The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 384 - To The Moon

Veronica observed the deity's reaction to Grandpa's question.

Elva was silent for a moment pondering about Laura's request.

A few minutes later, she finally said, "I have no problem if she will come here to visit her husband, but she must wait for the time I will allow her to come here so that she won't interfere with Graven's healing process," she replied.

Terros nods his head. "I already told Laura about the importance of Graven's treatment, therefore she already know that she can't visit here everyday. She's fine with one or twice visits a week," he stated.

"That's good...." Elva spoke.

Terros cleared his throat and asked, "Um... when will you allow Laura to come here for her first visit?

Veronica looked at the deity wanting to hear her answer.

Elva went silent for a few seconds and finally said, "Tomorrow, if you can bring Laura here, then much better..." she said.

Terros smiled. "Thank you so much, Elva!" he said in a grateful tone.

"Don't mention it," Elva replied and changed the topic. "You can sleep comfortably on the vacant bed. This room was also equip with a toilet so you don't need to leave the room all the time. I feel at ease that Graven has someone by his side to watch over him every night."

"I'm glad to be of help to make your responsibilities a bit lighter. Girls, Just sleep well at night, I'll take care of Graven," Terros assured them.

"Okay... that's settled. I'm going to my room now and take a rest. So far, there's no reaction yet from Graven's side," Elva said. "Tomorrow, after Laura left, I will administer another medicine. I hope we can finally see some good result in the coming days," she added, feeling hopeful.

Elva walked to the door.

"Um... Elva... Can Laura bring one more person with her when she come here for a visit?" Terros asked anticipating that Rebecca might insist to go with Laura. Therefore he needs to ask permission first.

Elva raised a brow. "Who is this person?" she asked curiously.

"It's Rebecca, Graven's adopted sister," Terros replied.

Elva shrugged. "Okay. Only two person at a time, and they're the only visitor I'm going to accept this week," she said and exited the door.

"Perfect!" Terros finally released his breath as huge relief washed over him.

Veronica smiled. "I'm kind of thinking that Elva won't allow Laura to visit her husband this week. When she agreed and even allowed Rebecca to come along for the visit, I'm super impressed!"

"The goddess is indeed kind and a compassionate deity. I only have high respect for her. I just hope she won't change considering that...that..." Terros didn't finish his sentence.

"I hope so. Tomorrow - what will happen when the two women finally meet each other?" Veronica said, feeling a bit skeptical.

"Laura didn't know everything, only you and Elva know the secret. Don't count me, I know nothing," Terros said with a grin.

Veronica went to Terros's side and spoke in a low voice, "What if Laura will get suspicious? The goddess is also pregnant... What will you tell her if she ask who is the father of Elva's unborn child?"

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Terros shrugged. "Well, I'll just tell her that the deity fell in love with a human guy and decided not to continue her relationship with him. Then she finally broke up with him and decided to raise her child alone. That's the most believable lie I can come up with. The same lie I told Luke when he asked me a few hours ago who is the father of Elva's baby," he stated.

"Ah, I see... that's indeed a believable lie. Besides, the deity's love life and private life is nobody business, right?" Veronica said.

"Correct!" Terros agreed with a thumb up. "As long Laura doesn't know that her husband fathered Elva's baby then everything will be alright..." he whispered.

A few minutes later, after their discussion.

They realized something...


Together, Terros and Veronica looked at Graven, their eyes widened in shock as awareness dawned on them.

"Oh, no! What the...!" Veronica covered her mouth in absolute horror.

"Shiit Sherlock! This is what we got when we starts gossiping other people's lives!" Terros sighed heavily and scratches his head, annoyed that he spill the beans and Graven might already know the truth by now that he is the father of Elva's unborn child. He lowered his head and whispered the words in Graven's ear. "Son, I hope you didn't hear everything. We're just joking...okay? Don't believe everything you hear from us. We're just discussing some..." he cut his statement short. He knows that Graven probably already heard his conversation with Veronica. It's no use lying again. "Son, when you wake up, let's talk about what you hear form us, okay? Don't rush... I'll explain everything..."

Veronica and Terros scratched their heads in a frustrated manner. The secret that they've been trying to hide was accidentally revealed to Graven today. The damage is already done!

"Let's hope that he didn't' hear anything..." Veronica said.

"Me too..." Terros replied with a troubled sigh. If Elva will know about this, she will get mad at Veronica for revealing her secret to him, and next, then she will get mad at both of them for revealing her secret to Graven. "Damn, what have we done!?"

Veronica breathed deeply. "I'll get out of here..." she said and patted Grandpa's shoulder before she exited the room.

