!" Evelyn said bravely.

Menedelia doesn't like Evelyn's plan. "I don't think that's a good idea!" she said, shaking her head vigorously.

"Grandma, it's the only sound plan that I can think of right now. I'm desperate!" Evelyn insisted.

Menedelia sighed deeply.

"Unless you have a better plan than mine?" Evelyn asked.

Menedelia shook her head sadly. "I don't have a plan yet," she replied gloomily.

"It's okay, as long you will go with me, everything will be alright," Evelyn said confidently.

The room was enveloped with thick silence.

The only thing the women heard was their ragged breathing.

A few minutes later, Evelyn broke the silence. "Alright, I won't force you to come with me, Grandma. But I'm still hoping that you will help me with my plan!"

Menedelia breathed deeply. "Alright, I'll come with you!" she finally said.

Evelyn's face lighted up like a ray of sunshine illuminating the whole room. "Thank you so much, Grandma! You're heaven sent to me! I feel much better now that you will be there to take care of my daughter once she will be released by Rigor," she said.

"When are we going to start the journey?" Menedelia asked.

"The day after Nini and Zero returns here. I need them to be here to comfort my husband in case I can no longer return to his side," Evelyn replied.

"Why can't we inform the newlywed about your plan? Maybe they can help us!" Menedelia suggested.

Evelyn sighed. "Because I don't want more casualties. Since it's all related to my past, I should face it alone. It all started with me, it will end with me!" she declared.

Menedelia saw the fierce determination in Evelyn's eyes. It will be hard to stop her from returning to that abandoned manor and confront Rigor. She might as well be there to support her being her friend. "Alright, let's do it!"

"Let's start the journey after the couple is back," Evelyn said. "I'll instruct the kitchen staff to prepare a special dinner for them tomorrow. Please join us, it might be the last time we will see each other," she stated gloomily.

Menedelia nods her head. "Alright, I'll do as you say," she said.

"Thank you for agreeing with my plan, Grandma. It mean so much to me!" Evelyn said in a grateful voice.

"Don't mention it..." Menedeleia said.

Evelyn rose to her feet and took something from the closet. She gave the pouch to Menedelia. "Please accept this pouch, it's loaded with golden coins. It's my token of appreciation for your help," she said.

Menedelia sighed and refused the money. "No! I can't accept that. I will only accept it after we return safely."

Evelyn heaved a sigh. "There's no guarantee that I can return after confronting Rigor. You might as well accept it now," she insisted.

"If you still insist in giving me that money then I will no longer accompany you on the journey," Menedelia threatened her.

Evelyn sighed. "Okay. Just get the money if you needed it one day. I'll put it here," she said and showed Menedelia where she put the money under her old dresses.

They returned to the table.

"Let's go outside so that we can eat snack in the dining room," Evelyn spoke.

"After you, my lady," Menedelia replied.

The women stood up.

Suddenly they heard knocking on the door.

"My Lady... the lord has arrive!" the servant announced.

"Okay, I'm going down now," Evelyn replied and looked at her companion. "Let's go..." she said.

They walked to the door and exited the room.

They're descending the stairs when Tony and his son, Aron, entered the main door.

Evelyn rushed to her husband's side. "Good news! Zero is already out of danger. The couple will come home tomorrow!" she said.

Tony and Aron's faces lighted up. Huge relief washed over their faces.

"That's good news indeed!" Tony smiled.

"I'll go to my room to freshen up, Mother, Father," Aron said.

"Okay. Join us in the dining room, we will eat some snack," Evelyn said.

"Alright," Aron replied and climbed the stairs.

They settled comfortably in the living room.

Evelyn looked at her husband. "Any news about Angela?" she asked.

Tony shook his head. "Nothing so far. No lead, that's why I liken our situation to that of someone trying to find a needle in a haystack," he answered dejectedly.

Evelyn gently patted her husband's back, trying to console him. "Let's not lost hope. Sooner or later, we will find Angela and bring her home safely!" she said confidently.

"I hoped so," Tony responded in a dismal voice.

Evelyn and Menedelia looked at each other. Tony failed to see the women exchanging glances at each other.

The living room was enveloped with sadness.

Fifteen minutes later.

The servant announced. "The dining room is ready..." she said.

"Okay, inform my son that we're waiting for him in the dining room," Evelyn said.

"Yes, my lady," the servant replied and climbed the staircase.

Evelyn stood up. "Let's eat some snack!" she spoke.

The trio left the living room.

A moment later, Aron descended the stairs and joined his family in the dining room for a snack and chitchat.


A thousand miles away.

Inside one of the rooms of Corbin's manor.

Zero stared at Nini. "You look haggard, wife. There are circles under your eyes," he commended.

Nini sighed. "I can't sleep thinking about you. But now that you're already out of danger and your condition is already stable. I can finally feel at ease. I badly needed a long rest," she said and began yawning. She covered her mouth with her hands.

"Come here, sleep beside me in the bed. I'll watch over you," Zero ordered.

"Okay," Nini replied and climbed into the bed. She lay her body down beside her husband.

Zero planted a kiss on her forehead.

She raised a brow then giggled. She closed her eyes to sleep.

A few minutes later, Nini already drifted into a deep slumber beside her husband.

"Sleep well..." Zero whispered in her ears.. He wrapped the blanket around his wife's sleeping form and shut his eyes, joining his wife in the dreamland.

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