The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 369 - Without Mercy!

Done satisfying himself on Sylvia, Mehos left the secret room.

Sylvia was tormented inside after learning the truth that the soul occupying Nathan's body was not her son's soul.

Then who is it?

Who the hell is it!?

C-could it be that the soul inhabiting Nathan's body was that of the unconscious guy?

She remembered so well the day her son was resurrected.

She was so happy that her beloved son had come back from the dead that she never doubted him as an impostor!

But if he was an impostor - why did he know everything about his young son's favorite food? And what is the impostor's plan? Why he was taking over her son's body? What's his purpose?

Now that she's currently stuck in the netherworld, the soul who occupied her son's body can do anything he wishes.

He was getting worried about her husband and her son Corbin's well-being!

What if that impostor will do something bad to her family?

Dammit! She needs to go back home! She needs to return to the land of the living and confront that impostor!

She has to warn Zalvo and Corbin that Nathan is not real, he is an impostor!

But how to do it?


She's getting frustrated with her situation. Mehos's revelation shocked her to the core.

There's also a big chance that the impostor is not a bad soul and just wants a body to occupy. Hopefully so.

She needs to beg Mehos to set her free so that she can return home!

She needs to do it quickly because she feared that she might no longer have a family to go home to.

How can she be so stupid and let her guard down around Nathan? Why does she trust him right away? Why!?

Due to her overflowing happiness of having her son back, she accepts Nathan completely without any question!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

That's her fault and her weakness!

What she's going to do now!?

Sylvia spent the rest of her time blaming herself for trusting Nathan right away.

Such reckless move of hers!

'Where is that scoundrel Mehos!? I need to talk to him! I need to get out of hereeeeeee!'

'Get me out of hereeeeeeeeee!' Sylvia screamed at the top of her lungs.


Back in the Mortal Realm.

The brothers were eating dinner in the dining room.

Corbin eyed his younger brother. "Bro, what is your plan?" he asked.

Nathan looked at his brother, his brows knitted together. "What plan?"

"What is your plan with your life?" Corbin repeated.

"Ah, regarding my plan with my life?" Nathan smiled at the question.

"Yeah, that's what I mean. Are you going to work outside or just stay her and help our parents run the family business?" Corbin asked.

"Can I travel, bro? I love visiting different places and meet new people. Staying in one place is boring. Unfortunately, I can no longer walk under the sun because my skin will get roasted," Nathan said sadly.

"Oh, I also love travelling, going places every now and then! Regarding you skin condition, I think that would take a few months or years before your skin can get used to the rays of the sun again," Corbin said. "If mother is finally here, I will take you with me to travel to different places while finding my missing wife as well," he added.

Nathan raised a brow. "Brother, why would you torture yourself in finding your missing wife? She's the one who leave your side, right?"


"So, why don't you just stop finding her everywhere and just wait for the time when she will return to your side. She was the one who left you, she should know how to return to your side. Besides, there are many women in the world to chose from. Why wait patiently for someone who already left? While you can find any woman you like," Nathan suggested.

"Y-you want me to find another woman as replacement for my wife?" Corbin asked in disbelief.

"Yes, only if you want. I'm telling you this... to let you know that you have another option instead of going crazy finding your missing runaway wife," Nathan stated.

Corbin sighed heavily. "That would be easy to do, but I love my wife so much and she was pregnant already with our twins. I just can't give up my family just like that. I will continue finding them 'till my last breath," he declared in a gloomy voice.

Nathan nodded his head. "Ah, okay, I understand where you coming from, bro. I hope you will find your wife, soon! If mother finally returns, I will help you find your family," he volunteered.

"Thank you, bro!" Corbin smiled, pleased with his brother's willingness to help him find his missing family.

"By the way, where is Father right now?" Nathan asked.

"He's busy finding Laura's whereabouts. Once Grandpa's soul is finally back, he needs to drink Laura's blood to regain his full power. Without Laura's blood, he won't be as powerful as he used to be 1000 years ago," Corbin explained.