Terros was left alone in the room, staring at Graven's unconscious form. He lowered his head and whispered. "Son, are you excited? Laura and Rebecca will come here to visit you. They will stay here the whole day..." he told him the good news.

Terros spent a few minutes sighing. Honestly, this is one big secret that shouldn't reach Graven's ear.

Once Elva knows, she might distance herself from them in the future. Damn! He regretted being a nosy body. He scolded himself over and over again.


Graven heard everything in his dark prison wall.

He was stunned after discovering that he was the father of Elva's unborn child.

He couldn't believe it! He can't remember making love to Elva.

Never, even in his dreams!

The deity didn't even show any signs of attraction towards him during the whole time they're together in the past. This new revelation puzzled and confused him a lot.

Then how come?

After racking his brain - he finally remembered one time in his life when he was gone missing for one week, and Terros told him that maybe a deity fancied him and deceived him by disguising as his wife, Laura.

That was just like a dream to him and he had quickly forgotten about it because it never happen again. So many things have transpired in his life after that one particular perplexing incident.

So... the mysterious entity who deceived and make love to him for one whole freaking week is Elva!?


He was furious at first.

But after thinking about it, he got a mixed reaction. Should he be angry at Elva for kidnapping him? deceiving him? and taking advantage of his body?

Should he have the right to hate and punish the same person who helped him and his men escape the cursed King's clutches. And now, Elva was trying her best to save him from his current situation.

Should he be mad at the person who saves his life over and over again?

Things are getting pretty much messed up right now!

He was confused as hell!


That night.

Terros sleep soundly on the vacant bed in the healing room.

In the middle of the night, he would wake up from time to time to check on Graven's condition.

Hours went by.

Outside the house...

Finally, the dawn is breaking on the horizon.

A new day has begun.

At 7:00 in the morning, Veronica woke up and began performing her kitchen duties, preparing food and etcetera.

One hour later.

Veronica informed Grandpa Terros and Elva that breakfast is ready.

A few minutes later, they gathered at the dining table and eat breakfast together.

While eating breakfast, Terros looked at the deity. "After breakfast, I will go and fetch Laura and Rebecca and bring them here. Will that be okay with you, Elva?" he asked.

"No problem!" Elva replied.

"Thank you," Terros said.

Half an hour later.

Finished eating, Elva left the kitchen and went to the healing room to check on Graven's condition.

"I better get going and bring the ladies here - before the deity change her mind," Terros spoke.

Veronica nods her head. "Elva seems to be in a good mood today. It's unlikely that she will change her mind," she assured him.

"Okay, I'll take my leave now. Thanks for the breakfast, daughter!" Terros said and rose to his feet. "Regarding our conversation last night..."

"For the good of everyone involved, let's no longer talk about it!" Veronica finally said.

"Agree!" Terros released a deep sigh and gave Veronica a thumb up.

After drinking a glass of water, Terros vanished from the kitchen and teleported to Graven's manor.

He landed in the living room which is currently empty. He went to the kitchen to find a servant. He saw the cook cleaning the table. "Good morning!" he conveyed his greeting.

"Good morning, Grandpa!" the cook replied cheerfully.

"Can you please inform the lady and Rebecca that I'm here. Tell them that I have good news for them," Terros said politely.

"Okay, Grandpa!" the cook stopped her chores and left the kitchen, going to the second floor of the house.

Terros returned to the living room and settled comfortably on the sofa.

A few minutes later.

The whole family including Rebecca went down the stairs - expecting good news from Grandpa Terros.

"Good morning everyone!" Terros greeted them cheerfully.

"Good morning Grandpa!" they replied in unison.

"I'm excited to hear the good news!" Laura looked expectantly at Terros. "What is it, Grandpa?" she asked excitedly.

"I told the deity about your request to visit your husband at her place and she agreed. That's why I'm here to fetch you girls," Terros replied and looked at Rebecca. "She allowed you and Laura to visit graven today at her home. Girls, you can stay there until 5:00 in the afternoon," he said.

Laura and Rebecca looked at each other, an expression of excitement and happiness was flashing in their eyes.

"We'll go back upstairs to get dressed, Grandpa. Please, wait for us!" Laura said happily.

Terros smiled. "Okay. Take your time, ladies!" he said.

Fifteen minutes later.

The women descended the staircase carrying small bags in their hands.

"We're ready!" Laura and Rebecca said in chorus after their feet landed on the floor.

Terros stood up and smiled. "Alright, Ladies... hold my hands and I'll fly you to the moon!" he joked.

Laura and Rebecca giggled, they grabbed Grandpa Terros's hands excitedly and they vanished from the living room a few seconds later.

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