The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 336 - Friend Or Enemy?

~The Vampire Couple's Manor~

Late morning at 10:00.

Inside one of the rooms of the basement, where the unconscious body of Graven was located.

Nathan can be seen staring at the supposed to be a reincarnation of his great-great-grandfather, the thousand-year-old King Rhazien. His brows furrowed together in confusion. "Grandpa, why are you not waking up yet? Are you dead or alive? Based on what I have observed you're alive because you're breathing, your chest is moving up and down. But I have a feeling that your soul is trapped somewhere... the reason why you can't wake up. Am I right?" he said.

He observed the guy's fingers and feet for any signs of movement indicating that his voice was heard... still... nothing.

He lowered his head and whispered, "Mother said, that if you are not the reincarnation of our great-grandfather King Rhazien, she will kill you!"

Still, no movement from the unconscious guy's body.

He was shaking his head.

A few minutes later.

The door opened suddenly, Sylvia entered the room.

"Mother..." Nathan said.

"Still no sign on him waking up?" she asked.

Nathan shook his head and replied, "Nothing..."

"Okay. Let's go! Today is your first day to see the sun outside," Sylvia said excitedly.

Nathan's face beamed. "Yaay! I can't wait to see the world again!" he said and exited the room with his mother.

They went to the staircase and climbed the stairs.

A moment later.

They exited the door and arrived in the living room.

The mother and son duo marched towards the main door leading outside.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Nathan was thrilled to see the sun shining brightly in the sky above.

He rushed into the open air.

Only to flinch, "Ouch!"... when the ray of the sun touched his skin. He quickly retreated under the shade of the porch.

Sylvie looked at her son worriedly. "What's wrong, son?" she asked anxiously.

"Mother, my skin hurts painfuly when the sun hit my skin. I think if I stay much longer under the sun I'm going to turn into ashes," he said, examining his sensitive skin that's already turning red all over.

Sylvia's face contorted in dread, then her brows furrowed in bewilderment, trying to understand the effect of the sun on her son's skin. "Oh... I guess your skin is not use to the glare of the sun yet since you've been sleeping for a long time and you've been sheltered indoors for many years. Ah, son... we will just slowly expose your skin to the sun during the early morning so that your body and skin can get accustom to the sun and your whole system gradually adapt to it. Okay?"

Nathan's nodded his head sadly. "I understand Mother..." he said and lowered himself on the wooden chair. "I'll just stay here and watch the beautiful surrounding. This is so much better compared to staying inside the basement all day long and seeing nothing," he said.

Sylvia sat beside her son on the chair. "Do you like to drink something?" she asked.

"Just water, Mother," Nathan replied and stared at the statue of the mermaid standing tall in the middle of the fountain.

Sylvia looked at the servant standing nearby. "Bring a pitcher of water and glass here," she ordered.

"Aye, Madam!" the servant replied and entered the house to get the water from the kitchen.

Nathan glanced at his mother. "Why is it that Father and Brother Corbin always out of the house? I seldom see them," he said.

Sylvia sighed. "Ah, it's a long story, son. So many things happened when you fall asleep many years ago..." she said.

"Can you tell me about it, Mother?" Nathan asked curiously.

Sylvia looked at the horizon. "Well... it started long time ago. We help a couple bring their baby daughter back to life, hoping that the girl will become your grandfather's bride when he was supposed to use your body as a vessel for his reincarnation. I guess the vision that appeared in my mind is not clear and blurry, because when you wake up at present times... you reclaim your body and your grandfather has a new body. It's kind of pretty mess up. So, I don't believe in that old vision anymore," she explained.

"So... that baby girl is now a woman right? And she was supposed to be my grandfather's bride after he reincarnated into this world..."

"Yeah, that's right. Your father is trying to find Laura all over the land without success. She just vanished without a trace. We're supposed to feed you with her blood to awaken your grandfather's soul, however you suddenly woke up on your own, that changes everything!" Sylvia said.

"But now that I'm already awake, why did you still want to find that woman named Laura?" Nathan asked.

"Obviously, she's meant for your grandfather, not for you. So, we still have to continue finding her so that when your grandfather awakened we can directly fed her blood to him so that he can return successfuly to this world and become a powerful ruler once again," Sylvia said, still hoping that their clan can return to their former glory one day.

