The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 396 - Favorite Part!

Rebecca landed in the living room of Graven's manor.

A housemaid was currently sweeping the floor.

"Where is Laura?" Rebecca asked.

"She's in the backyard, relaxing in the garden together with her mother and sister. Do you want me to inform them that you're here?" the maid offered.

"Ah, no need. I'll go there myself, just continue cleaning," Rebecca said and left the living room going in the direction of the backyard.

When she arrived there. Laura was sitting on the rocking chair facing the fountain, wearing an anxious expression on her face.

Laura saw Rebecca approaching the garden. She stood up. "You're back! How it's going? Did Granny Menedelia succeeded in rescuing my husband back to life?" she asked excitedly.

Rebecca smiled broadly. "Yessss! Graven is back in good condition! Thanks to Granny and Grandpa's ritual. He can finally talk and move his body! Awesome, right?" she spoke animatedly.

"Amazing! I'm so happy right now! I'm going to cry a river!" Laura shouted in glee. Huge relief washed over her. The heavy load that she had been carrying for a long time was lifted from her shoulder in the blink of an eye.

Rosa and Sofia looked at each other with tears in their eyes. They'd never seen Laura looking so happy after a long time of suffering from mental and emotional torture due to Graven's condition.

"Thanks God it's finally over!" Rosa said joyfully.

"It's a fantastic news! One that is already long time coming!" Sofia commented delightfully, very much happy for her suffering sister and her brother-in-law.

Laura broke down in her mother's arms overwhelmed by so much happiness that engulfed her mind and heart.

Sofia rubbed her sister's back gently. "Let's have a big feast today! Let's celebrate brother-in-laws safe return!" she said jubilantly.

Laura nodded her head. "Okay, go to the kitchen and inform the cook to prepare delicious dishes for tonight's dinner. Let's celebrate my husband's home coming soon!" she replied.

"Okie dokie!" Sofia left the garden in high spirit.

After she's finished crying, Laura looked at Rebecca. "When can I see my husband?" she eagerly asked.

"The deity told me after two weeks because Graven needs to recover well before going home," Rebecca joked, projecting a serious face.

Laura's face turned sad, she was disappointed for a moment. "It's okay, never mind. What matter most to me right now is that my husband is already back to his old self. I'm willing to wait even one whole month now that I know that he is alive and recovering well," she said without a hint of urgency in her voice.

Rebecca smiled and grinned. "I'm just joking! The deity agreed to my request to bring you to the Windless Mountain right now so that you can see your husband!"

"OMG! Take me there now!" Laura said excitedly.

"Okay, as you wish, my dear!" Rebecca said.

Laura looked at her mother. "I'll return here tonight, Mother. I just want to see my husband because I miss him so much! Just go ahead and eat dinner if I can't return on time," she said.

"Okay. Go now, daughter!" Rosa replied.

Laura and Rebecca hold each other's hands. A few seconds later, they vanished from the garden.

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Rosa left the garden to return to the house and inform her husband about the good news.

She arrived at the house, entered the living room, and climbed the stairs going to the bedroom upstairs. She found her husband waking up from his nap. "Husband! I have a good news for you!" she said happily.

"What is the good news?" Simon asked excitedly.

"Granny Menedelia successfully brought Graven back! He can speak and move his body now. He is currently recuperating in the deity's home!" Rosa said jubilantly.

"That's great! I'm so happy to hear that my son-in-law is finally back alive and well! Our daughter would appreciate it very much! Where is Laura? Let's inform her the good news!" Simon said, getting off from the bed.

"No need, she already know about it. Rebecca was the one who informed us the good news. As of this moment, she and Laura went back to the Windless Mountain to see Graven," Rosa explained.

Simon smiled broadly. "That's good! I'm happy for the couple's reunion! I wish to see Graven soon in flesh!" he said delightfully.

The couple gazed at each other's faces happily.


Laura and Rebecca finally arrived at the Windless Mountain and landed on the terrace.

Veronica and Elva were currently there, sitting on their favorite chairs.

"We're finally here!" Rebecca announced.

"Hello, Laura! Nice to see you again!" Elva greeted her.

"Hello, Elva! I'm glad to be here!" Laura replied pleasantly.

Elva looked at Rebecca. "Go ahead. Bring Laura now to her husband!" she said with a smile.

"Thanks goddess!" Rebecca spoke.

"Don't mention it!" Elva smiled genuinely at Graven's lovely wife.

Laura returned the deity's smile.

Rebecca grabbed Laura's hands. "Let's go! I can't wait to see you reunited with your husband!" she said excitedly.

The two women entered the door quickly and went to the healing room.

When they entered the room Terros and Graven were talking seriously to each other.

Graven's eyes widened in happiness seeing his beloved wife after a long time, he stood up and opened his arms wide.

"Husband!" Laura rushed to his side, tears of happiness rolling on her face.

"Wife, I miss you so much!" Graven hugged his wife tightly, he was kissing her head and looking deeply into her eyes.

Laura can't speak - overwhelmed with happiness.

It was a joyous and very emotional reunion for the couple.

