The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 393 - Let's Try It!

Terros was pacing back and forth in the living room of Graven's manor.

Laura looked at him, her brows knitted together. "Grandpa, why don't you sit down?" she said.

Terros smiled and lowered himself on the couch.

"You told me that Rebecca ran into her husband, you mean - Corbin the vampire?" she asked.

"How did you know the name of Rebecca's husband?" Terros asked, his eyes widened in surprise.

"I know, because Rebecca told me about his husband..." Laura said.

"Really-? How much you know? I mean, Rebecca told you everything about Corbin's identity?" Terros asked.

"Yeah. I know everything about Corbin," Laura responded.

"So, you know that he is the son of that vampire woman who is chasing after you?" Terros asked.

"Yeah, Rebecca told me everything. That's the reason why she left her husband's side because Corbin is our enemy. I actually pity Rebecca because she love her husband but she can't be together with him. I realized it must be so hard for her to carry the pain of their separation in her heart especially that she is pregnant with their twins," Laura said with a heavy sigh, feeling deeply sorry for her friend.

Terros took a deep breath. "I sympathize with Rebecca, her situation is very hard indeed!" he agreed with Laura's statement.

"So - Rebecca is with her husband right now?" Laura asked again.

"Yeah," Terros replied with a nod of his head.

"How about Grandma Menedelia? Did you able to discuss Graven's condition with her before Corbin arrived?" Laura asked.

"Yeah, we did discuss about Graven's condition a little bit but when Corbin arrived in the middle of our conversation - we both disappear from the area to gave the couple some privacy," Terros replied. "Actually, when I saw Corbin I was shocked because he is the son of that vampire couple who captured us and imprisoned us in the basement of their manor. I was even more shock after learning that he was Rebecca's husband. I don't know what to do so I teleport here right away before he notice my presence," he added.

"So, you lost Granny Menedelia?" Laura asked.

"Well, we kind of parted ways without saying goodbye to each other due to Corbin's untimely arrival. But I'm sure that after talking to her husband, Rebecca will return here together with Menedelia because she's deeply worried of Graven's condition," Terros said.

"I hope so. Wishing they will come today so that Granny Menedelia can see my husband's condition. Maybe she can do something for him," Laura said wistfully.

"Let's hope for the best..." Terros said. He was rubbing his jaw. "Um... I want to ask you something..."

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"Go ahead, what is it Grandpa?" Laura said.

"Why Rebecca called Menedelia Grandma when the woman is obviously young to be called Grandma? That really puzzled me," Terros said, confused.

Laura smiled. "Ah, that was also my confusion when I saw Grandma Menedelia for the first time. It's actually a long story..." she said.

"Alright, make it short then..." Terros said curiously.

"Okay. To make a long story short, Menedelia was cursed by a witch. The witch turned her into an old woman when she was still in her teenage years, then something happened recently, she and the witch met again and her youthful looks was restored by the witch. Rebecca used to call her Grandma because they've meet when Menedelia is already an old woman. The rest is history..." Laura ended her narration.

Terros smiled brightly. "Ah, I see... Thank you for enlightening my confused mind, child..." he stated.

"Don't mention it, Grandpa," Laura spoke.

A few minutes later.

Rebecca and Menedelia landed in the living room to Laura's delight.

"Here they are!" Laura said happily.

Terros felt relieved.

Rebecca looked at Terros. "I'm sorry what happened earlier in the manor, Grandpa. The guy you see hugging me was my husband, his name is Corbin," she confessed.

"It's okay, child. I hope you feel better after seeing him," Terros said.

Rebecca smiled. "I did, thank you!" she replied.

"Girls, are you ready to go with me to the Windless Mountain?" Terros asked, wanting to return to the mountain right away.

"Sure!" Rebecca replied excitedly. She went to Laura's side and gave her a quick hug. "Let's hope that Granny can help Graven," she said.

Laura nods her head, tears glistening in her eyes. She looked at Menedelia. "Thank you, for coming, Granny!" she said.

Menedelia smiled. "Don't mention it. I will do my best to help Graven, but I can't guarantee anything," she said.

"It doesn't matter, your presence give me a little bit of hope," Laura told Menedelia.

Terros rose to his feet. "Alright, girls, let's go now to the Windless Mountain! Hold my hands and I'll bring you there to our destination," he said and extended her hands to the ladies.

Rebecca and Menedelia hold Terros's arms and he whisked them away into the Windless Mountain.

The trio vanished from the living room a few seconds later.

Rosa went to Laura's side. "Why you didn't go with them, daughter?" she asked.