"I understand now. So, how about my brother Corbin? What is his story?" Nathan asked.

Sylvia shrugged. "He is busy finding his missing wife that is pregnant with their twins," she said.

Nathan's brows furrowed. "Huh? My brother got married already? But why his wife is missing? She got kidnapped by our enemies?"

Sylvia shook her head. "No. She just vanished and we can't find her. I don't understand why Rebecca would leave your brother when I saw with my eyes how much they love each other. That confused me until today..." she said, sighing deeply.

A frown appeared on Nathan's forehead. "My brother's wife's name is Rebecca?"

"Yeah, her name is Rebecca, a mysterious woman of demon origin!" Sylvia added more info.

"Oh, a demon woman. And what about the woman who is destined to be my grandfather's soulmate? What is her name again?" Nathan asked.

"Her name is Laura..." Sylvia replied.

"Hmm... Laura and Rebecca nice names!" Nathan commented.

Silence engulfed them for a moment.

Nathan cleared his throat. "Mother, when are you going to perform the ritual that would awaken grandfather's soul?" he asked.

Sylvia pondered the question for a moment and answered, "I'm waiting for the full moon to arrive. That is the perfect time to perform the ritual."

"Ah, okay. Can I watch your perform the ritual, Mother? I'm excited to witness grandfather coming back to life!" Nathan spoke eagerly.

"Sure, as long you stay silent the whole time during the ritual then there'll be no problem," Sylvia replied. "Don't worry, I'll inform you of the exact time I will perform the ritual..." she said.

"Thanks, Mother," Nathan spoke, then he asked, "Can I stay here a little bit longer?"

"Sure, enjoy the view," Sylvia said. "By the way, what specific dish you want to eat for lunch?" she inquired.

"Spicy fried chicken!" Nathan exclaimed.

"And what about the sauce?"

"A virgin's blood mixed with soy sauce and black pepper! Delicious!" Nathan said excitedly.

Sylvia smiled brightly. When she introduced her favorite fried chicken sauce to her son, it automatically became his favorite sauce as well. He won't eat fried chicken without the sauce. She rose to her feet. "Alright, I'll go to the kitchen and inform the cook about our request. If you need anything, just ask the servant's help and assistance," she said.

"Thanks, Mother! You're the best!" Nathan beamed.

Sylvia patted her son's head lovingly. She left the porch and entered the house, going to the kitchen. After instructing the cook, she went upstairs to her room.

Nathan remained seated on the porch in a relaxed manner, enjoying the open air.

He stayed on the porch until noontime.

Sylvia returned to the porch. "Son, where do you want to eat lunch? Here or in the dining room?" she asked.

"Let's just eat here, Mother. The weather is nice!" Nathan said.

"Sure!" Sylvia said and looked at the servant standing nearby. "Bring our lunch here," she ordered.

"Aye, Madam!" the servant replied and left.

A few minutes later.

Two servants carrying wooden trays arrived on the porch and set the table.

"Lunch is ready!" one of the servants announced.

Sylvia dismissed the servants and looked at her son. "Let's eat!" she said.

Nathan smiled and settled on the chair, salivating while staring at the spicy fried chicken. "Delicious!" he raved and picked up one drumstick and buried his teeth greedily into its spicy texture. "Wow, so spicy!" he said, his eyes twinkled.

Sylvia gazed at her son in amusement. She picked up one chicken wing and began eating her meal.


Inside one of the rooms in the basement.

Graven can hear stranger's voices talking above him but he can't move his body. It's been like that for a long time. The last thing he remembered before he lost consciousness was that he was having a fight with the cursed King and then total darkness enveloped the room, that was the last thing he remembered.

He thought he was already dead because Grandpa Terros won't hesitate to activate the formation that will destroy the whole castle. He thought he already perished along with the King. But it looks like he's still alive... but... why can't he move his body? He can't even open his eyes, all that he saw around him was total darkness.

As if something is holding him back, preventing him from breaking into the surface.

What the hell is going on!?

He heard the voices of the woman and the guy several times. They're talking about a lot of things. Sometimes he can't understand what they're talking about because their voices sound blurry to him.

Then he remembered his wife Laura! He misses her so much!

By now, she already learned of what happened to him, that if Horace followed his instruction.

He sighed inwardly.

He wants to open his eyes and find out where is this place and who are these people?

Are they his friend or enemy?

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