Terros and Rebecca looked at each other, tears of gladness shimmering in their eyes.

They left the room, giving the couple some private moments to catch up with each other. They went to the living room and start a pleasant conversation there.


At the terrace.

Veronica observed Elva's face, looking for signs of jealousy in her eyes. "Are you not feeling jealous of the couple?" she whispered in the deity's ears.

Elva looked at her, frowning. "Why should I? I already accepted long ago that the couple love each other so much. I just have a momentary weakness of having a crush towards Graven and give in to my whim foolishly, but then I also realized that breaking up the couple just because I want to be happy is not ideal 'coz the truth is - I could never have Graven's love, and I don't want to pretend that he could learn to love me someday. It's better this way, I have his child growing inside my tummy without him knowing it. So, from now on, let's not talk about this issue. Okay-?"

Veronica smiled brightly. "Hats off to you! You impressed me, Elva!"

"I'm genuinely happy for the couple! I really do!" Elva spoke seriously, then she stood up. "Alright, let's go back to the kitchen and start cooking the dishes that we have already prepared earlier."

Rebecca rose to her feet and responded merrily. "Okie dokie!"

The women entered the door and went to the kitchen to resume their cooking preparation.

Back in the healing room.

The couple shared a passionate kiss on the lips that lasted for a few minutes.

After the kiss, they looked at each other's eyes tenderly.

Graven caresses his wife's tummy lovingly. "Baby, father is back! Give me a shout out please. I mean a kick, please?" he said, grinning in amusement.

As if the fetus understood its father's request, it gave three kicks in the area of Laura's tummy where Graven's hands were resting.

"Wow! Thank you, baby! Father is happy now!" Graven chuckled in amazement.

Laura gazed at Graven's face adoringly. "It's nice to see you again and hear your voice, husband! You have no idea how happy I am right now," she said, beaming brightly.

Graven planted a kiss on Laura's lips. "Same with me. From now on, we shall never be separated from each other again!" he spoke in a determined voice.

"Hopefully so!" Laura said.

Graven breathed deeply and looked at Menedelia's sleeping form. "After all that happened, I'm just glad that I was able to come back alive. Thanks to this woman who performed the ritual together with Grandpa. They sent three powerful lights into my subconscious and successfully pulled me out from the dark room that imprisoned me for a long time," he said gratefully.

Laura went to Menedelia's side, her brows knitted together. "Why she's still sleeping?" she asked, confused.

"She got tired when she entered my subconscious using her soul to find me. She told Grandpa that she will sleep for a while to recuperate," Graven replied.

"Ah, okay. Will she be alright?" Laura asked worriedly.

"Yes, of course!" Graven replied with a nod of his head.

"Good!" Laura said. "Can we go outside to the terrace for a moment? The view is spectacular there. I want to admire the view with you by my side," she stated.

"Alrighty," Graven responded and hold his wife's hand.

The couple left the healing room, holding each other hands, and went to the terrace.

They were joined by Terros and Rebecca a few minutes later. While Veronica and Elva were busy cooking dishes in the kitchen for their guests.

Laura and Graven sat beside each other on the wooden bench, watching the birds flying in the sky amidst the magnificent backdrop of the sea of clouds and mountain tops.

Laura smiled brightly. "This is such a beautiful place!"

"Yes, indeed!" Graven agreed and planted a kiss on his wife's head.

Terros and Rebecca went back to the healing room to check on Menedelia.

Rebecca went to the bed and stared at Menedelia's face. "Granny! Wake up! Why are you not waking up yet? You're scaring me!" she said worriedly.

Minutes went by, still no response coming from Menedelia.

Rebecca looked at Terros. "Grandpa, why Granny is not waking up yet? What could be the problem?" she asked anxiously.

Terros went to the bed and observed Menedelia's breathing. "She's breathing normally. She looks okay. No need to panic and worry. Your Grandma is resting well. She will wake up later," he replied in a reassuring manner.

Sighing, Rebecca grabbed a chair and lowered herself on it. "I'll watch over Granny until she wakes up," she said, very much concerned about her well-being.

"Okay, I'll accompany you here. Let's watch over Menedelia together," Terros said and lowered himself on the chair.

Fifteen minutes later.

Suddenly... Menedelia's eyelids fluttered and her eyes opened wide.

Rebecca's heart leaped with joy. "Granny! I'm so glad that you are awake now! I'm so afraid that you will sleep for a long time just like what happened to Graven. Good thing I'm wrong!" she blabbered happily.

Menedelia looked at the vacant bed beside her and smiled brightly. "I guess, the lights succeeded in rescuing Graven, eh?" she commented.

"Yeah! Graven is awake now and he's in the terrace together with Laura," Rebecca replied cheerfully.

"Good! I manage to sleep well. I'm feeling refreshed and energize now, but I'm also feeling hungry!" Menedelia stated with a smile.

The door opened, Veronica entered. "Guys, dinner time!" she announced, smiled at Menedelia and left the room.

Menedelia grinned. "Nice! I wake up just in time for my favorite part, eating!"

They erupted in merry laughter.

The trio left the room and joined the others in the dining room.


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