"I want them to focus on healing Graven. Since there's nothing I can do to help them then it's better that I will stay here. Besides, the place will get crowded already," Laura explained.

"Ah, okay. I got it. If I'm in your shoes, I will do the same. Let's just wait for the result then, I'm sure Rebecca and Terros will return here to bring us good news," Rosa said.

"Go with me, Mother. I'm going to the garden to breath fresh air and look at the blooming flowers in the garden," Laura said. She needs to do something to occupy her mind. It's nerve-wracking to think about her husband's perplexing condition. It made her anxious all the time, fearing that Graven will pass away anytime.

"Okay, let's go," Rosa said.

The women left the living room and went to the back of the house where the garden was located.



The trio landed at the terrace of Windless Mountain.

During that time, Elva was relaxing on the rattan chair, admiring the serene landscape.

"Goddess, the ladies are here!" Terros announced.

Elva nods at Rebecca, her brows knitted together. "Where is Grandma Menedelia?" she asked, after noticing that there was no presence of an old woman with them.

Menedelia smiled. "That would be me. They called me Granny, the only Grandma that is young at heart," she joked.

Elva smiled and looked at Rebecca. "Seriously-?"

Rebecca nodded her head as a sign of confirmation. "Yeah, she is my Granny Menedelia in flesh!"

"Oh, really?" Elva smiled in amusement, looking at the young Grandma.

"It's a long story. To make it short... I was cursed by a witch during my teenage years. The witch turned me into an old woman and recently we met again, then she restored my original youthful look. Rebecca and I meet when I'm in my Grandma look and she fondly calls me Grandma or Granny from that moment onward. The rest is history..." Menedelia elaborated further.

"Ah, I see... so that's your story. I find it interesting and fascinating!" Elva smiled brightly. She rose to her feet and looked at Terros and Rebecca. "Should I bring Menedelia to the healing room now? Or she still want to rest here in the terrace for a few minutes?"

"I want to see Graven's condition first and then we will have a discussion after I see him," Menedelia answered.

"Alright, follow me, dear," Elva said and walked towards the entrance of the house.

The women disappeared inside the house.

Rebecca looked at Terros. "Aren't you joining them, Grandpa?" she asked.

"I'll go there now, how about you?" he said.

"I'll just wait here and admire the view," Rebecca replied.

"Okay," Terros said and walked towards the door.

Rebecca was left alone on the terrace.

Sighing, she stared at the tranquil surrounding, feeling a little bit of peace enveloping her senses. She needs to be alone for a while, to think about her husband Corbin and their imminent reconciliation. She needs to do some reflection on how her life would change if she will live with her husband under one roof.

Will their marriage work?

She was worried about that issue.

She released a deep sigh.


In the healing room.

Elva and Menedelia went to the bed.

Graven was lying on the bed covered by a white blanket.

"As you can see... Graven has been like this ever since he was captured by the enemy and remained the same after the rescue. His skin color and his breathing is normal. The only thing that bothered me is that he's not waking up yet, and no movement on his body whatsoever. He's like a living dead. His spirit seems to be somewhere unable to reconnect with his body or it's trapped somewhere in the deepest part of his consciousness. That's only our theory. It could be something else..." Elva gave a lengthy explanation.

Menedelia finally saw Graven after a long time. "He's not dead yet but unable to move or speak. Hmm, what could be the problem? Rebecca told me that you have given him some elixir medication lately. How's the result?" she asked.

"I did fed him my home made herbal medicine, then afterward a black liquid with a nasty smell came out from his nose, mouth and ears. After all the black liquid was flushed out from his system, his whole body suddenly turned black and he stopped breathing. He looks dead to us, so I ordered Terros to bring his twin Luke here, to execute fresh blood transfusion on the spot, but before that... I fed him with the elixir of life," Elva replied.

"So... after feeding his body with the elixir of life and the fresh blood transfusion, what happened next?" Menedelia inquired.

"Several hours after that, his heart start beating normally again and his skin color return to normal as well," Elva answered.

"I see... his body and breathing is normal, only his soul is is absent from his body. The question is how to bring his soul back to his body?" Menedelia commented casually.

"That's the right question to ask!" Elva nodded her head. "Do you have a way? Or can you recommend a solution to put an end to Graven's baffling condition?"

Menedelia stared at Graven's face and said, "Hmm, I have a way but I'm not sure what the result will be if we try it..."

"No problem.. Let's try it! So we will know what the result will be," Elva said. "Can you discuss it with me?"

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