"I see... But why it's so hard to find this Laura?" Nathan asked.

Corbin shook his head and said, "I dunno. I also used to help them find Laura but after my wife went missing I can no longer help our father find her. Then mother was also busy with the family business. The three of us were carrying different responsibilities on our shoulder."

"Once Mother is back. I'll help you guys find Laura and Rebecca!" Nathan said.

Corbin smiled. "That would be nice!"

The brother resumed eating their dinner.

After they finished eating, they retreated to the veranda to enjoy the lovely night.


Back at the Realm of the Dead.

Docor returned to the Soul Mast Tower and finally caught up with Mehos.

They settled comfortably inside the VIP room.

"Mate, it's nice to see you again!" Mehos said, smiling cordially.

"It nice to be here again!" Docor replied.

Mehos eyed his friend and asked, "What can I do for you?"

"I'm here for one reason only. Although I already asked around still no one can answer my questions," Docor said.

"Tell me what is it? Maybe I can help you..." Mehos stated.

"This is about the woman whom we both know and both closer to us," Docor said.

A deep frown appeared on Mehos's forehead. "What woman? Tell me who is this woman?" he asked, pretending he didn't know.

"Sylvia arrived to my place the other day," Docor began his narration.

"Really? What she's doing here in the netherworld?" Mehos asked.

"She's trying to find the missing soul of her great-great grandfather the vampire King Rhazien. So, I give her my pass so that she can access the two towers freely and inquire about her grandfather's soul," Docor explained.

"Ah, okay. So, where is Sylvia now?" Mehos inquired.

"That's my biggest problem right now, on the way to Pinaccale Tower, they were ambush and Sylvia was abducted by the rebels. One of my trusted men, her escort, died during the attack," Docor elaborated further.

"You come here to ask for my help in finding her?" Mehos said.

"Yeah, I'm also here to ask you directly. Did Sylvia arrived here first? Did you see her before she disappeared?" Docor asked.

Mehos shook his head. "I didn't know that Sylvia is here. As far as I know she will always come to you first to ask your assistance. She seldom come here to my place for a visit. We didn't see each other before she disappear. But I'm willing to send some of my men to help you find Sylvia," he offered.

"Thank you, mate!" Docor said.

Mehos asked, "So, when will your men starts searching for Sylvia? I will send my men over to your place."

"You can send them anytime to my place. The more people find Sylvia, the earlier we can find her!" Docor stated.

"Alright, I'll organize a search party to assist your men. Sylvia is also my friend. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask my help and assistance. Okay?" Mehos spoke.

"Got it, thanks! I'll take my leave now," Docor said and rose to his feet. "I'll keep you updated with the progress of our joint effort in finding Sylvia, our common friend," he added.

"Yes, please. Let's hope for the best!" Mehos said.

A few minutes later, Docor vanished from the VIP room.

Mehos was left alone in the room, contemplating his next plan. As of the moment, he can only humor Docor and pretend that he's very supportive of finding their old friend Sylvia. He has to do it to maintain his innocence. He doesn't want Docor to suspect him. If he will help Docor willingly then he will not suspect him as the one who abducted Sylvia.

If Docor can't find Sylvia despite all his efforts, then he will give up sooner or later.

Mehos left the room to organize a search party for Sylvia and afterward send them to Docor's place.

One hour later.

Mehos finished with his task and went back to the secret room located inside the Soul Mast Tower.

He watched Sylvia's body lying on the bed. Her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling, no emotion on her face. He turned her into a living doll. He can't allow her to talk right now because she will keep pestering him to let her go and he doesn't like that. Besides, he hated excessive noise and Sylvia would do just that, nag at him all the time. It's better this way, there's only silence between them. He can do anything with her body and hear no complaints from her.

What a perfect setup for the two of them just the way he like it to be!

He lay his body down on the bed and starts kissing Sylvia's lips passionately.


Sylvia was furious, she went crazy with anger every time Mehos kissed her lips and touch her body. The moment she can escape this place, she will kill Mehos without mercy!

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